10 minutes ago•••
“Thinking”? Rather be KNOWING 🫂🤘🏼
354 days ago•••
I'm from the USA and I endorse this message.
373 days ago•••
Go show @npub1de6...q0sd some love over on his stream and tell him I said hi!! 😄
378 days ago•••
If you've played #SecondLife then I think you'll like Avatar Life. They accept crypto for buying AV$ to use in game and if you're a creator/builder you can withdraw any AV$ you earn from your creations to crypto as well. Lots of gambling sims to be found and Wili Clip, the creator of Fish Hunt, Gold Hunt, Snuffles, and Farm Frenzy has started re-creating his Second Life games in Avatar Life. Come check it out at the link below:
380 days ago•••
Man, what a shame. Someone always has to fuck up a good time. Will be good to hear AP4Liberty and RareCamellia speak on it. I know they'll provide good insight. Check them out this morning!
382 days ago•••
Check out this cool Javier Milei Samurai T-Shirt. He is a warrior of Liberty so it's fitting... you can find one fitting your body type here - https://ap4libertyshop.com/products/shogun-of-liberty-milei-san-samurai-shirt?dt_id=407804
383 days ago•••
When it is said that "God made us in his image".... God doesn't have a physical form so what does that mean exactly? Discuss below $comment
386 days ago•••
Kudos to the Dungeon Master of this game for getting a real-world play scenario...
387 days ago•••
So, #noderunners, it finally happened. I have to redo my node and lightning setup. I guess the drive or app was corrupted. Might have fucked around installing and uninstalling too many apps lol. Oh well, got my keys and channel backups. I have to resync the chain though and that is like a week I think. BBS :Heart: