npub1mre...s0g5/10 days ago/
9 minutes ago•••
dd664d5e...d319 replied 5 minutes ago
6 hours ago•••
He's right.
Comparisons are always odious, but the comparison to Twitter et al is particularly odious because Twitter be like this: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1900592764653387903
Literally can't see the responses, without logging in.
7 hours ago•••
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 Made the recap! 😊
7 hours ago•••
Remember when you could see all of your notes and notifications in #Nostrudel?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
9 hours ago•••
"For when we cease to worship God, we do not worship nothing, we worship anything."
No, Chesterton probably didn't write that specifically, but I'm sure he would have written it. The Bitcoin Shrine thing made me think of it.
What he did write was:
dd664d5e...d319 replied 8 hours ago
9 hours ago•••
This is one of Nostr's most-popular npubs.
It's also the weirdest one, that just posts cheesy AI pics. It's NIP-05 is ded, but it's WoS wallet has received 417K sats, and people show up regularly and talk at it, in the hopes of receiving an emoji in response from one of his Nostr representatives (who will speak to you on SimpleX). They're digital pilgrims.
It's the closest thing to a Bitcoin shrine, that I've ever seen. Bizarre.
dd664d5e...d319 replied 9 hours ago
9 hours ago•••
And what makes Nostr inherently different, to the other programs and protocols that are trying to do this, is the atomic nature of the events, so that you can simply send them as a json snippet over any method and in any file. It does not have to be a relay, which is why even blocking all the relays would not necessarily take down Nostr. You would have to block any network or format through which someone could transport any string of characters, including encrypted stuff that's just indeterminate gibberish.
This is the same concept behind git, which is also uncensorable (unlike GitHub).
10 hours ago•••
I think this hasn't really been apparent, until now, because we haven't been storing things on Nostr that anyone would demand be censored.
Storing entire publications is what will change this, because it turns Nostr into a sort of InternetArchive/Wikileaks hybrid, but more decentralized, and fully-functioning over Tor or the Internet or Meshtastic, etc. Not just decentralized over space (geographic server distribution, like what Microsoft does for 365 customers), but over people/companies, and legal jurisdictions.