1 hour ago•••
For far too long we’ve zapped away value for our dankest memes. We’ve lost the United States millions and millions only to have our rarest of pepes go to Mexico, Canada and Gyna.
2 hours ago•••
I remember having conversations with friends who said "if it's that big of an idea, wouldn't governments find a way to stop it."
It was very hard to argue the point to someone with zero hours in bitcoin
Now we have the US government with an executive order re bitcoin and a crypto summit at the White House tomorrow
And some bitcoiners are still bitching
9 hours ago•••
guys I tried to do a back bend and it did not go well for me
13 hours ago•••
Good morning nostr 👑
Dig deep for some energy today.
We'll never get this day back.
14 hours ago•••
15 hours ago•••
Feeling the synchronicity flowing ♾️
23 hours ago•••
What's the one thing that all nostr users have in common?
Besides bitcoin.
28 hours ago•••
There's like zero zaps this morning. Just a bunch of emojis. 🤔 Damn you, cashu!
28 hours ago•••
Thinking about getting a typewriter
Then I’m thinking, fuck it Ima just put pen to pad
Fuck a hard drive
2 days ago•••
The ATO employs 3 times as many people per capita than the IRS does. And that's before the IRS are going to sack 50% of their workers!
We need to start looking at our own backyard, Australia! WTF do these pen pushers even do?
2 days ago•••
Arnie NEVER barks at anything or anyone
But he does not like the balloon 😆 https://v.nostr.build/PLLSScfAPaUMj3GU.mp4
2 days ago•••
Good morning nostr 👑
If you thought 2020-2024 was wild
As our Canadian legends BTO would say,
You ain't seen nothin' yet
2 days ago•••
sometimes you do your best but your best just isn’t that great and I’m here to remind you that that’s ok sometimes because I also need the reminder myself. gn.
3 days ago•••
Bitcoiners are the best kind of people.
We're in the right spot.
3 days ago•••
GM ☀️☕️ Happy Fiat Mining Monday