31 hours ago•••
Measuring. Drafting. Plotting. Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Gridmaxing .
2 days ago•••
GM @npub1xdx...z7aj! If you're looking for a podcasting host I would check out this exhaustive list of Podcasting hosts that support Podcasting 2.0 features: https://podcastindex.org/apps?appTypes=hosting
You can add additional filters at the top based on the features you need. For instance, all the hosts with "Value" listed can help you set up a value tag to receive boosts and streaming payments.
8 days ago•••
Replace nostr with "the internet"
You can run from bots but you can't hide.
13 days ago•••
Last night's Bowl is this week's #40HPW! In which I blow off steam, @npub19ha...q0fa discovers a rise and callers never tire!
14 days ago•••
Looking at kitchen cabinets and using these god damn online design tools can't be good for the suicide rate
and I haven't even seen the estimate yet 😵
16 days ago•••
Keysend is love, keysend is life.
20 days ago•••
A deep, wide Bowl was packed last night!
27 days ago•••
Freshly packed ahead of schedule, the latest Bowl is ready to hit! In which I break nodes at parties, @npub19ha...q0fa eats nugs for breakfast, The Rev sets us off on an historic Metal journey and callers think ink!
34 days ago•••
Last night's Bowl is tonight's distraction! In which I wax poetic on value, @npub19ha...q0fa tracks down the Fogel trade, the Rev snuffs the Rooster and callers box!
36 days ago•••
Pleasant Morning to thee, gentle nostriches. 🌞
Work sucks 💚
37 days ago•••
This "V4V is a scam" article could not be more stereotypical in its delivery. Not only do we get all the tired tropes (can't pay muh bills, some people freeload), not only is it written by a European (LMFAO!), but the core premise itself is either completely dishonest or self-defeating from the jump. I have to conclude it's dishonesty, because if the "first giver" truly puts something out V4V EXPECTING NOTHING IN RETURN then a) they must think their value is worth nothing AND b) they wouldn't write a long whiny article blaming everyone else on earth aside from themselves. The fact is that those who truly understand the V4V model NEVER go into it "expecting nothing in return." We expect to recieve value equivalent to value we put in. We are respectfully honest about these expectations. We thank those who come through, and yes, often we shame those who mooch.
V4V isn't for everyone. Not everyone can figure out Value. Not everyone can put something out without over-stretching their time (I think this is a big part of it; many spend needless hours obsessing over post-production micro tweaks that add very little value, falling into a time-value deficit then blaming the model). Not everyone can see past the purely monetary value (value comes in far more forms than Treasure. Have you tapped into any of the Time or Talent waiting for you in your audience? Have you even asked? If you haven't, then you are scamming yourself). Not everyone is willing to make "The Ask" a regular part of their production.
So to say "V4V didn't work for me because I still don't get it" would be a more honest and self-aware take. Maybe even an article posted along the lines of "can someone help me understand what I'm missing?" might invite a more constructive discussion where (god forbid) you might pick up some tips or strategies to improve upon your value input-output ratio.
But alas, we only get these takes from shortsighted fools who half-ass the model while comparing it to "traditional" ad-fueled digital media and cry because they still have bills to pay. To make the absurd claim that "V4V is a scam" is the sort of thing that signals to me "please avoid my content at all costs, for I am fully retarded."
#V4V #asknostr #my2sats
37 days ago•••
Literally every cycle lol
Retards will never go extinct tho
37 days ago•••
Boomers gotta constantly be changing the fucking TV channel every 6 minutes I swear ta gawd what is up with that
40 days ago•••
Several concerned plebs have contacted me trying to "ackchually" @npub1lqv...fx0r for saying that his Meshtadel concept is "just a Telegram group"... So let me go on the nostr record to state emphatically that it is indeed much more than "just a Telegram group".
41 days ago•••
A fresh Bowl for lovers!
In which I prep for a node party (you're invited!), @npub19ha...q0fa finally frees Fogel, the Rev Walks back to his roots and callers are exactly hairy enough!