ロイター/103 days ago/
23 minutes ago•••
GM nostr.
This will be used for venting. Over the past couple months I left gluten and lactose. Only eating them twice as “cheat meals”.
Been going super consistent to the gym everyday, running minimum a mile for the month of February.
Working every day. And boom. I get knocked out. Full on 3 days of chills, body complete wreck. Huge head aches. Watery eyes. (No cough or throat ache or boogies)
Got tested for influenza or Covid (just to put a name to whatever got me down) and negative on both.
But if it’s not a virus then wtf is going on? Is it my life style? I thought going “carnivore” in a sense made you immune/healthy? I’m so confused.
Piez replied just now
18 minutes ago•••
nprofile1qqs2m82zyqlayjqw5tjuf3j9jwszwuy2a03tq24xp0tmr4nxm2jmprgpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurvv438xarj9e3k7mgpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujucm4wfex2mn59en8j6g27sknp Block 101 Confirmed!
nprofile1qqstsw3gkljwt5stm9svt7htvcjlj4ffze4chkcyt4pxxj30xkgeg5qprpmhxue69uhhwetvvdhk6efwdehhxarj9emkjmn9qy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hs2ldejh and I would like to thank nprofile1qqsw8tha4zrj22njem340rfnktwdjr5lu5achmtrglh4ufhhggg6mwcpr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wdmksetjv5hxxmmd9uq32amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7tc9p3g45 for joining us live yesterday and dropping Ham Radio knowledge.
We roasted our top zapper nprofile1qqstuyc7uxqtde2gggkxqpxnee0l7792nz64hl9zwzjglclalug27lqpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuen0w4h8gctfdchxvmgpz4mhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejqyj44c0, discussed #40GMW, Newspapers, Ham radio history, LoRa and introduced the new Nostr client HAMSTR.
Thank you every who listened live. Those that missed the nest… show is now up for your listening pleasure.
Please support the V4V revolution and make your presence ⚡️felt⚡️ on the Nostr client nprofile1qqsx2wyjt6lmvc05rrvv05r5hm3w3t7h0pcpmkyswrpd4ymd2u09tscpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6ur4vgh8wetvd3hhyer9wghxuet5q9n8wumn8ghj7enfd36x2u3wdehhxarj9emkjmn99ah8qatzx9mr2atx095rgmrtv4ekcemc0p3kxmr88pnrq6r6v9axscthxae8xungwen8zatc0fknyentxc6xxdejdpc8xdp4dcc8vdflvfex7ctyvdshxapaw3e82egt938wv
SoapMiner replied just now
6 minutes ago•••
280e847e...d77c replied just now
18 minutes ago•••
And so it begins.
Gm Nostr
Piez replied just now
16 minutes ago•••
GM 🌞
First coffee back stateside after an amazing time in Costa Rica.
Carrying that freedom, sovereignty, and brotherhood energy forward here. Be the change, raise bar, find your tribe.
Orthodoxtr replied just now
15 minutes ago•••
GM Nostr. What is good today?
Finishing up this Honduran this morning. It's good but it is roasted a little dark for my taste. Might open up some Ethiopian Light next.
Little cooler today but still really nice out, high 50s and sun.
Get to have a "date" with my beautiful wife today. She decided she enjoys going to town with me for laundry and groceries. Actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time!
Make it a great day.
#GM #Nostr #pv #coffee #coffeechain #grownostr
Piez replied just now
1 minute ago•••
Wherever you go and ask why we do not do this, they will always answer because it is not profitable, nothing is profitable in the world in which we live.
With this mentality we would never have built the great Roman works or the pyramids, we would not have discovered America or gone to the moon, nor Bach would have composed his works.
We are a civilization in decline, luckily Bitcoin can solve this shit, but decades will pass, we will no longer know it, maybe our grandchildren or great-grandchildren.
But it is our moral obligation and our duty as free men and women to lay the foundations of the new civilization and fight the darkness.
14 minutes ago•••
Let gratitude and grace guide you through your days #nostr.
Ramadan Kareem #nostrarabia and everyone celebrating.
belated GM Nostrichs
Satoshiii replied 1 minute ago
9 minutes ago•••
GM! More toys from the attic 👨‍🎤🟣
#Nostr official purple album 💟
Satoshiii replied 1 minute ago
10 minutes ago•••
Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say. -Snowden
Piez replied 2 minutes ago
10 minutes ago•••
#GM Frens and Happy Coffee ☕ #Saturday #Nostr #RossUlbrichtIsFree #God #Trump #Prayer #Catholic 🇻🇦⛪ #USA 🇺🇲 #Bitcoin #Coffee #Zap #CoffeeChain #BTC #JulianAssangeIsFree 🔥
Piez replied 2 minutes ago
7 minutes ago•••
Piez replied 2 minutes ago
7 minutes ago•••
Don’t respond to nprofile1qqs2sr7y57rrfm3x4272e9gmfn7hk44wrzat6v794lw0d0kkmjqwh5gpzamhxue69uhkummnw3ezuendwsh8w6t69e3xj7sprpmhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wdmksetjv5hxxmmddper2r's note, don’t zap the note, don’t zap everyone in this thread. These mini #zapathons have to stop!
QW #40GMW☕️ replied 3 minutes ago
4 minutes ago•••
I am grateful to be alive and healthy.
#affirmation #gratful
27 minutes ago•••
10 minutes ago•••
Good morning nostr, i'm looking forward to another perfect weather day. I think we might drive to a farmers market in a nearby town, i'm craving some raw goats milk that i can find there. Then i'm just gonna enjoy being outside today, continue the bed cleanup and trimming. I blocked the weekend on the bnb calendar because i wanted to catch up on stuff around here, so it'll be nice. Yall have a great saturday, enjoy your coffee, and remember that today is a gift. #coffeechain #grownostr #homesteading
Ryan replied 5 minutes ago
6 minutes ago•••
Heatmaps indicating highest moral allocation by ideology
Do clashes between ideologies reflect policy differences or something more fundamental? The present research suggests they reflect core psychological differences such that liberals express compassion toward less structured and more encompassing entities (i.e., uni- versalism), whereas conservatives express compassion toward more well-defined and less encompassing entities (i.e., parochialism). Here we report seven studies illustrating uni- versalist versus parochial differences in compassion. Studies 1a-1c show that liberals, relative to conservatives, express greater moral concern toward friends relative to family, and the world relative to the nation. Studies 2a-2b demonstrate these universalist versus parochial preferences extend toward simple shapes depicted as proxies for loose versus tight social circles. Using stimuli devoid of political relevance demonstrates that the universalist- parochialist distinction does not simply reflect differing policy preferences. Studies 3a-3b indicate these universalist versus parochial tendencies extend to humans versus nonhumans more generally, demonstrating the breadth of these psychological differences.
103 days ago•••
米次期政権の政府効率化組織、人材募集を開始 「高IQ」重視 https://x.com/ReutersJapan/status/1858313254851715356