npub15u3...05rq/167 days ago/
25 days ago•••
I think I have the tools I need to stop NEEDING Alby for my lightning address. Server with Nginx installed, DDNS service, domain names, lightning node. I'm just not sure how to put them together to get what I want. I'm planning to work through this tomorrow but if anyone has any ELI5 tutorials, I'd be quite appreciative.
Devin replied 24 days ago
25 days ago•••
Seeing all this news in my feed about DC search trends and real estate values falling off a cliff
28 days ago•••
Just got a 7 sat payout from OCEAN. It's not much, but I think this is the start of an expensive and likely unprofitable hobby.
31 days ago•••
Testing a shamelessly AI generatred image upload on my relay. Can you see it?
31 days ago•••
GM! Mondays, huh?
36 days ago•••
Devin replied 33 days ago
34 days ago•••
Testing a new relay. You can ignore.
Devin replied 34 days ago
38 days ago•••
So last night, I was scrolling around here and saw a post about search engines. I don't recall the exact topic because I was tired and should have been sleeping. But I saw a couple of people separately recommend Kagi so I went to check it out and was sold right away. Canceled my ChatGPT sub and started with them. It's another example of the value provided around here. I learn about new tools and methods all the time.
And I know, I should just self-host an AI. It's on my list of stuff to do when I have some time to take a breath, do the proper research, and get some decent hardware to put it on.
39 days ago•••
Been up since 3:30 but forgot to say GM. Can't wait for some down time to catch up on doing things that are actually interesting. GM!
42 days ago•••
Anyone else on @npub12vk...pugg (android) have an issue with the new notification dot not going away after reading them? It usually does if I close the app and reopen it, but that doesn't always work either. #asknostr #primal
44 days ago•••
Good morning. Fuck hampster wheel.
Time to go get on my wheel now.
46 days ago•••
This is my current setup. Node and axes. Thinking I might need to add some hash power soon.
47 days ago•••
Running into issues with invoices from my lightning node. I seem to be able to receive smaller payments (1,000 sats), but larger invoices produce the error below. I've been running LND on @npub126n...e9ll for about 2 years and have not had this issue in the past. I haven't changed any settings recently. Any ideas? #asknostr
49 days ago•••
I hope none of you put your #bitcoin in a bank for long term storage.
Devin replied 49 days ago
52 days ago•••
53 days ago•••
My wife just had to explain to me who @npub1xr7...2gqh is. Sounds like a nice addition to the nostr. Welcome, sir.
55 days ago•••
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Devin replied 55 days ago
55 days ago•••
Good morning everyone!