9 minutes ago•••
Recovered! The good news is that all uploads that gave you 404 have been successfully uploaded to our backup bucket (multicloud is the way), the bad news is that we can manually restore them into the bucket on the CDN but it may take some time. The good news is that I have started implementing automated fallback just for cases like these, and should have it deployed in the next few days (must test very thoroughly). If you still have the original media you could upload it again and get a new working link, and delete all the failed ones. Otherwise you could wait until I implement automated recovery 🫡
52 minutes ago•••
PSA: There seems to be some issues with the Cloudflare service which prevents uploads from happening and causes a display of 404 image. We are looking into the issue, please stay tuned! 🫡
52 minutes ago•••
PSA: There seems to be some issues with the Cloudflare service which prevents uploads from happening and causes a display of 404 image. We are looking into the issue, please stay tuned! 🫡
12 hours ago•••
Alright folks, thanks for participating in an experiment for zapvertizing “ad nauseam” and not making too much fuss about it. We shall try again, but for now I will go and have some rest! 🫡🚀🚀🚀😂⚡️
14 hours ago•••
We need to revive #zapathon ! I don’t want to cause zap havoc during normal “Nostr business hours” and I get itchy without doing shenanigans sometimes 😭😭😭
14 hours ago•••
Ok, I gotta stop before Nostr CEO bans me for good! 😂😂😂🤣
15 hours ago•••
I know I am weird, but I am a huge fan of dark humor! So, please don’t take it personally, it’s not you, it’s me 😂😂😂
15 hours ago•••
The lack of content in my feed, robs me from the pleasure of zapping video links! Come on Nostr, wake the FUCK UP already! 😂😂😂🚀🚀🚀
15 hours ago•••
Let’s add this video to all decently sized zaps! Copy paste the URL in the comment 😂😂😂
8fb140b4...000c replied 15 hours ago
15 hours ago•••
Just ran a manual marketing campaign zapping plebs with 69 sats and pasting IRL in the message! Let’s see if it was a waste of sats 😂😂😂
8fb140b4...000c replied 15 hours ago