3 hours ago•••
devs who work a fiat mine gig write the best nostr apps, in general
or the ones who are selling services on nostr like @npub10np...tl5h and @npub1226...grkj
mleku replied 2 hours ago
3 hours ago•••
#gm today after the caffeine has been extirpated from my residence, i am on my proper first full day of no caffeine
i may get a headache at some point i guess
after cutting back and then having a few too many i'm definitely totally put off by it, by how it makes me feel and behave
also in other news, i have learned that Swagger 2 is much more sane than OpenAPI 3, which is completely retarded - always suspect odd version numbers, as they say, except kernel 5, that was more stable than 6
10 hours ago•••
#mochi the #catstr doing an impression of a serbian Lepinja loaf
these are very nice in the format of Komplet Lepinja, which i had the privilege of experiencing one cooked by a boy who comes from the hometown of this recipe
you get one of these made by a legit resident of Uzice in southern serbia, and you will have super powers all day
so, i know, my kitty is signalling great omens
as well as being grumpy about how late i am up tonight
11 hours ago•••
being ungovernable means not giving a fuck what the crowd thinks
stop seeking approval, grow some audacity and just say what you think, the first thing, fuck this filtering shit
if you can't just burst out with the first thing that comes to you
you are no tserving Our Creator by forging the path fowards away from groupthink and retardation
mleku replied 10 hours ago
11 hours ago•••
@npub1atc...vadh stop bothering my feed
charity is a scam, and you are extremely suspect in my view because you "so want to help people"
here's a tip
you want to help people, be better at being you
mleku replied 11 hours ago
11 hours ago•••
i'm so used to using teh back and forward buttons on the side of my mouse that it distresses me that it's not literally a step back/forward in my browser not just for the current tab but the whole shebang of history
you see, i'm not new to this technology, i'm about to hit 40 years at a level where i was able to write a fruckin flicker free sprite in BASIC when i was 9 years old
i can't has a sad for you clowns, and you youngins
you don't even know how awfully this technoolgy has failed to progress, and the deceleration is now at practically zero km/h at this point in history, my computer is literally doing nothing that much more great than my computer did in 2018 and i paid less for it back then
anyway, something prompted me to dig up this gif, and so i put it on my vps
now i wish i remembered what this was in context with because it was cool
11 hours ago•••
my little teacher #mochi the #catstr just trampled my mini pc and the power out of the UPS to disconnect my internet just now
i didn't notice because i was too busy doing stuffs - specifically this:
i gave up on openapi 3, it's a piece of shit unstable actually not doing anything better
this swagger tooling is very obviously a lot more stable, and most importantly, it is actually giving you a little picture into the nostr http api i'm building, complete with examples and numerous bits of specification that make implementation simple and the results of it, reliable
i guess openapi 3 is unstable
supposedly always odd versions are this except 1, which is technically not really odd but prime, which also means first :rofl:
anyhow, the kittah has achieved his mission
i wanted to just report on his progress
he is having coughs a lot less often, he is now preferring to sleep full time up in my bed, except in the evening times, he comes to me to hassle me to go and be his toasty heater up on the bed for the cold nighttime
his eyes are getting weepy less often, his tongue is definitely protruding less
and the most shocking thing about this is he hasn't et hardly anything in now nearing 36 hours, his belly isn't as distended as it is normally, and this is probably the reason:
i've repeatedly fed him grain fed angus beef stake diced into small kitty sized chunks for the prior 3 days, as well as most days also a 100g of human grade tuna in brine, with the brine drained
i plop his feeding bowl repeatedly today on the ground to trigger the "ooh food" signal and nope, he dgaf
it's quite bizarre
and not only that, he has repeatedly gone into skitty mode today, including killing my mini pc and optical router power as he was exploring a new part of the space he never was at before
he is getting stronger, and fitter, and faster, and smarter, and not only that, he is sending me messages that The Master has been sending him, which is to get to damn sleep
nope... i needed to finish the API methods for events, filter and fulltext and subscribe
done now
just needed to log my report to my peoples about how things are moving forwards here, and how kitty > all and how swagger 2 > openapi 3
15 hours ago•••
vitor does not cease to give me reasons to despise him
hipster jerk influencoor, i bet he doesn't even write the fucking code
19 hours ago•••
i had dialed back my caffeine intake substantially in the last week and today i have had 3.5 coffees, and i'm getting super anxious and people are asking me difficult questions that relate to their lack of thought about the subject they are asking me about (eg, why is a simple fuzzy matcther needed for comparing bodies of mostly machine generated, finite lists of things) and stuff like "why does this guy have three dangling accounts on linkedin (because i lost my google accounts and made new ones and they reflect three periods of job hunting where i needed to use linkedin and never used it while in the job)
so, idk what to say, it feels like the only option i have right at this moment is to rid my house of this horrid chemical because i feel like utter shit like i'm having to defend and explain everything about me that is unusual and extremely difficult shit i have had to deal with and i'm fucking 48 years old and unmarried and this fiat world done me a wrong lol
i'd be dead if i wasn't so tenacious and audacious at doing my own thing, like a stray cat, i am not normally socialized, i am odd, and sometimes unexpectedly viciously defending myself, because nobody else has helped me get through those obstacles and i've found my niche and it's been a really hard road for me
20 hours ago•••
i thought i'd written a correct openapi spec to include the insane nip-11 structure that you may recall me commenting on it's insane dynamic unstructured array specification
the editor was happy, so was the swagger UI generator and so was the UI generator built into intellij
but the actual code generator, the most popular and extensive one shits the bed with some whine about some part of that insane structure being missing a schema
so, i actually am very annoyed that i wasted my time completing that specification as i did yesterday, even though supposedly it was valid, it was not valid according to my generator
probably some versioning problem with some feature my generator doesn't understand
it thinks it's perfectly complient with even 3.0.0 but the oapi-codegen doesn't agree
oh well, screw it, truth be told that stupid data structure doesn't parse properly into Go semantics without inordinate amounts of interface boilerplate so idgaf, screw your dynamic type tomfoolery, i am ignoring your stupidity
instead, i am going to just supersede this stupidity with a sane system of defining APIs like the rest of the entire world is doing outside of nostr dev
21 hours ago•••
as i sit watching the epic seas of the current moment driven by high winds blowing south from the north/north-east on #madeira - that has been sufficiently strong that it threw a corrugated steel roof section around right near my cottage, up the hill, and the other night a collapse of a very large rock in the midst of a lot of relatively loose soil and sedimentary rocks
i am thinking about what level of risk there is, objectively, for me to find myself in a full washed-away tsunami at my position (about 200m altitude, 500m from the coast)
the incident mentioned at the top, the most notable one in recent history, was a tsunami on a very tall section of coastal land called Cabo Girao, it is adjacent to Camara do Lobos, one of the first large urban areas you reach on the road from Sao Vicente going towards Funchal
i took the route over that hill of Cabo Girao a few months back when i bought that mountain bike that is sitting mostly idle in my front yard, and it is hella tall and steep, and indeed, it has quite a steep cliff face on one side, the most notable thing i encountered on the way up there was a british owned holiday accommodation complex, a sprawling place with dozens of two and three storey buildings...
there was 19 fatalities from this incident, which isn't really relatively that hazardous, but being that i am close to a relatively steep part of the edge near the coastline, there is some danger of landlslides
thinking it through, i think that probably the chances are pretty slim that a big enough chunk of rock might fall off the peak across the gully from me, Arco Sao Jorge might drop a big chunk into the water and cause some big waves here
additionally, precisely because this island is so steep around its foundations under the water, dropping to hundreds of metres deep within less than a hundred metres of distance, really big waves coming in at us from afar have a really big area to push on before they actually ride up the side of the mountain and potentially wash away loads of loose soil
it's just a mental exercise for me to model what my risk level is, and i think it's pretty low overall, and landslides, also, prettyt low chance of a problem since it's only another 50m further up to the peak and it's quite a small body, and i think its shape is more steep on the other side than here, so a landslide up there is unlikely to have much effect down here at all
i still would be screwed in a pole shift if the water sloshed up more than 200m though, doesn't have to be fast, if it's big and powerful
25 hours ago•••
teh most annoying thing about the #ai hype is that executives in many tech companies are drinking the kool-aid like it's heavenly ambrosia
and so they think that it changes everything about their business, and because they understand the low level and back end stuff the least, they think that what we are doing is "obsolete" or something
no, it's not, AI has changed nothing about the low level and back end because stupid language models CANNOT do rigorous logic or creative thinking that is necessary in these areas
but i'm constantly getting this "oh we are going to move you to something else because your task is obsolete" shit from my fiat mine's CTO, and frankly, although there was problems with the CTO i worked with at one shitcoin project back in 2021, i preferred having someone in charge of my work being a peer in their technical skill, he wrote an algorithm quite quickly that was needed for my job, which was a bit rude because i could have done it in maybe a day more than he did it in, but i didn't have him second-guessing the requirements, this dude's background was physics and he knew quite a bit about experimental systems that required computer assistance
my current CTO is unqualified, she can't even write code, hardly at all, so it really grates for me to have her so, to be blunt, stupidly not understanding what people are telling her
guys that do ML stuff with python vector databases are not qualified to write services code, and they understood well enough that most of what i've already done in my current work was necessary
just an anecdote, and it hints at the idea there will be a really big problem with code quality and reliability of services in the coming years until people wake up from their media induced AI mania
mleku replied 24 hours ago
26 hours ago•••
wild winds here this morning in #boaventura on #madeira island
the waves are pretty epic down there too, when the winds are in a lull, the sound of the waves is loud, and even can be heard above most of the wind noise even with all the windows closed
power went out this morning several times and i'm paranoid that it's going to blip out again today because the winds have barely calmed at all compared to how they were when the power went out... makes me wish i had a meaty UPS for my workstation so i can keep working if it goes out for an hour again like this morning
hopefully though, whatever glitches were with the grid out here this morning have been patched up correctly and there isn't an escalation to stress other not quite so glitched installations causing ground faults, i assume this was caused by a ground fault throwing an overload switcher
winds on this island are funny, it's like, not really very windy, and then often really sudden, fast bursts and then nothing again, and yeah, between october and may, this is frequent weather here on the north, the worst weather is february and march... like it was in balkans, Baba Marta is one mean old lady and it isn't until april that spring becomes nice and friendly
39 hours ago•••
venezualan gang Tren De Acagua, some 200+ guys were already en route to El Salvador to face justice there
and some "judge" is trying to block it
oopsie, too late
what's interesting to me is that there is some to and fro going on here between USA and ES now with regard to shutting down these psychos
and it's kinda becoming obvious who is covertly supporting them, no?
41 hours ago•••
a novel realisation that has come to me recently is that the biblical concept of "God the Father" is quite important
so, people who know philosophy and mythological systems, may know of the concept of Chaos as the Prima Materia of the universe, and that it contains all potentials.
the Father is like a "seed" that specifies a limited subset of that totality of everything
so, where it says in the Lord's Prayer and all of what Jesus is reported to say in the Father is the "seed" that specifies the specific subset of Chaos
this relates to entropy also, because what it means is that Chaos is primary, in the sense of that all possible universes are contained within this name and concept
the Father means the code that unlocks the parts of Chaos that are valuable, the negentropy, all of what comes from the Father is specifically, the things that continue to open potential for further, and increasing order and structure (sometimes you might call that 'elegant' or 'novel')
this understanding makes a quite different understanding of the relevance of the New Testament in terms of what it says Father
like, i'm familiar with the Yaqui model of the Great Eagle which i think is their name for Chaos, and there is a dark and light side to this, and one is destruction, one is creation
the Father is creation, the dark side is Satan
it is very important to understand that God is not omnipotent
what He is, is omniscient, he knows all
what He isn't, is everything that degrades and destroys structure and order
45 hours ago•••
this day of the Lord i consumed no caffeinated beverages
i feel fine
maybe i need to keep the equipments to avert a headache in the next day or two but then all cafe is off my menu
i feel fine, and in recent times every time i drink coffee i get nerve, muscle and joint problems
literally seems to be the worst thing i can do right now
47 hours ago•••
fyi #jumble doesn't do DMs and good because nostr DMs are a tire fire
so just don't expect me to even know you sent me a nostr dm
i dream of of working nostr instant messaging, but there is none in this moment
none of the assclowns being paid to build things can do them right, in any way, whatosoever
and i'm not reserving that at all, many good devs, but i'm now moving into the middle of my second year using this protocol and this is a realtime photo of me observing the state of DMs
47 hours ago•••
spring sale on steam
didn't find much interesting but happily adding portal bundle... i may need to play it again now... hilarious game, never seen it on a 4k QD OLED, could be pretty
mleku replied 47 hours ago
2 days ago•••
the farmers are shooting rabbits today, i've heard more than 10 gunshots in the last hour
i ran across a rabbit on the road yesterday too, i guess they breeding
almost wish i could be shooting them, skin em and feed em to my kitty, guts included
2 days ago•••