just now•••
GM nostr ☕ PV 💜
Here's the thing about making predictions about the price of bitcoin in dollars...
There's the numerator (bitcoin) which somewhat steadily continues to appreciate on an adoption curve - ups and downs for sure as paper handed new people buy and sell with the wind, traders trade with leverage, and OGs support families and start companies and whatnot, but mostly up and to the right and people across the globe become educated about bitcoin. Open source tools and infrastructure continue to improve exponentially and once you understand bitcoin there is generally no going back.
But then there's the denominator (USD) which wildly swings all fucking over the place - reacting to global macro forces, political ambitions and failures, large scale theft through taxation & money printing, misallocation of capital designed to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich, capital controls, and many other fiat shenanigans. To be clear, I'm not talking about the DXY or any other "measure" of USD strength or weakness, I'm talking about societal volatility that only shows up in actual free markets - and bitcoin is probably the freest market in the world.
So if you want to speculate on the future BTCUSD pair, you have to be informed about all of that stuff... numerator and denominator.
This is why nprofile1qyv8wumn8ghj7urjv4kkjatd9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wsq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwwpexjmtpdshxuet5qqsqfjg4mth7uwp307nng3z2em3ep2pxnljczzezg8j7dhf58ha7ejgqgzx3h says to just "stay humble, stack sats"
24 hours ago•••
GM nostr ☕ PV 💜
Windows is the literal worst. How has every large company in America been so fooled into using it?
40 hours ago•••
The state will always exist.
Bitcoin is playing the pivotal role of bringing it down to size by removing the power of the fiat money printer.
One can rightly criticize the state without deluding oneself into thinking it will disappear entirely.
2 days ago•••
Most Libertarians are Libertarians because A) They just want to be left alone, and B) They cannot fathom a just government existing.
If this describes you, I urge you to study history. There have indeed been benevolent governments in the past, and it is possible for them to arise again.
If you opt out of the game of governance altogether, don’t be surprised when the quality of governance continues to degrade.
And if you cannot find any historic examples of stateless utopias, consider that it is a fantasy to believe they will magically come into existence now without any collective action being taken.
This is why Curtis Yarvin refers to Libertarians as LOLbritatians.
2 days ago•••
If you are buying Bitcoin under $80K, you are elite, based, and gifted.
Blessings be upon you.
3 days ago•••
Hey does anyone know if Nostr Village is happening again this year at nprofile1qy88wumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmv9uq3uamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3dwp6kytnhv4kxcmmjv3jhytnwv46z7qpqkey55ax33gkl50uqemvl4khrtqrhzm7wzpc7fhseutt5ddkcwcrqs99vkl ?
3 days ago•••
No man ever sends the same Bitcoin twice, for it is not the same block height, and he is not the same man.
3 days ago•••
Amusing type of Bitcoiner:
wants Bitcoin to win complains whenever anyone except ultra-libertarian cypherpunks adopt it
3 days ago•••
Never sell you Bitcoin.
3 days ago•••
I’ve noticed three distinct responses wrt the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve.
No-coiners: Totally unaware. Didn’t know it happened. Couldn’t tell you the current Bitcoin price either.
Bitcoin Tourists: Bummed the announcement didn’t instantly pump their bags. Anxious the top may be in this cycle. Considering selling some.
Real Bitcoiners: Euphoric, bullish, regardless of short term price action, knowing the long term paradigm shift to a Bitcoin standard is well underway.
3 days ago•••
Ich habe kürzlich in einem Podcast gehört, dass der Sprecher davon ausgeht, dass höchstens 10-15 Prozent der Menschheit in Zukunft bitcoin in self custody halten würden. Das ist eine realistische Möglichkeit. Als Bitcoiner dachte ich mir zuerst, dass das nicht gut ist. Jetzt ist mir jedoch aufgefallen, dass selbst wenn nur ein kleiner Teil seine bitcoin selbst verwahrt, es dennoch besser ist als jede Alternative (bisher). Denn es ist verlgeichbar mit dem Gold-Standard insofern, dass die geldausgebenden Institutionen einen Rahmen haben, den sie nicht ausweiten können. Ich meine damit, dass selbst während eines "echten" Gold-Standards, die meisten Menschen nicht direkt mit Gold zu tun hatten. Die Besonderheit ist, dass sie jeder Zeit die Möglichkeit dazu gehabt hätten. Und das ist bei Bitcoin genau so.
I recently heard in a podcast that the speaker believes that at most 10-15 percent of humanity would hold bitcoin in self-custody in the future. That is a realistic possibility. As a Bitcoiner, I thought at first that this was not good. But now I have realized that even if only a small part holds their bitcoin themselves, it is still better than any alternative (so far). Because it is comparable to the gold standard in that the money-issuing institutions have a framework that they cannot expand. What I mean by that is that even during a "real" gold standard, most people did not have direct contact with gold. The special thing is that they would have had the opportunity to do so at any time. And that is exactly the case with Bitcoin.
Get #Bitcoin.
#custody #gold
3 days ago•••
I actually haven't given anything up for lent probably since I was a kid, but as I have gotten more in touch with God recently, it actually kind of made sense to me for the first time this year, and it "popped into my head" literally Tuesday night, right before lent started. Here's how I suddenly made sense of it:
If you wanted to give God a gift, what would you give Him? The Dude literally made the entire universe, the sun, the stars, the earth, all living things. But there is one thing he cannot speak into being... our free will. He cannot force us to choose anything.
So this lent I decided to choose to be a little healthier, a little more clear headed, and spend a little more time being thankful to God. I will often smoke a little weed (or take an edible) before bed to help me sleep, but I'm giving that up for lent this year. I haven't been sleeping as well, but when I wake up in the night, I spend that time in prayer.
Anyone else have thoughts on the meaning or purpose of sacrificing this season?
3 days ago•••
This Bitcoin dip is really doing a number on my checking account, which is running dangerously low, but future me is screaming back into the past telling me to stack harder before we hit the suddenly phase fr fr.