nprofile1qqsyvrp9u6p0mfur9dfdru3d853tx9mdjuhkphxuxgfwmryja7zsvhqpzamhxue69uhhv6t5daezumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcscpyug one minor observation on amethyst. When the phone switches between dark and light theme (like when power save is on and you plug or unplug the charger) what post you are looking at switches away and the feed refreshes to the most recent posts. (You lose your spot)
If the government were not an impediment, would there still be a grass roots movement toward bitcoin innovation? Does the adversarial relationship not keep most business an arms length from development activities? Does it perfect the technology in a way to maximize its transparency and its ethical considerations? Would bitcoin otherwise not immediately be captured through runaway complexity pushed by financial institutions thereby poisoning its vision and corrupting the most valued original architectural priorities?
A full embrace of bitcoin by the largest governments in the world could alone subvert its promise. The decision by the administration to not jump whole-hog into hyperbitcoinization, decades before the average person has embraced it, is the best outcome we could ask for.
If you have red babies, yellow babies, white babies, black babies or a mix of colors babies, you are racist.
The reason people have babies is to propagate people who look like them. You can't get any more racist than that.