8 hours ago•••
Current power mix! Renewables have a long way to go!
8 hours ago•••
So long shorts!! Yup And1 shorts back to the early 2000s and the And1 mixtape!
8 hours ago•••
Ate too much for lunch. Sleepy 😴
23 hours ago•••
Damn Canadians
24 hours ago•••
I just added @npub1utx...50e8 news bots.
Thank you for your service sir
37 hours ago•••
I know the ad business has ruined social media to some extent but sometimes it works. This #Henson shaving razor is by far the best razor I ever used. I found it watching a practical engineering video on YouTube. Great product!
3 days ago•••
Way to hustle Chad
4 days ago•••
Today’s #ProfessorPenn lesson;
- Thomas Massie gets called out for voting no on the Bill
- New German Leader Martz’s loose Nazi affiliation (Grandpa was a Brownshirt)
- The 10% cut is not an attack on Medicaid
5 days ago•••
Buffalo is getting worked tonight 😿
5 days ago•••
Cara cara > navel
6 days ago•••
I gotta say this New deodorant held up! Not stinky at all
6 days ago•••
Get a DIRT CHEAP loan on @npub1tt7...z8a9
Liquid USDT
Why do this?
1. People need access to cheap dollars
2. I’m providing liquidity
3. I’m tried of seeing crappy rates for Bitcoin backed loans. So I am trying to will it into existence 1% APR loans NEVER a basis point higher!!
6 days ago•••
Took a leap of faith and switched my brand of deodorant today. Hope to god I don’t get musty half way through the day!
6 days ago•••
Today’s #ProfessorPenn Lesson:
- Ukraine deal with Trump (Pay for protection)
- Mexican Cartels Smuggling Tires
- 12 reasons why the economy sucks now
- The grift in Minnesota politics and energy (green energy scam)
7 days ago•••
My retirement plan:
1. Read books
2. Watch movies and shows
3. Play video games
4. Relax
5. Take care of loved ones
6. Die