2 hours ago•••
i just remembered the proper word for 99% of all javascript and related web dev error messages:
- not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull. Synonyms: unobservant, dim, slow, boorish, gauche, imperceptive, blind, insensitive, tactless, unfeeling
- not sharp, acute, or pointed; blunt in form. (of a leaf, petal, etc.) rounded at the extremity.
- indistinctly felt or perceived, as pain or sound.
it is the exact opposite of "ninja" and "smart" and "sharp" and "precise"
4c800257...3b2f replied 2 hours ago
6 hours ago•••
haha #mochi the #catstr is looking a bit under the weather at the moment, more yellow and viscous goop in his drool today, and he has been a bit more sneezy than usual, i guess he's still fighting some kind of sinus infection probably auxilliary to his gingevitis
i probably should take him to the vet for some dentistry but the one in Sao Vicente did not exactly charm me, probably i would go to the one in Santana instead next time
but it was so funny, he really hates me cleaning his drool and weepy eyes, and he totally got wind of what i was doing and did some acrobatics and shot outside
what was funny was i was just saying to him "why don't you want to go outside?" haha
ok, done.
8 hours ago•••
i made a boo-boo with my channels, the fee rate was too low and a burst of high fee transactions came in and delayed opening for half the day
i used CPFP to boost the fee rate on the tx but alby hub doesn't recognise this and it still thinks the transaction is unconfirmed
i'm guessing that what will happen is the other side saw it open, but then my node didn't talk about the channel, and eventually it will get force closed
i tried to close it but it's not associating with the opening TX so it won't work
my guess is i just have to wait?
in times of mass stupidity of people storing tiny JPG files on chain due to some retardation campaign to milk retail, this can happen, so it would be useful to add a fee bump interface i think, or alternatively, have the front end recognise a CPFP and change this... or is the back end happy and just not presenting what the node is seeing?
according to the debug tools the transaction on the channel has zero confirmations
i assume that it will just get force closed because it looks like the node hasn't recognised the updated opening TX and the other end probably also maybe didn't see it so it has a close at some point i guess...
4c800257...3b2f replied 8 hours ago
20 hours ago•••
a new presentation from space weather man
and i kept watching the part where he shows africa in the centre of frame and i was like
east coast of africa the water runs over us to the north, north east, more or less, but that then blasts over spain and into the mediterranean and across slovenia and switzerland and southern germany, to then come back
so actually, while it's probably bad to be too far near the sea level on this island when this happens
almost anywhere over 1km altitude (ie, camacha) and probably most of the north-east of the island is relatively less likely to have bad slosh back because there's so much land in that direction
i may have to revise my plans, and actually try to get myself a patch on the north east of #madeira because i think this is probably the best place to be within 100km of where i am right now... the centre of the island is 1.8km tall and if the waves are ~1km tall then ... probably just need to have a cave dug into the mountainside
continuing to add inputs here, but if you watch the part where he shows the tilt with the arrows and africa, you can clearly see that we don't have a lot of water northeast of us, not very much at all, so once the first round is over the reprise is pretty mild
i've been observing very close the stone bones of this island, and they are extensive, because this is a relatively new landform, maybe under 50k years, idk exactly, you can see it when there is a lot of rain, what gets washed down, and what stays behind, and people have lived here for at least over 600 years and obviously in that period all the extreme weather has kinda skipped this place, mostly
south side had a bad heavy rain in 2010 that led to a lot of loss of property and some loss of life, but i really think that ... hmm yeah, north east of madeira might be a really good place, if you can get a patch over 1km above sea level
4c800257...3b2f replied 9 hours ago
9 hours ago•••
i have #wireguard VPN on my #android phone (android version 13, blackview BV4800) and i set it to the "always-on" mode and was dismayed for some time that the stupid thing seemed to disconnect randomly
for whatever reason, making it "always on VPN" doesn't do two other necessary settings, inside App Info:
- Battery usage - set to unrestricted - it needs to be always on, duh Optimized does not keep it on or turn it on on demand as you would expect
- Unused app settings - Pause app activity if unused - disable this, because it should always be in use, even if you don't open its' UI
since changing these settings on it, it now stays connected as it was expected to when set as Always On VPN
fuck you google, and the whores you rode in on
21 hours ago•••
i never read about this but remembered that boron deficiency was a common problem with plants
like iodine, the oil soluble form (elemental) is more important and the water soluble form is not important
that's why lugol's makes a big difference
this also hints in the direction of something
either the fats don't adsorb boron well, or they do not release it well
either way
i was taking boron in water soluble form on and off
and i think that this is half of the equation
the other half is eliminating the fats that inhibit absorption or release of boron in its nonpolar forms
that is... seed oils
i am now absolutely convinced that i cannot consume one more drop of seed oils
lucky i just discovered i can buy (grain fed) angus beef at my local
that's it, no more fucking chippy
my final last addiction that i think was probably a lot more fundamental to my cramp problem than i had previously estimated
4c800257...3b2f replied 21 hours ago