2 hours ago•••
GM #nostr 💜
10 hours ago•••
"I don't want npubX to be able to see my posts on #Nostr, how do I block them?"
You are posting unencrypted notes to public relays. How do you imagine that is even possible?
Your options are to post encrypted notes that only those with the decryption key can read, or only post to private relays that only those on a white-list can access and which respect the "-" tag to prevent rebroadcasting out to public relays.
29 hours ago•••
GM #nostr 💫
31 hours ago•••
Sounds a lot like, "The second amendment exists for when the first amendment fails."
32 hours ago•••
Running White Noise on my Android phone.
Now I just need some folks to test it out with.
Who's got White Noise up and running?
37 hours ago•••
What's everyone recommend for a self-hosted personal cloud server these days?
I am currently running my old @npub1agh...mhct node for this purpose, after uninstalling all the Bitcoin related services, but it's less than ideal since it is very limited running on a R-Pi 4 with only 4G of RAM. My @npub126n...e9ll is now my dedicated Bitcoin node and I would prefer to keep it dedicated to Bitcoin related services only.
So, I am looking for something separate to run NextCloud, Plex, Immich, and such, with the ability to access services via Tailscale, Tor, or clearnet on a per service basis, and maybe move my Haven relay over to that device, too. Should I just build a beefier rig running Umbrel OS, or would something else be better? Should I just wait until Start9 releases their next version with more options for remote connection and set up a separate Start9 server for this use-case, even though no one has any idea when that will be and I've been waiting over a year already? Is there another OS I should consider instead?
What hardware should I be looking at for this use-case? A Nuc or some other mini-pc? Looking to keep this around $500-$1,000.
2 days ago•••
Today in #Nostr:
Should users know they need to prepend Nostr links with "", should clients automatically add this for them when they paste in "naddr1agiuhais...", or should clients recognize a Nostr link even when it is missing the prefix?
I kind of think clients should both add the prefix for their users AND recognize Nostr links even when the prefix is missing, assuming rightly that not all clients will do the same.
2 days ago•••
"Privacy is an insurance policy against future political change."
- Matt Hill of @npub126n...e9ll
3 days ago•••
@npub107j...ncxg is there a reason I can post long-form notes while logged into Habla.news via NIP-46, but when I try to reply to someone else's long-form note, it wants me to sign in with NIP-07?
3 days ago•••
"Can't be censored" beats "won't be censored" once again.
3 days ago•••
On a mission from God. I saw 2 #bitcoin shops today. Our driver Mehmet asked me about altcoins and other interesting investment projects in crypto. I recommended him to save in bitcoin only and forget about crypto. Especially in a country with 50% Hyperinflation. #WOS is obviously the easiest timechain-entry-ticket.
Help Mehmet to learn #bitcoin with a few zaps.⚡️ Will try to report on his incoming tips as well in the next 2 days. 🧡 🇹🇷
4 days ago•••
#bitcoin with Max or bust. 🧡 https://m.primal.net/PbqT.mov
5 days ago•••
Anyone know of a good text-to-speech app for Android? Preferably open-source and speech generated locally. Need something that can read articles and such to me while I drive.
174 days ago•••
Нашел ОТЛИЧНЫЙ русский сериал — "Большая Секунда"
175 days ago•••
Я считаю, а женщины должен быть один удачный ракурс. Когда женщина красива со всех сторон, это уже вульгарно.
176 days ago•••
Где в отзывах на таксиста указать "тяжело дышит"? Это нагоняет на меня тревогу.
176 days ago•••
Как же хочется на велосипед 🥺
177 days ago•••
Есть кто в Ностре?