28 minutes ago•••
Belief has no place where truth is concerned.
— Jiddu Krishnamurti
1 hour ago•••
Start with why.
— Simon Sinek
2 hours ago•••
Its been almost a month since I quit smoking. I am feeling really good about it today. I believe it's going to stick this time. The biggest change I am noticing, I find more joy in the little things.
If you are a daily cannibis user, are you honest with yourself about its effects on your daily life?
I know I wasn't for a long time.
#weedstr #weed #cannabis
3 hours ago•••
How long have you had the same phone number?
What would it mean for you to let go of it and get a new number or even let go have having a cell phone number all together?
5 hours ago•••
One of my favorite Bitcoin drawings I've done so far. I like the powerful message. What do you think?
6 hours ago•••
Gm ☕️ and PV 🌺
14 hours ago•••
21,000 followers. So grateful.
Namaste, #Nostr 🙏🏻
Let's keep it going.
18 hours ago•••
On god, I’ve never lived somewhere I attract stray cats like this neighborhood! Another one tonight meowing at my door! Crazy cat lady problems… no, I do NOT feed them. wtf man.
4eb88310...5d6d replied 18 hours ago
13 days ago•••
In the world there is nothing more submissive and weak than water. Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong nothing can surpass it. This is because there is nothing that can take its place.
That the weak overcomes the strong, And the submissive overcomes the hard, Everyone in the world knows yet no one can put this knowledge into practice.
Therefore the sage says, One who takes on himself the humiliation of the state Is called a ruler worthy of offering sacrifices to the gods of earth and millet. One who takes on himself the calamity of the state Is called a king worthy of dominion over the entire empire.
Straightforward words seem paradoxical.
— #Tao Te Ching: Ch 78 (D.C. Lau translation)
#IKITAO #TaoistWisdom
14 days ago•••
If it’s pumping, this guy is why
(Santa Monica Pier, Saturday night) https://m.primal.net/PjBt.mov
14 days ago•••
Gm ☕️ and PV 🌺
15 days ago•••
My goal is to build a life I don't need a vacation from.
— Rob Hill Sr.