8 minutes ago•••
#sextou is a Brazilian Portuguese slang term that refers to the arrival of Friday. In Portuguese, Friday is "sexta-feira," abbreviated as "sexta." "Sextou" is a neologism obtained by transforming the noun "sexta" into a verb and conjugating it in the third person singular of the past tense.
12 minutes ago•••
The #Bitcoin Network can't keep a secret
The Bitcoin users are required to keep secrets
13 minutes ago•••
Everyone understands art and collectables
Original is a 1 of 1 = The #Bitcoin Network
Limited Edition is 1 of 21,000,000 = #bitcoin
Open Edition (Unlimited Supply) = Fiat Currency
16 minutes ago•••
18 minutes ago•••
Mushrooms on the dead magnolia tree. First time seeing these. #mushroom #mushroomstr
15 hours ago•••
I've decided that I'm going to knit one sock from all the sock patterns (maybe not all) I have, that way I won't succumb to second sock syndrome. This book is just the tip of the iceberg. Mix and match socks are still a thing right? #knit #knitting #knitstr #yarn
17 hours ago•••
Sometimes I think we all just need to be alone together...missing the snow #thursdaythots
24 hours ago•••
Suffering through the dot grid paper and got 2 of my patterns written in my book. It's already so much nicer than the sticky notes they were written on 😂. The americano helped me to power through. #crochet #crochetstr #yarn #coffeechain #itsgettingrealnow #ihatedotgridpaper
37 hours ago•••
Just 🌽🎩 things... #crochet #crochetstr #yarn
673 days ago•••