mochi the #catstr picked out this spot as his preferred hidey hole when sleeping in the house and that's fine with me, i don't even use that whole second room area really, i originally wanted to put my pc up there but it ended up downstairs instead... the view is better down here i guess
anyhow, you see the big aluminium soup pot there... it's full of water and has an aquarium heater in it set to 34'C to keep him warm
when he's grumpy, he balls up under the bed and it's a lot colder there and i really want him to kick this cold he has
toilet training is another separate issue but keeping cats warm is actually a very important subject and young cats ability to maintain their healthy body temperature is weaker, and i suspect that it can be long term compromised somehow, i have seen this with other strays on the north of the island where it is damp and cold, not snow cold, but just cold enough that very often i am seeing this issue with the protruding tongue and loads of mucus coming out of the nose and mouth, and this one, my mochi, also has an extra issue that he additionally over-cleans himself to the point where his rear quarters are very often damp and this makes the cold problem even worse
which is why he has a big container of water next to his sleeping place so he will stay warm
definitely gotta warp my head around cat care if i am gonna do the pirate seafarer life and this little guy was actually the inspiration for it so i'll just say it's his fault that i think i want to live in a boat for the next 8 years or more lol
that all stuff is a whole nother kettle of fishies too but for now my mission is to keep the kittah fit and strong