Intuitive Guy☯️⚡/340 days ago/
7 hours ago•••
You'd be hard-pressed to find many Nostr builders not running some sort of related infrastructure, like a relay, Lightning node, web server, media server, database service, API, etc. There are concrete reasons for this, inherent to the nature of FOSS development and services, the people it attracts, and the value it adds.
So, the idea that we should all come here and build because we don't need to set up any infrastructure is unconvincing, and mildly upsetting. That only makes sense to people who aren't builders, and shows their indifference to those who build and provide all of this stuff. What in the world do you think we are building on? These are the sort of people who think that they can look up, at the sky, and see Google Cloud.
The argument should be that it is easier to set up the infrastructure, cheaper to run it, and simple to integrate with it. Which is true. At the not-insignificant cost of working in a highly chaotic environment, where you are constantly lectured to by popular npubs who don't know how computers work.
7 hours ago•••
Vibing is going to drive more traffic to the enterprise-level solutions, as people quickly tire of having to relearn how to do basic things because there are 1340 slightly-different versions of the same exact thing. How do they know which thing is the best thing? They're all alike! Can't even talk to other people about what you're doing because their version is always going to be different. You can have your kind 01 note generator in any color, but you won't be able to remember where the send button is.
It'll be like the early web days, when you had to spend 20 minutes finding the About page because everyone had the menus in a different place.
People will just pick whichever brand is stronger or whichever brand is cheapest, like they do for ketchup and socks, and they'll just keep going back to that one. Commoditizing things concentrates the market; it doesn't lead to increased variety.
8 hours ago•••
You were this many days old, when you realized that mobile-native apps are also infrastructure + service plays. It's just a different tactic and benefits different infrastructure manufacturers/maintainers and service providers.
All network-enabled software is a service. All services require hardware to run it and networks to transmit the data. Nothing comes from nothing.
8 hours ago•••
Well, without AI scrapers, almost all FOSS would have no traffic on their repos, so there's that.
How long GitHub will continue to foot the bill for microapps with three faithful users, and "Hello world!" attempts by people who are destined to become vibers, is the only open question. That's a lot of storage cost, for ded code.
What we can definitely see, is that everything is an infrastructure and services play, not a code play. Vibe-code your website into existence... and put it... where?
Silberengel replied 8 hours ago
19 hours ago•••
Hello. We have a new feature implemented, in #Alexandria, which might interest some of you.
We have revamped and expanded the index card menu. You now have the ability to display publication details (index metadata) on the cards, including book summaries, ISBNs, and links to the npub profile pages of the publishing npub and the author. (If the author has a npub and is referenced in the 'p' tag, as with @npub1der...xzpc's book, below.)
This allows for publisher and author to share in the credit and the zaps, and to both be notified of interactions with the index.
You also have the ability to open an original URL-source of the publication (usually to a web page, PDF, LaTeX file etc.), even if the publication is also available in event form. Currently, it opens outside the app.
This opens up Alexandria to being a true library catalog of all publications, even those under copyright or where there is no digital version readily available. They can be referenced and interacted with, through the index cards, in a manner similar to GoodReads or other "book review" sites.
This will become more apparent, once we add things like kind 1111 comments, to the index events. For now, we're still revamping the parser and the table of contents, but they should be replaced #thoon. Thank you for your patience and support, while we rebuild, and may you have a good evening.
Silberengel replied 19 hours ago
21 hours ago•••
@npub1kmw...xqk9 Y'all keep communicating with us per e-mail, and I'm nervous that it's just some scammer. Asking for private information and asking me to click on hyperlinks and stuff.
Could you switch to using Nostr for that, so that we can easily confirm that you're really "you"?
25 hours ago•••
Okay, NIP-62 is now "Right to Vanish" and "Curated Publications" will apparently not be merged, so never mind then. Removing the reference to the NIP number in the NKBIP-01 documents. Sorry, for any confusion.
@npub1m3x...a5sf @npub1wqf...qsyn I think that's a wrap. We tried. 🤷‍♀️
Silberengel replied 24 hours ago
31 hours ago•••
Redid the streams again, after checking to see which ones actually worked. Some of these are probably redundant, as they have streams from their side, with each other and with us, but oh well. Everyone can see your stuff and interact with you, without you needing a bunch of relay subscriptions, is the point, as the relays communicate on the server side.
You should see your interactions going up.
THEFOREST (community relay, that only subscribers can write to, but everyone can read, all kinds accepted) wss://relay.damus.io wss://relay.nostr.band/ wss://relay.primal.net wss://nostr.wine/ wss://nos.lol
THECITADEL (public relay, that everyone can read and write to, but no "social" notes) wss://relay.lumina.rocks wss://theforest.nostr1.com wss://freelay.sovbit.host/ wss://wheat.happytavern.co/ wss://nostr.mom
If you're a subscriber to https://theforest.nostr1.com and want to cut down on the bandwidth and the spam/noise, a suggestion for an efficient setup is:
WRITE/OUTBOX wss://theforest.nostr1.com wss://christpill.nostr1.com wss://nostr.land
READ/INBOX wss://theforest.nostr1.com wss://thecitadel.nostr1.com wss://christpill.nostr1.com
Silberengel replied 30 hours ago
30 hours ago•••
@npub180c...h6w6 is there a reason why you changed NAK online? It doesn't really do any of the cool stuff, anymore.
46 hours ago•••
Vibing isn't pleasuring yourself with an electronic device, but it sorta is.
2 days ago•••
A relay is a server.
Anything that interfaces with a relay is client-server architecture.
2 days ago•••
Website applications are underrated.
2 days ago•••
@npub1syj...f6wl I can tell you're younger than I am because you made the Jumble font so thin, that I have to squint, to read it.
3 days ago•••
Which clients have associated relays?
#Alexandria, Damus, Band, Ditto, Relay.Tools, Wikifreedia, Yeghro, Lumina, 0xChat, Satlantis, Primal, ...?
Silberengel replied 3 days ago
5 days ago•••
The https://theforest.nostr1.com community relay is bidirectional streaming to wine, damus, band, primal, and land.
The https://thecitadel.nostr1.com document and image relay is streaming to wikifreedia, realy, theforest, and lumina.
7 days ago•••
#Matrix melts down faster under a heavy load than #Nostr does, and AI-generated/stockphoto pics have made #Pinterest almost completely useless.
Just saying.
340 days ago•••
How many users on X? How many followers on X?
How many users on #Nostr? Ow many followers on #Nostr?
These are crucial data to take in consideration when you check where/if you should post, also looking long term.
X people will be less healthy in the future that nostr people.. eventually.
340 days ago•••
Arguably this is already true