npub17ph...9wf7/39 hours ago/
4 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Nestled in the heart of the Dolomites, Lago di Braies is one of the most breathtaking alpine lakes in South Tyrol, Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น. Known for its crystal-clear turquoise waters and dramatic mountain backdrop, itโ€™s a must-visit destination for nature lovers, photographers, and adventure seekers alike.
4 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
GN ๐Ÿ‘€๓ …“๓ …‘๓ …ฃ๓ …˜๓ …ฅ๓ „ฑ๓ …•๓ …ฉ๓ „บ๓ „ ๓ …’๓ „ข๓ …ค๓ …œ๓ …’๓ …™๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ …‡๓ „ฃ๓ …ฃ๓ …™๓ …’๓ …‡๓ …œ๓ …ฅ๓ …”๓ „ณ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „น๓ …๓ …˜๓ „ ๓ …”๓ „ธ๓ „ฒ๓ …ช๓ „ฟ๓ …™๓ „จ๓ …ฆ๓ …’๓ …‡๓ …œ๓ …ฅ๓ …”๓ „ณ๓ „ฅ๓ …ค๓ …‘๓ …‡๓ „ฅ๓ … ๓ …‰๓ …๓ …œ๓ „ ๓ …“๓ …ฉ๓ „ฅ๓ …š๓ …‰๓ …ˆ๓ „พ๓ …Ÿ๓ „ผ๓ „ ๓ „บ๓ … ๓ …”๓ „ท๓ „พ๓ …ฆ๓ …‘๓ …‡๓ „ค๓ …™๓ „ผ๓ „ณ๓ „บ๓ …ง๓ …“๓ …๓ „ฉ๓ …ฆ๓ …Š๓ …ž๓ „ฝ๓ …™๓ „ฟ๓ …œ๓ …ค๓ „ง๓ „น๓ …๓ …œ๓ …›๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „ฑ๓ „ก๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „ฑ๓ „ก๓ „พ๓ …„๓ „ฒ๓ …๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ …๓ „ฅ๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ „ต๓ „ ๓ „พ๓ …™๓ „น๓ …ฃ๓ „น๓ …๓ „ถ๓ …ค๓ …’๓ „ฃ๓ …†๓ …ฅ๓ …”๓ „ณ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „ฝ๓ …ƒ๓ …ง๓ …™๓ …“๓ „ข๓ …†๓ …š๓ …“๓ …๓ …†๓ „ ๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ …‘๓ „ธ๓ …‚๓ „ฟ๓ …‘๓ „ฃ๓ „ฒ๓ …ก๓ …„๓ ……๓ „ฅ๓ …๓ …”๓ …ˆ๓ ……๓ „ฃ๓ …‡๓ …š๓ „ถ๓ …ฉ๓ ……๓ „ข๓ …ค๓ …„๓ …“๓ …„๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ „ผ๓ …ช๓ …œ๓ „ฝ๓ ……๓ …‡๓ …”๓ „ฝ๓ …‚๓ …œ๓ …˜๓ ……๓ …‡๓ „ท๓ …Š๓ …ค๓ „ฟ๓ „ท๓ „จ๓ „ข๓ …•๓ „ณ๓ „ฉ๓ …ˆ๓ …๓ „ก๓ … ๓ „ณ๓ …”๓ …ช๓ „ ๓ …™๓ „ผ๓ „ณ๓ „บ๓ „ด๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „น๓ „ข๓ …‰๓ …ช๓ …›๓ …ฉ๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ „ถ๓ …๓ …‰๓ …š๓ „พ๓ …œ๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ „ฝ๓ …ง๓ „ฟ๓ …„๓ …๓ „ฅ๓ „ฝ๓ …ช๓ „ถ๓ …™๓ …Š๓ „ท๓ „ต๓ „ ๓ „พ๓ …š๓ „ฒ๓ …š๓ …‰๓ …„๓ …œ๓ …˜๓ „พ๓ …„๓ …‰๓ …ง๓ „ฟ๓ „ท๓ ……๓ „ค๓ …‰๓ …š๓ …—๓ „ข๓ …Š๓ „ท๓ …‚๓ …™๓ …Š๓ …„๓ …›๓ …จ๓ …‰๓ …„๓ …Š๓ …๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „ต๓ …ง๓ …‰๓ …„๓ …๓ „ค๓ „ฝ๓ „ข๓ „ต๓ „ค๓ „ฝ๓ „ข๓ „ต๓ „ข๓ …Š๓ …š๓ „ฑ๓ …ช๓ „น๓ …ž๓ „ ๓ …ฃ๓ …•๓ …ฉ๓ „บ๓ … ๓ …Š๓ „ณ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „น๓ …š๓ „ฑ๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ …„๓ „ฑ๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ …„๓ ……๓ …ง๓ …Š๓ …š๓ „ฑ๓ „ ๓ „ฟ๓ …„๓ …๓ …จ๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …‰๓ …™๓ „ผ๓ „ณ๓ „บ๓ …˜๓ …’๓ …‡๓ „ฉ๓ „ก๓ …’๓ …ž๓ …๓ …™๓ „ฟ๓ …š๓ …๓ …ฃ๓ „น๓ …ž๓ „พ๓ …œ๓ …‰๓ „ฃ๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ …”๓ „ณ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „น๓ …ž๓ …Š๓ …˜๓ …“๓ „ธ๓ „พ๓ „ข๓ „ผ๓ „ข๓ …Š๓ „ฝ๓ …ƒ๓ …ž๓ „ถ๓ …ฃ๓ …”๓ …„๓ …†๓ „ธ๓ ……๓ …š๓ …—๓ „ฃ๓ …‘๓ …‡๓ …ค๓ …ฉ๓ …‡๓ …›๓ …œ๓ …‰๓ …„๓ „ถ๓ „บ๓ „ฝ๓ …„๓ „ณ๓ „ฉ๓ …ข๓ …‚๓ „ก๓ … ๓ „ผ๓ „พ๓ „ธ๓ …†๓ …š๓ „พ๓ „ธ๓ …Š๓ „ฅ๓ …‡๓ …œ๓ …˜๓ …ฆ๓ …†๓ …ž๓ …“๓ „ฉ๓ „น๓ …™๓ …ง๓ …™๓ …๓ …ฉ๓ „น๓ „ฆ๓ „น๓ …š๓ „ฑ๓ …ฉ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ „ฝ๓ …ง๓ …Š๓ …š๓ ……๓ …จ๓ „พ๓ …‡๓ ……๓ „ ๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „ต๓ …ฉ๓ „ฝ๓ …š๓ …†๓ …™๓ …‰๓ …ช๓ „พ๓ …๓ „พ๓ …š๓ „น๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ …๓ …†๓ …˜๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …—๓ „ค๓ „พ๓ „ท๓ „พ๓ …š๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …๓ „ฅ๓ …Š๓ …š๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ „ฝ๓ „ท๓ „น๓ „ค๓ …‰๓ …š๓ …›๓ …ช๓ „ฝ๓ …ช๓ „ฒ๓ …๓ „ฟ๓ „ท๓ „ถ๓ …›๓ „ฝ๓ …„๓ …—๓ „ข๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ …†๓ …›๓ „พ๓ …š๓ …”๓ …›๓ „ฝ๓ …ช๓ „น๓ …ช๓ „พ๓ …„๓ …๓ …จ๓ …‰๓ …ƒ๓ „บ๓ „ฉ๓ „ผ๓ „ธ๓ …ฃ๓ …™๓ …‘๓ …‡๓ …๓ …™๓ „ฟ๓ …™๓ „น๓ …ง๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ ……๓ …ง๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ ……๓ „ก๓ „ฝ๓ „ท๓ …‰๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …›๓ „ ๓ „ฝ๓ …„๓ …๓ „ข๓ „น๓ …™๓ …ง๓ …™๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ „ก๓ …ฆ๓ …”๓ …‡๓ „ฅ๓ „ ๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …จ๓ „พ๓ …™๓ …ง๓ …™๓ …“๓ „ข๓ …†๓ …š๓ …“๓ …๓ …†๓ „ ๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ …‚๓ …„๓ „ถ๓ …œ๓ …”๓ …ˆ๓ …”๓ „ฃ๓ …‘๓ „ฃ๓ …†๓ „ ๓ …†๓ …ˆ๓ …—๓ …ง๓ „ป๓ „ฃ๓ „พ๓ …‚๓ …ƒ๓ „ ๓ „ค๓ …ช๓ …„๓ „ธ๓ …†๓ …๓ „พ๓ …๓ …๓ …ช๓ …„๓ „ก๓ …†๓ „ฟ๓ „ฝ๓ „ต๓ …‰๓ „ ๓ „ฟ๓ „ถ๓ …“๓ …จ๓ …‚๓ …„๓ …”๓ „ฆ๓ …•๓ „ถ๓ „ถ๓ …ค๓ …ƒ๓ …†๓ …‚๓ …Š๓ …’๓ …ช๓ „ ๓ …™๓ „ผ๓ „ณ๓ „บ๓ „ด๓ „น๓ …š๓ …Ÿ๓ …™๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ „พ๓ …š๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ „พ๓ …š๓ „พ๓ …ช๓ „ฑ๓ „ค๓ …Š๓ …„๓ „น๓ „ฃ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ …“๓ …ฉ๓ „พ๓ …„๓ …๓ „ฅ๓ …‰๓ …š๓ …†๓ …œ๓ „พ๓ …„๓ „ฝ๓ „ฃ๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …“๓ …ง๓ „พ๓ …‡๓ …‚๓ …๓ „พ๓ …๓ …‰๓ „ข๓ …‰๓ …„๓ …—๓ „ฅ๓ „ฝ๓ „ด๓ …›๓ …ฉ๓ „ฝ๓ „ข๓ …๓ „ก๓ „พ๓ „ด๓ …๓ …ฉ๓ „ฝ๓ …„๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ …Š๓ „ท๓ „ต๓ „ข๓ „ฟ๓ …„๓ …”๓ …œ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ „บ๓ …œ๓ …Š๓ „ด๓ „ฒ๓ …œ๓ „ฟ๓ „ด๓ „ฑ๓ …ง๓ …‰๓ …‡๓ …‚๓ …œ๓ „น๓ …ž๓ „ก๓ …”๓ …–๓ …†๓ „ ๓ …ฃ๓ „น๓ …๓ „ก๓ …œ๓ …’๓ …‡๓ „จ๓ …™๓ „ฟ๓ …™๓ „บ๓ …„๓ …Š๓ …‡๓ „ฅ๓ „ ๓ „น๓ „ธ๓ …Š๓ … ๓ …‰๓ …ƒ๓ „ฒ๓ …œ๓ …„๓ …ž๓ …†๓ „ ๓ …“๓ …ฉ๓ „ค๓ …™๓ …–๓ …
12 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
#pasta closeup. Behold the creaminess!
I havenโ€™t done exactly this thing before, but it hit the spot.
Sautรฉed a yellow bell pepper, then melted some cream cheese in homemade broth. Added cream and marinated gigante beans, which come with their own little pieces of red and green bell peppers. Simmered until very thick and creamy. Added a small amount of tomato paste (not making a tomato sauce, per se, just enough for a hint of tomato), a small amount of garlic sautรฉed in butter until just fragrant, and a splash of whey. Served with pasta next to some spicy baked chicken.
19 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Good morning nostriches! Happy Wednesday! May your coffee taste like magic today and fuel a day filled with wonder ๐ŸคŽ
[๐Ÿ“น homeb_arista]
21 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Cochem, a picturesque town in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, is famed for its Reichsburg Castle, which majestically overlooks the Moselle River. With its half-timbered houses, vineyards, and medieval charm, Cochem offers a fairytale-like experience in the heart of the Moselle Valley. A hidden gem for wine lovers and history enthusiasts!
29 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
34 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
David Easterbrook has over 700 specimens of Bonsai trees in his collection and has been doing this for 50 years.
[๐Ÿ“น davideasterbrookbonsai]
39 hours agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
2 days agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
The National Wallace Monument is a 67 m (220 ft) tower on the shoulder of the Abbey Craig, a hilltop overlooking Stirling in Scotland.
It commemorates Sir William Wallace, Scottish hero.
2 days agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
German cannon tower from World War II in Saint Malo, France.
[๐Ÿ“น bunkermemory]
2 days agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
Lake Baikalโ€™s frozen surface
Large frozen lakes create distinct sounds: if you put your ear close to the surface, you can perceive these sounds: changes in temperature, in fact, drive expansion and contraction of the ice sheet ๐Ÿ”Š
2 days agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
2 days agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
3 days agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
3 days agoโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข
I hate my fiat job more than I hate fiat. that says a lot.
the worst part is its a cushy do nothing job. soul crushing.