Really great Video.
It just made me realize, that I thought everyone is participating in trading money.
But with this video I started to understand, that the richest people are actually always divesting from Money. They get rid of the money and buy real value. Houses, Companies, your Workforce and so on. Since this real value is limited, it holds its value under most circumstances. The loosers of an inflating money are first and formost those who hold on to money to store value.
The rich know, what will have more value in the future. And they hold these assets. And it defnitly is not inflationary money. Neighter do the national banks try to accumulate money. They accumulate scarce values.
Lets invest in scarce values as well. Be it #bitcoin, be it shares of companies that should still exist in the future we need the value or be it the education you and your children can get better in some skill. Knowledge and almost every physical thing is scarce on earth. Invest in scarce products and services, that will come in handy one day.