22 minutes ago•••
example of how ambiguous nip specs are:
it is the expectation of a user that if they mute through the only mute button in a nostr app that it mutes in other apps too
nip-51 contains the option for clients to make this decision for you and not implement the other
this is a fork, if you only implement one mechanism
this is not interoperability
1 hour ago•••
i made a bad boo-boo with my lightning node and had a channel open that was stalled because of a burst of shitcoinery pushing fees up (i should have just waited another day dammit) and i used blockstream green (mistake #2 ) to CFPP on it... twice
gonna check the blockstream wallet actually
but i've also contacted acinq because it was with their node and the sooner i ask about it the better, because their logs should have my node ID in there and be able to tell me about the status of that channel opening
i strongly suspect it's just stuck in HTLC limbo and will return to my address later but i gotta follow this up
yeah, bs green wallet reports the same balance based on my LN node's seed so, other than things unrelated, i can now see a detailed log of my LN node onchain wallet history with it
i hope acinq is nice about this and gives me accurate info, i'm pretty sure by protocol it should be in HTLC limbo waiting for a timeout block height or whatever the things are, been a while since i was deep into the LN protocol voodoo... it is complicated shit, i can't really tell you the details of it except i remember the cascade process of HTLC times ascending through the payment path to ensure that if things go pear shaped the payment balance change reverses
and that is one of the key things that distinguishes lightning from all the other, more primitive shitty L2 designs, like drivechains and parachains and all that other shit... it's resilent
so, i'm sure i will get my sats back under control, i'm just a bit nervous because they are in limbo, i'm sure it will take 5 minutes for acinq's nice techs to inspect the logs and confirm the status for me
never ever again tampering with channel opens, damn, ouch
1 hour ago•••
it is no coincidence that "whores" and "horse" sound the same, almost
most horses will let anyone ride them
1 hour ago•••
untyped, unstructured JSON arrays are the devil
to express them in openapi you have to define them in components and combine them to make them work properly
i am really wasting a lot of time addressing this lunacy in the retention field of nip-11 on this, like, how do i... ok, it's this "oneOf" shit
i am appalled at how unnecessarily complex this is, and the fact that i'm editing the spec on a runtime environment that is executing this lexical analysis and static syntax checking inside an abominably poorly designed interpreter engine instead of a fucking at least bytecode interpreter, it takes it like 7 seconds to parse the grammar of edits i make sometimes
2 hours ago•••
a great example of the #interop failure of #nostr #devstr
i mute a user in jumble
it is still visible in coracle and nostrudel
i mute it also in coracle
it is still visible in nostrudel
i close coracle and nostrudel tabs forevermore, i'm not tolerating this pollution of my computer's memory and my screen's pixels and the waste of CPU and memory (ie, electricity bill and damage to my hardware) that this all entails
because only #jumble actually is respecting me, as a user, with the small exception that #coracle lets me totally hide any notice of the trash i muted and if anyone wants to actually interact with me, they should stop being a twat in-group brainwashed drone, once i mute you, it's pretty much gonna be forever, i'm provoked to unmute people that are in a mode of behaving civilly but honestly, i wish i wasn't, @npub1syj...f6wl please enable fully hiding muted notes, instead of just wasting almost as much space on my screen and wasting my time downloading it
#realy does not send you events at all from users you muted, so long as it has your mute list to consult before returning your results
this should just be standard. no bandwidth, no compute, no memory, and no dfisplay bandwidth wasted on shit you don't care about
2 hours ago•••
here is an example of the obtuse nature of most "devs" especially those heavily involved in javascripting
can you read any explanation for why these fields in the "kinds" object fields in this "retention" key are an array of arrays exactly
so, just for funsies, let's mix it up so we have an array that has fields that are arrays of arrays as well as simple integers
why? just why?
javascript is poison for the mind, and here's the proof in the total lack of explanation for the need to support arrays of integeres as well as arays because there seems to be ZERO semantics suggested as to why
but ok, i will put both in, because fuck you that's why
2 hours ago•••
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish #EEE is a strategic protocol invented by microsoft, that they used to kill off many open source projects
Google used it as well, to mostly kill RSS, by making a better client, and then cancelling it
when it comes time that we have successfully caused sufficient adoption to really alarm the monopolists, they will try to run the EEE on us
so, instead, I am devising a mechanism to do the opposite. I am coining the name:
Embrace, Extend, Inflame
the distinction in this strategy is that
a) i AM their most avowed competitor, i am nobody, i am small, i am just a two bit nostr relay dev and worst of all, i am a golang and bitcoin maxi
b) i mean to not just upset the monopolists, i mean to upset every last nostr dev and groupie and incumbent development funding apparatus and donor by calling them a bunch of communists and pussies and stating the facts, that they have zero vision about the future, or the fact that this nostr protocol is literally the Tech Monopoly Killer
#EEI we will destroy their cathederals and replace them with a seething swarming, hydra-like organism of Bazaars that will end the centralized control of the internet forever
4 hours ago•••
i've just figured out a way that nostr can break out of the current application/nostr+json box
the canonical event format is this:
it is trivial then to extend that:
and then you have a new wire format that also doesn't redundantly specify the ID (just hash the canonical form of the message, a dynamic typed but fixed typed array) and the signature is attached to it in a way that is easy to cut out, generate the ID and then extract the sig and verify the sig, and no json object keys were harmed in this process
and then what next?
you can then put this into the "content" field of a more sane, text based format like the one i have been designing, inspired by common standards like email and yaml (ok fuck the python style yaml indent-structuring tho) and the event is now transportable
you have a signature on the outer, new wire format, that can be used with new style APIs (mainly will just mean a different Accept mimetype, probably "application/x-nostr") and the inner object is compatible with the old format once you unpack it, hash the canonical form, derive the wire format object with id and sig added, and then we can attached extra fields in the tags where needed to augment the referencing so a client can see this new format of event, read tags, and find references that point to this new formatted composite event structure
et voila
probably can't deprecate the bundled nostr format of the event data, so they will be a bit more bloated for a while, but once there is enough relay and sdk for client devs out there and enough relays and clients supporting the new format, you can then dispense with the extra data for this hybrid format, and the network can slowly climb out of the magic mud of creation and walk around like a normal protocol
4 hours ago•••
blockstream called their shitcoin "liquid" because it's a diarrheacoin
4c800257...3b2f replied 4 hours ago
5 hours ago•••
today i am learning how to actually write a full, proper #http server using the #golang standard library for handlers and multiplexer (router)
looking at all these silly things, gorillamux, go-ch, and i just wasn't even considering gin and all the rest idgaf i want to learn the base of this, i already have code that does this shit but i need to integrate this generated openapi 3 API i've designed correctly
i'm doing it for #realy first, but next week i literally have to do this exact same thing for my #fiatmine job, so i'm killing two birds with one stone today, once i figure out how to plug in this generated code, then clients can be built from the same spec via code generators, which massively reduces adoption friction - i mean, this is why REST dominates the industry now, and it's really needed to eliminate adoption friction for #nostr because the way it stands right now, the SDKs that exist are awful, inconsistent, inefficient, and usually buggy NDK i a bastard piece of shit, so i'm told, and my colleagues have forked it and are superseding it with WASM based C++ generated code
what i'm building here will be a huge icebreaker for nostr apps to integrate with web 2.0
i'm not so much concerned about the lefts running their own relays, idgaf about what those drones are doing, but what i am concerned about is leveraging the eventbus/pubsub architecture of nostr to facilitate real world deployments and have people paying nostr devs to build this stuff, instead of begging from bitcoin whales
5 hours ago•••
Resist the urge to create a database.
7 hours ago•••
who knew that blockstream, building their liquid assets sidechain, doesn't care about shitcoining! lol!
ok i'm done watching this circus
4c800257...3b2f replied 7 hours ago
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