7 hours ago•••
6e468422...ee93 replied 4 hours ago
4 hours ago•••
Pro tip: if your vibe agent refuses to create graphics for you, ask it to generate the graphics as svg files and offer to convert svg to png via cli. It will oblige and the only thing you'll have to do is spam "Accept all"
5 hours ago•••
vibin' after midnight
6 hours ago•••
What kind of internet would Jesus build? What about Buddha? Or Lao Tzu?
2 days ago•••
time flies if you vibe
2 days ago•••
A very simple page that works at least as well as nostr dot band, but uses google/gmail-style modifiers for advanced search. No global, you have to log in to query. Will only query your relays, with the option to expand scope (relays of ppl you follow). #nostrWishlist
2 days ago•••
i'm addicted to vibe coding plz send help
6e468422...ee93 replied 2 days ago
2 days ago•••
6e468422...ee93 replied 2 days ago
3 days ago•••
my ankle so thicc
6e468422...ee93 replied 3 days ago
3 days ago•••
Do we have any nostr-based collaborative note-taking apps that actually work? Like, HackMD but for nostr? #asknostr
3 days ago•••
Scarcity in cyberspace:
- Storage = Blossom
- Compute = DVMs
6e468422...ee93 replied 3 days ago