Anyone have recommendations for spending Bitcoin with lightning on prepaid cards? I loved Moon in its original configuration. Bitrefill is “out of stock”. So that seems to just leave The Bitcoin Company. Am I missing any?
They really are gonna raise taxes (tariffs), cut spending (government), default on some portion of the debt, and then print the rest to export around the world via a commercially-issued digital dollar
Make no mistake, the banksters have got the country in receivership
Can someone with more free time than me remake the “are ya winning son” meme but the son’s asking “are ya winning dad” and his dad is watching football
It’s hard living in a world where there are people who dress up as animals to have sex and for reasons I can’t understand have zero sense of humor about it
One of my worst triggers from childhood is how my parents would get (and still get) drunk watching football instead of spending time with me
So, today I spent the first half of the Super Bowl building Legos with my daughter and the second half reading to her, putting her to bed, and then reading a book on parenting