2 hours ago•••
Once thought extinct, this is the rare Formosan clouded leopard 🔊
2 hours ago•••
The majestic entrance of the world’s largest pelican
[📹 mark. smith. photography]
17 hours ago•••
Bear released into the wild turns on rangers and attacks.
17 hours ago•••
25 hours ago•••
Fun fact.
When a whale dies and sink, their carcasses—known as whale falls—provide a bounty of nutrients for a huge number of deepwater creatures, giving birth to its own ecosystem which can last for decades.
25 hours ago•••
Mantis shrimp hold the world record for the most complex visual system. They have up to 16 photoreceptors and can see UV, visible and polarised light being the only animals known to detect circularly polarised light
[📹 MJ Ogata]
26 hours ago•••
Mealybugs are insects in the family Pseudococcidae found in moist, warm habitats.
[📹 antgangs_]
26 hours ago•••
This red tailed hawk tried to feast on the kitten, but the windshield got inbetween.
[📹 Gabriel M]
27 hours ago•••
The distinctive appearance of the paddlefish,a prehistoric marvel of North America’s rivers.
[📹 fishking]
38 hours ago•••
Life just kinda of gets progressively more difficult—dealing with death and hardship, difficult traumas and life events, and eventually an ailing body and your own demise. It’s not to say there are not wonderful events and experiences in there, but it generally is an uphill battle. The good news is that as we gain experience through life we generally become more equipped to deal with the onslaught of difficulties and more capable of skillful navigating them; but it really never gets easier, you just become more experienced in dealing with the difficulties.