2 hours ago•••
for the clowns like fiatjaf and others who seem to not understand that relays have a MORAL OBLIGATION to require AUTH for DMs it says right here in the current version of NIP-42
and i am gonna quote the exact commit ref as at this point now so nobody is confused:
what does that say in the highlighted line there? huh?
why is this not already understood to be the obligatory standard for protecting users privacy?
because the clients sure as fuck don't seem to understand it, #nostrudel doesn't respond nicely when it asks for kind 4 and 1059s along with other shit and then refuses to keep querying the relay because it gets an OK,false,"auth-required" response and i had to change my #realy flow so it just strips out those privileged event kinds that can't be seen without auth proving you are party to them
and it still misbehaves about this, i think it's getting NOTICEs still that say that the client is asking for stuff it hasn't authed to see but nope, no, these assclowns still don't get it
they clearly don't read a thing they even write in their own fucking documents
please, don't expect me to be kind about this gross violation of user privacy, go, actually fuck yourself, with a giant fucking barbed pole
4c800257...3b2f replied 1 hour ago
6 hours ago•••
@npub1z4y...zpx6 https://youtu.be/-ksbeU4InZM?t=6688 the last words of Jesus before he lost consciousness
basically "i'm fainting, everything is going dark" which was close in sound to "father why have you forsaken me" but not in aramaic, in some language from India from a people called Naga
i am starting to really get some gist of why you found it interesting what I said about Apocalypse now
piecing together what i've heard so far with what i read in that book (twice) and the stuff about Mu and the theory that the blonde/red/white mutation appeared around 40k years ago and that specifically these new peoples living in north africa, who are the ancestors of all white skinned peoples, mainly europeans
and the idea that Jesus was the product of an artificial insemination (which is alluded to not just in the bible but also the Qur'an talks about it in fairly specific terms) all lines up with the idea that the soul that inhabited that body, who exclaimed these words in this Naga language... was literally the true monarch of a prior line from a long way back
still digesting this reincarnation vs resurrection thing
it seems to me like there could be a second life and not multiple subsequent lives, since none of the stories i've ever read of cases about reincarnation have traced chains backwards more than one... and that the "angels" who attended to the virgin conception were specifically summoning a specific soul to bind with it...
kinda blowing my mind at the moment, but this whole Mu thing is blowing it out even further than i thought it could have been, like, Apocalypse is so thin on the details of pre-atlantean culture, you have Poseidon, and then before that nothing, yet at the same time it is very clear reading Enoch that there was some large civilization that resembled a lot of descriptions of Mu and similar to places like madagascar and indonesia
too many things man, too many things
i'm still gonna say, that there is a flotilla of ships from the ancients who fled and left behind the pyramids of egypt and the amazing stone artifacts from there, somewhere around 5000 years ago... on craft that enabled them to leave the planet
they are back, the number of reports of stuff in the sky is steadily increasing and there is basically too much for it to just be black projects stuff because, i mean, physics. the energy required to do these things is NOT in the ken of even the most secretive human military organisations, i mean, 6km wide, 1.5km tall discs at 8km altitude flying at mach 2.7 lol uh uh
i know there is a lot of confusion and deliberate disinformation around all this stuff but yeah, wow, Jesus was real, he was brought here for a specific purpose and that purpose is in the process of fulfillment now
8 hours ago•••
haha, i'm sure you know that there most definitely is things flying around that nobody is claiming responsibility for and of those that are just classified, there is a definite increase in the number of these that are probably not related to any terrestrial government military forces
this one is interesting because they have been seeing some that have very little reflectivity (albedo) and have been observed moving at over mach 2
i don't think we are alone, and i don't think they are strangers (aliens) either, i am quite sure that these are our ancestors, making good on some very old promises given around 5000 years ago
this is the sliver of hope i have about the upcoming geomagnetic disaster - that as it says in Enoch and Revelation and numerous other places Hopi, Dogon, Egyptian, and other stories from everywhere, that the Aes Dana or whatever you want to call them, are going to do some harvesting of quality stock in order to seed a new, golden age in the next cycle
22 hours ago•••
@npub1syj...f6wl thanks so much for creating the composition buffer, already today 4 or more times i have not lost my words
22 hours ago•••
oh dear, i gave my skitty #mochi the new drontal internal antiparasitic and some other drug for the external stuff, and i see his eyes are all watery and he's behaving rather differently, like, playful and bold, sitting up on the shelf threatening to tamper with my nicknacks
he is definitely in skitty mode right now
this weather at the moment is crazy, rain and wind and rain and wind and i don't know what way is up at the moment
time to go to bed, but first i must dispose of the skitty's deposits in the clay repository in the bathroom, and sweep the clay bits he has scattered around the floor, and then to welcome him to his favourite sleeping place next to me on the bed upstairs
too much friction and probably i can't even catch a photo of him perched on the shelf with his visible slight wobble that is obviously probably induced by some cholinergic effect of the drugs i gave him to clear his parasites
inshalah that this actually kills the ear mites and eye mites he has had that the previous treatment did not affect
and i'm off to clean toilets and chew bubblegum, and go to sleep to the whooshy sound of the wind and the periodic random patter of rain
25 hours ago•••
at this point i am hearing the most clear and reasonable explanation of what the first chapter of Genesis actually refers to, about how it is a 7 day process starting from the total inundation and fog of the events of the sudden rotation of the earth's crust
@npub1z4y...zpx6 i've read many people try to say that this chapter was just a metaphor for some physics, such as you can read in Plato's Timeaus, which seems to be another retelling and elaboration of similar stuff, or some hermetic stuff...
your description is one of the most lucid explanations i have ever heard of why the Genesis is exactly what it is
also, just to further elaborate, numerous apocryphal versions of genesis (i found these via Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, The Book of Jasher and The Book of Jubilees) also have more details that is missing from the canonical selection made by the Council of Nicaea
absolutely mindblowing stuff
the world will change again soon
it's uncertain exactly when, it might be this solar max, but it's less likely in a solar minimum, so if it doesn't happen this year, it probably will be about 11 years ahead, or 11 years ahead of that
4c800257...3b2f replied 25 hours ago
29 hours ago•••
a paper on statistical correlations between #bitcoin prices and wolf numbers (sunspot count)
31 hours ago•••
the nice girl at the shop told me that the best way to make avocados ripen was to wrap them in paper and then in a plastic bag and in a dark place for a day or two
i figured that it's probably the same for bananas
so i ttried it, and indeed, bananas that were somewhat green and not quite ready to eat, today they are perfectly yellow and while the skin was a bit harder to open than i expected, the flesh was perfect, just one day
i had found previously that if you just hang them up like they seem to do in the shop, it's no good
turns out that the reason is the shop environment is dark at night, and not ventilated, so it is quite humid, and no air movement, so the bananas react to the ethylene oxide they emit and the enzymes get busy
i may have to get some avocados now, because it worked a treat on the nanas
bananas = potassium
avocados = MCTs
both are very good non-meat food items, and i've never known how to get them to ripen properly but this method works
i wrap them in kitchen towel, then in a plastic bag, put it in the cupboard in the dark, and next day, or maybe day after, done
31 hours ago•••
today i learned that json is completely incompatible with unix shells
you can put it into your command line parameters but there is no way, no how, except for heredoc, that it won't get sliced into useless garbage that you can't reconstruct
32 hours ago•••
damn, all this chatter about UI schemes with jumble has got me again wanting to write a damn client >_<
i barely even have enough time to keep improving and bugfixing #realy
if only i could shift to nostr full time
gotta find a way
32 hours ago•••
fun fact about the greek alphabet's first and last letters
α is alpha Ω is omega
they are the same, practically, except rotated, to the left and then vertical
well, it's not how they are always drawn, and that is the modern form, the old forms the A was more like it's rotated down 60 degrees, but still similar structure
particularly looking at the old byzantine greek miniscule
the small omega looks like a W but it's actually based on a spiral upright as is the alpha written like the modern lower case greek alpha
also, this all is common with some other european scripts as well, like the runic scripts, in fact the Hristo Rei symbol used by the Catholics, the P with the X crossed through the stem of the X...
i am fascinated by these symbols and some of them seem very pretty to me.. like the cyrillic miniscule of the small letter G, it is a backwards S, but then you look at english old fonts like Times New Roman and others, the lower case G is basically like the 8 symbol but the fundamental main strokes are exactly a backwards S
there is magic in these things, i'm sure of it, but for me anyway, fascination
i really enjoyed learning to write lower case cyrillic in particular, it's much prettier than the capital sign case
and there is reasons that gave us the two different letter types that got adopted to indicate nouns in the germanic - one is for carving into stone and wood, the other is for scribing with a pen and ink, so the small letters are round and loopy and can include ligatures so you can form words with a single stroke
i worry sometimes that humans will lose the ability to write, the way things are going, i'm quite equivocal about it because most people can barely type, i can touch type, so ok no big deal but i can also write as well, and people probably notice that i deliberately avoid using capital letters very much in my writing at least my informal stuff in nostr posts
that's because i prefer miniscule text, it is more readable, all the ascenders and descenders are specifically there to make it faster to read
anyway, alpha, and omega, if i understand it correctly, kinda represent the beginning and end of a cycle, and they hint at the cycle change being a 90 degree rotation, which is what exactly happens in the pole shift disaster cycle
and i'm pretty sure this is also why balkans, baltics and central africa, formerly the old equator, and soon to be again... alpha, omega... the symbols tell you the high level phenomena that is the sign of the Return
34 hours ago•••
just came back from my first time at a Mass
i understood very little that was said but i decided that i have to learn the portuguese form of The Lord's Prayer so i understand it and so i can recite it...
there was many things that were said by the congregation so i think there is lots of stuff to learn, and undoubtedly i need to continue my portuguese study
the best part was at the end, after shaking hands with all of the people in the pews near me, and taking the communion wafer, as we were leaving the building to the right the sun had just popped over the edge of the mountain and shined on me
definitely going next week
47 hours ago•••
been here almost 3 months and tonight all the street lights around my immediate area are out
not the right thing to happen as i am playing The Long Dark
especially after learning it seems that this funny game is unique af in the gaming world
it's also what made me go "hmmmm" when i heard the expression "geomagnetic disaster" on the suspicious observers
no, no geomagnetic insanity tonight but probably just local government incompetence, they seem to be unable to manage the water supply at all, at all here, dug up the road, still not paved back again, leak right out front of my place, finally they cut off the spraying leak further down the path
idk even what to say, what is going on here?
after tonight i'm keeping a lighter and a candle where i know i can find it
2 days ago•••
2 days ago•••
feature creep is the enemy of software engineering
2 days ago•••
feature creep is the enemy of software engineering
2 days ago•••
i'm quite sure that as time passes what these licensed (wait for that, too) AIs say will strangely agree with what the bobbleheads in parliament say
2 days ago•••
2 days ago•••
the guys that wrote the storyline for HL2 were not stupid
"suppression field"
is this not much the same as promoting non-reproductive forms of sexuality?
2 days ago•••
I also detect some unspoken questions. Do Our Benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again?
-- Wallace Breen - Half Life 2
2 days ago•••
in case y'all silly euros didn't realise the purpose of the Union was to set up to draft you all into a pointless meatgrinder war against people who are your neighbours
just like what Hitler, Stalin and Churchill did 90 years ago
opt out
leave, go to the rural areas, fuck this dystopia
3 days ago•••
GM #nostr