5 minutes ago•••
it's over. it was dumb. i feel dumb for watching it.
11 minutes ago•••
Join us and watch the White House Crypto Summit on this new Nostr app! It allows us to have essentially a watch party chat room while watching a YouTube live stream!
You'll need to sign in with a web browser extension.
11 minutes ago•••
Join us and watch the White House Crypto Summit on this new Nostr app! It allows us to have essentially a watch party chat room while watching a YouTube live stream!
You'll need to sign in with a web browser extension.
3f770d65...5b24 replied 11 minutes ago
46 minutes ago•••
46 minutes ago•••
naked jungle people are coming on Nostr Nests later today at 5PM ET. join them at https://nostrnests.com or Nostur or Snort.
46 minutes ago•••
naked jungle people are coming on Nostr Nests later today at 5PM ET. join them at https://nostrnests.com or Nostur or Snort.
2 hours ago•••
there's a #notedeck UI bug right now for very long composed notes that hinders you from seeing the 'post now' button. the button gets pushed down below the bottom of your screen.
the temporary fix:
option 1) use the keyboard shortcut to post with control + enter.
option 2) zoom out! press control + - to zoom out and then control + +/= to zoom in.
the team is aware and will work on a fix.
3 hours ago•••
Shower thoughts with Derek Ross:
What if paying your income taxes with bitcoin is a budget neutral strategy to grow the US SBR?
Additionally, using bitcoin to pay taxes does not yield capital gains taxes.