22 hours ago•••
gm choose love, prepare for pain
46 hours ago•••
gm even though the kids take care of the cat, guess who was “told” at 5am that the cat needs water
2 days ago•••
gm the kids woke me at 6 then we all sleep for another hour.
may you have the same luck today
4 days ago•••
this kale should be planted up, but its Friday night so I think its a tomorrow thing
6a02b7d5...d02a replied 4 days ago
44 days ago•••
📰 Wir sind in der Presse! 📰
Heute ist ein Interview erschienen, in dem wir über unsere Bitcoin-Adoption und die Integration von Lightning-Zahlungen bei Delicious sprechen. 💬⚡
Ein riesiges Dankeschön an Beate Lammer für die Möglichkeit, unsere Geschichte und Vision zu teilen. 🙌
46 days ago•••
Übung macht bekanntlich den Meister 🤓😂
293 days ago•••
Lost my key while flying 🤭 Boating accident was yesterday 😂🤣
293 days ago•••
Andreas M. Antonopoulos: The truth about investment banking! 💯🦾
294 days ago•••
👑 Prince Markus also understood that Bitcoin gives you back your freedom! 🗽
295 days ago•••
Good morning ☕️ ☀️ 🌊 you wonderful Nostr people 🫂 💜 I wish you all a successful Tuesday. PV
#Bitcoin #BalticSea #Nostr
296 days ago•••