Nestled in the heart of the Dolomites, Lago di Braies is one of the most breathtaking alpine lakes in South Tyrol, Italy 🇮🇹. Known for its crystal-clear turquoise waters and dramatic mountain backdrop, it’s a must-visit destination for nature lovers, photographers, and adventure seekers alike.
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RECALL 🚨 ‼️ LEICKE ADAPTERS for bitaxe gamma. Over the past 1+ year we have sold and used Leicke adapters without an issue and they have proven to be great with the Supra, having an amazing track record. In the past weeks we’ve seen more and more burned U3 chips on the gammas. Always with the 6A 30W 5V adapters by Leicke. Never with our own manufactured bitaxe branded ones.
In general after months of proper operation the client updates the firmware or repowers the bitaxe. Or sees that the bitaxe has stopped hashing. After plugging the adapter back in the U3 chips burns. This in general happens after many weeks/months of operation.
Since we’ve seen more and more of these issues we’re recalling all of our hundreds of adapters to replace it with our own production ones, that have not seen any problems.
Now the difficulty adjustment is here for us, we delete all client data after shipment. So please spread this message if you know people who ordered a gamma with us and have them do the following.
Check if you have a Leicke 30W 6A 5V adapter (other Leicke adapters are perfectly fine for more than a year, so don’t worry about them). If so go to our website and use the contact form.
Send us your order number, e-mailadres you want us to use for your shipment and the shipping address. We will delete the email coming through the contact form directly after shipment.
We hope to be able to keep as much hash as possible online through this recall. Very sorry but after many discussions we were always sure the Leicke was the best product before we produced our owns. Now it became clear after long term running its not the best for the job. We’re sorry we failed there and will keep improving. This will cost us a lot, as we’ve shipped hundreds of these adapters… hope we are here to see a long lasting relationship with our clients.
I haven’t done exactly this thing before, but it hit the spot.
Sautéed a yellow bell pepper, then melted some cream cheese in homemade broth. Added cream and marinated gigante beans, which come with their own little pieces of red and green bell peppers. Simmered until very thick and creamy. Added a small amount of tomato paste (not making a tomato sauce, per se, just enough for a hint of tomato), a small amount of garlic sautéed in butter until just fragrant, and a splash of whey. Served with pasta next to some spicy baked chicken.
On a mission from God. I saw 2 #bitcoin shops today. Our driver Mehmet asked me about altcoins and other interesting investment projects in crypto. I recommended him to save in bitcoin only and forget about crypto. Especially in a country with 50% Hyperinflation. #WOS is obviously the easiest timechain-entry-ticket.
Help Mehmet to learn #bitcoin with a few zaps.⚡️ Will try to report on his incoming tips as well in the next 2 days. 🧡 🇹🇷
Cochem, a picturesque town in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, is famed for its Reichsburg Castle, which majestically overlooks the Moselle River. With its half-timbered houses, vineyards, and medieval charm, Cochem offers a fairytale-like experience in the heart of the Moselle Valley. A hidden gem for wine lovers and history enthusiasts!
Enjoy the Moscow time shooting up! For this special occasion to celebrate we’re giving you a discount code only applicable on this Sunday evening. Why? Because grandfather is watching football and his notifications will start with every order you do. Let’s beam him up Scotty 😉 Apply 5% off to some products with the promo code “makegrandadenjoythemoscowtimeupside”
Ich habe kürzlich in einem Podcast gehört, dass der Sprecher davon ausgeht, dass höchstens 10-15 Prozent der Menschheit in Zukunft bitcoin in self custody halten würden. Das ist eine realistische Möglichkeit. Als Bitcoiner dachte ich mir zuerst, dass das nicht gut ist. Jetzt ist mir jedoch aufgefallen, dass selbst wenn nur ein kleiner Teil seine bitcoin selbst verwahrt, es dennoch besser ist als jede Alternative (bisher). Denn es ist verlgeichbar mit dem Gold-Standard insofern, dass die geldausgebenden Institutionen einen Rahmen haben, den sie nicht ausweiten können. Ich meine damit, dass selbst während eines "echten" Gold-Standards, die meisten Menschen nicht direkt mit Gold zu tun hatten. Die Besonderheit ist, dass sie jeder Zeit die Möglichkeit dazu gehabt hätten. Und das ist bei Bitcoin genau so.
I recently heard in a podcast that the speaker believes that at most 10-15 percent of humanity would hold bitcoin in self-custody in the future. That is a realistic possibility. As a Bitcoiner, I thought at first that this was not good. But now I have realized that even if only a small part holds their bitcoin themselves, it is still better than any alternative (so far). Because it is comparable to the gold standard in that the money-issuing institutions have a framework that they cannot expand. What I mean by that is that even during a "real" gold standard, most people did not have direct contact with gold. The special thing is that they would have had the opportunity to do so at any time. And that is exactly the case with Bitcoin.
Last year we developed special packaging for the @npub17ty...3mgl Now we are releasing a special @BitcoinBrabant edition of the seedsigner. You can buy the DIY kit or have us assemble it for you. We always make sure you receive an amazing sticker with it by @npub1h5c...0yp0 If you have any special requests, please let us know. We just assembled a batch for a workshop.