43 days ago•••
Uuh.. just set coinos wallet with #Amethyst via WC for one tap zap. The easiest way to do it until now.
You should try coinos.io if you don't have already. Only thing I don't like much is that automatically changes lightning address default on your Nostr profile, but all the rest is so neat and simple.
Intuitive Guy☯️⚡ replied 43 days ago
44 days ago•••
Keep it weird..
139 days ago•••
@npub1jt9...la9y's first book, Sovereignty Through Mathematics, has been released on the Bitcoin Infinity Store (and Amazon)!
As with Everything Divided by 21 Million, this edition has been lightly re-edited for readability and consistency while maintaining the integrity of the content.
Also included is the foreword by Prince Filip, originally written for the combined volume including Independence Reimagined - stay tuned for the re-release of that volume soon!
Also added is the first translation on the Bitcoin Infinity Store - Bitcoin: Todo dividido entre 21 millones - the Spanish translation of Everything Divided by 21 Million.
All of the translations of Knut's books will be released on the store in the coming months, and if you're interested in translating books into other languages, send us a DM!
146 days ago•••
153 days ago•••
Max Hillebrand on Bitcoin and Praxeology | Bitcoin Infinity Show 129
Our friend @npub1klk...x3vt joined us in Riga during @npub1nst...rg5l before @npub1yul...ncdu's Baltic Honeybadger. We talked about The Lodging of Wayfaring Men, and a lot of the philosophical underpinnings of Bitcoin and praxeology!
Check out the https://bitcoininfinitystore.com/ for our books, merch, and more!
167 days ago•••
George Manolov is the Bitcoin Director at @npub19jf...8rx0, the oldest active football club in Bulgaria. George joins us to tell us about the Bitcoin projects at Botev Plovdiv, and the Bitcoin situation in Bulgaria more generally!
Nostr only one day early! #NostrFirst
171 days ago•••
Big news!
We have added the first new books to the Bitcoin Infinity Store!
Joining our shop today are:
Daz and @npub1tm2...lpna are great friends of ours doing awesome things at @npub18z7...tsc3, and we're thrilled to have their books be the first new additions to our shop!
174 days ago•••
Here's the latest Bitcoin Infinity Show episode, as always out on Nostr 1 day early! #NostrFirst
And this time, we have @npub18am...p424 joining us for a Nostr deep dive! Recorded in person at @npub1nst...rg5l before @npub1yul...ncdu's Baltic Honeybadger in Riga, we dug into plenty of questions and topics that we had about Nostr and how to use it best.
We took much of what we learned from Derek to heart, and we've embraced a Nostr first strategy with all our content, and we're looking for new ways to use Nostr to its fullest extent all the time. Thanks again Derek for joining us!
The Bitcoin Infinity Show replied 173 days ago
181 days ago•••
188 days ago•••
Peter Dunworth is back for BIS #124! We catch up with Peter after about a year, hear about everything he's been up to, and cover plenty of philosophical topics!
Out on Nostr only, one day early! #NostrOnly
Check out https://bitcoininfinitystore.com/ for Bitcoin: The Inverse of Clown World, and more!
The Bitcoin Infinity Show replied 188 days ago
192 days ago•••
Trying out something new! Nostr-native hosting for our videos on Nostr.Build!
Here is our latest episode with Maya Parbhoe! Let us know, does this work?
Thanks again Maya for coming on our show! https://v.nostr.build/ULCZghVY1wRvtxD0.mp4
The Bitcoin Infinity Show replied 192 days ago
195 days ago•••
Running for President with Maya Parbhoe - Bitcoin Infinity Show #123
In this episode, @npub1h0f...kvcg joins us to share her story. In short: she's RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF SURINAME! She plans to bring Bitcoin to Suriname in a big way, and she needs our support!
YouTube drops soon for video (also on that other social network, but later). We'll also be putting episodes up on Rumble and hopefully something more Nostr-native in the future.
The Bitcoin Infinity Show replied 195 days ago
196 days ago•••
We will be making some big changes to how we do Nostr as it relates to the Bitcoin Infinity Show, after being inspired at the excellent @npub1nst...rg5l conference. We will be going #NostrFirst as far as possible, and over the next few weeks we will implement those changes. Stay tuned for that!
This account is also going to be used for the publishing side of our collaboration. You may know that we are @npub1jt9...la9y and @npub1fk8...cwld and we've recently launched our book Bitcoin: The Inverse of Clown World. Well, there's more to it than that!
The launch of the book was also the launch of our new publishing company and website under the Bitcoin Infinity brand. Therefore, we will be using this account to publish updates about our books and website as well, and making some changes to this account to reflect that. Our new website is http://bitcoininfinity.com/ if you're interested.
We're looking forward to being more integrated with Nostr and building towards our mission of advancing Bitcoin through this wonderful network. Onward!
237 days ago•••
🚨🚨BIG NEWS! 🚨🚨
The Freedom Footprint Show is rebranding - we are now the Bitcoin Infinity Show!
This new name better reflects what our show is all about - exploring Bitcoin's infinite potential with our friends!
The Freedom Footprint mindset is still a big part of our identity as we continue to focus on the tools that help us all emit more freedom dioxide. But at the heart, this is a Bitcoin show - it always has been! So, from now on, this is the Bitcoin Infinity Show!
Our first episode with the new name will be out tomorrow! In the meantime, give us a follow if you haven't already, and spread the word!
And brush your teeth, FFS!
243 days ago•••
New episode!
The Uncle Network with Rockstar Developer | FFS117
@npub1j8y...vrvg, everyone's favorite uncle, joins us to talk about @npub155m...dcvg, #Nostr, the importance of anonymity, and much more.
250 days ago•••
New Episode!
@npub1dtg...up6m joined us in Prague to discuss his upcoming book, The Bushido of Bitcoin, in which he presents #Bitcoin as a framework for excellence as related to the samurai virtues of bushido! He also tells us all about @npub15xd...t3l3, his upcoming new #Nostr app.