5 minutes ago•••
It's hard to control what gets off a relay, considering the events are discrete, self-contained packets. So more effort should be put into controlling what gets in.
If you really want to control what gets off, you'd need to serve decomposed notes to a trusting client to avoid actual signed notes from escaping.
And if you're serving private or monetized media it would need to be copy protected on the client.
42 minutes ago•••
i should so go to sleep
7ed7d5c3...e200 replied 41 minutes ago
58 minutes ago•••
You know, a free market of stablecoins is probably the best defense against CBDCs. Provided the banking cartels of the world don't pull a rabbit out of the hat to appropriate them all because they're all just banking on treasures maintaining their value.
So who knows? 😂