1 hour ago•••
The price you pay for speaking your mind is that someone will be offended. Do it anyway.
5 hours ago•••
“When someone tries to buy all the world's supply of a scarce asset, the more they buy the higher the price goes. ”
- Satoshi Nakamoto
6 hours ago•••
“Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” ‭‭Jonah‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/jon.1.17.NIV
10 hours ago•••
My Alma mater called looking for fiat donations. I said I’m only sending bitcoin donations. If yall don’t start accepting bitcoin I’m never making another donation 😆
12 hours ago•••
US President does infomercial at White House for company owned by his biggest political donor 🤡
14 hours ago•••
i'm addicted to vibe coding plz send help
3f751c3e...49ca replied 14 hours ago
21 hours ago•••
We have become so accustomed to material and social slavery that we no longer see the chains...
Life is a short journey, live it.
25 hours ago•••
don’t leave your coffee alone for too long and then be surprised that it’s cold
i’m not talking about coffee
32 hours ago•••
Well come to buffalo Norris!
38 hours ago•••
Most shitcoins will eventually go to zero and the ones that don't are going down it Bitcoin terms, but there is no possibility that all shitcoins go to zero. We've already got ETFs, 'tethers on tron', liquid, custodial lightning , ecash and a whole host of tools designed to scale bitcoin. If scaling up to a medium of exchange for the planet is going to happen (hyperbitcoinization) then the amount of value is going to be on bitcoins blockchain is going to represent everything there is. That is and will be in the future, a lot. i believe the natural evolution will include shitcoins because the at some point the farhter away we get from layer one the more trust gets introduced and at some point, call it the free market, there will be individuals who simply trust other solutions rather than bitcoin sidechains. Its already happeneing, just because the trust is unfounded does not change this. And there is other reasons for this too, convenience being one of them.
Basically all this to say if fiat dies AND we enter hyperbitcoinization, the shitcoins will be around in that future. so i think its good to come to terms with that and possibly use it to our advantage
38 hours ago•••
We run a few RIPE Atlas probes and anchors - why you should too?
RIPE Atlas is extremely useful service to measure and monitor network events globally. As per their own statistics at https://atlas.ripe.net/statistics/ they cover about 5% of all allocated ASNs (not only RIPE region) and 89% of countries.
This service provides an unprecedented real time view of how the Internet is working. This data is valuable for researchers worldwide and accessible for anyone. It can help you to troubleshoot own network, look at connectivity or improve the Internet (if you are an ISP).
Participation is volunteer, however all operators of both probe or anchor get "credits". They are used for running your own custom measurements and can be shared.
41 hours ago•••
What he meant to say was:
41 hours ago•••
I’m only sad about X being down because Grok is down 😒
43 hours ago•••
This dental office is the worst they just doxx someone SSN and name while i site in the lobby. Crazy
46 hours ago•••
When the phone was tied with a wire - Humans were free ☎️
2 days ago•••
In the chop five by five!