366 days ago•••
Just sharing my LinkTree here. Spent a good part of the day curating my digital properties.
Unfortunately I have had to make accounts on various mainstream social media, which feels dirty but gotta get the word out about LightningSpore.
Nostree.me next!
In exchange for me shilling here is a cute picture of my dog freshly groomed!
367 days ago•••
Got a new CircuitPython board! So cute! So far it’s been a bit more work than the Pi Pico W, but every new microcontroller has its quirks.
Just so happens that the LED is on IO21! And it’s active LOW!
LightningSpore replied 367 days ago
369 days ago•••
One benefit of using Bostr, and the fact that I haven’t deployed it properly, is when I’m not at home nostr doesn’t work anymore
371 days ago•••
Looks like I am officially an #LND contributor.
My two line change in order to improve logging will close an issue I opened for LND 5 years ago!
372 days ago•••
Using Bostr to connect to my relays! So far so good!
372 days ago•••
Managed to go all winter without watering my cacti. Bringing some of the babies outside while it is warm out.
375 days ago•••
My IoT Thermocouple sensor in my incubator is working fairly reliably! The incubator could probably be a bit more stable, but it is staying fairly stable around 71F.
378 days ago•••
every comment within 24 hours gets 2121 sats NO double comments allowed feel free to share
LightningSpore replied 378 days ago
379 days ago•••
The LightningSpore blog is really starting to come together. My wordpress dev is freaking awesome! https://lightningspore.com/index.php/blog/
379 days ago•••
Just going to pop into #introductions and see what the fuss is about
380 days ago•••
Hey YouTube, Hey Nostr! I made a video! I feel like I do some cool stuff in the intersection of IoT, software, and mushroom cultivation, so I wanted to start making relatively frequent videos to share what I am up to. Hopefully you all like it, or if not, let me know what I can do better. Gotta start somewhere, so here it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SZdKZaQ7TM
380 days ago•••
Trying to microdose on partially dried mushrooms is not ideal…
Wet mushrooms weigh about 10x what dry mushrooms weigh.
I had some mushrooms in front of the flow hood for a few days. Dosed myself the “wet weight” and it ended up more than I hoped. 🥸🤡
LightningSpore replied 380 days ago
384 days ago•••
385 days ago•••
Sweet I got a PR merged into #coracle !
386 days ago•••
Just gave someone from the other side of the world permission to update my WordPress website! Gave them some limited permissions, and took backups, but fingers crossed!!!
#business #ecommerce #wordpress #website
388 days ago•••
This is a test of nostr.land relay postage
390 days ago•••
Collected some scrub oak acorns back in September. I put them in a moist verm/coir mix about 6 months ago, and placed in the fridge. When I checked today they all had sprouted. Transferred them to individual solo cup pots for further growth!