i was just realizing how much of the bullshit we have dealt with in the U.S. came from NATO. The censorship, the souther border, all of it. NATO has resented the American people who they have viewed as being in the way of them controling what the American government does. A more clear way of saying globalist, is just to say NATO.
But 5M, 10M or even 20M sat routings are becoming commonplace as the network matures. At least a few times a week I am seeing these types of payments pass through my node.⚡️
The largest this month was 24M sats in a single payment, for which I earned 31,081 sats in routing fees (1295ppm).
Crash and burn on my joke about using the characters to make multiple points alluding to what you said. 🤣🫂💜
I could explain it in yet another essay. Love is strongest. Choose your character. It’s human choice to live in the mind, on stage or off. Either way: we each choose our origin story in every way. 😉