We need to organize some havoc here, it’s been too timid and civil. What’s the point of freedom if you can’t or won’t exercise it? Ideas? Something naughty and probably bannable on any other place online 😂🔥
I can tell you that within nostr.build there are two factions, me and Bob. We are not always (or always not) in agreement, therefore each decision is scrutinized and weighed against our values and goals. 😂🫂🔥🔥🔥🚀💜
ACINQ Eclair just dropped 0.12.0 version with many improvements and some new features! Offers now work out of the box! 🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀
I just upgraded my node and so far Safari feels snappier 😂😂😂
All you ever wanted to know about storage in the computer systems, broke down in details and with interactive visualizations. One of the best articles I’ve read, probably ever! 🔥🔥🔥