npub162z...tdhy/3 days ago/
11 hours ago•••
RECALL 🚨 ‼️ LEICKE ADAPTERS for bitaxe gamma. Over the past 1+ year we have sold and used Leicke adapters without an issue and they have proven to be great with the Supra, having an amazing track record. In the past weeks we’ve seen more and more burned U3 chips on the gammas. Always with the 6A 30W 5V adapters by Leicke. Never with our own manufactured bitaxe branded ones. In general after months of proper operation the client updates the firmware or repowers the bitaxe. Or sees that the bitaxe has stopped hashing. After plugging the adapter back in the U3 chips burns. This in general happens after many weeks/months of operation. Since we’ve seen more and more of these issues we’re recalling all of our hundreds of adapters to replace it with our own production ones, that have not seen any problems. Now the difficulty adjustment is here for us, we delete all client data after shipment. So please spread this message if you know people who ordered a gamma with us and have them do the following. Check if you have a Leicke 30W 6A 5V adapter (other Leicke adapters are perfectly fine for more than a year, so don’t worry about them). If so go to our website and use the contact form. Send us your order number, e-mailadres you want us to use for your shipment and the shipping address. We will delete the email coming through the contact form directly after shipment. We hope to be able to keep as much hash as possible online through this recall. Very sorry but after many discussions we were always sure the Leicke was the best product before we produced our owns. Now it became clear after long term running its not the best for the job. We’re sorry we failed there and will keep improving. This will cost us a lot, as we’ve shipped hundreds of these adapters… hope we are here to see a long lasting relationship with our clients.
44 hours ago•••
3 days ago•••
Enjoy the Moscow time shooting up! For this special occasion to celebrate we’re giving you a discount code only applicable on this Sunday evening. Why? Because grandfather is watching football and his notifications will start with every order you do. Let’s beam him up Scotty 😉 Apply 5% off to some products with the promo code “makegrandadenjoythemoscowtimeupside” https://bitcoinbrabant.com/
3 days ago•••
Ich habe kürzlich in einem Podcast gehört, dass der Sprecher davon ausgeht, dass höchstens 10-15 Prozent der Menschheit in Zukunft bitcoin in self custody halten würden. Das ist eine realistische Möglichkeit. Als Bitcoiner dachte ich mir zuerst, dass das nicht gut ist. Jetzt ist mir jedoch aufgefallen, dass selbst wenn nur ein kleiner Teil seine bitcoin selbst verwahrt, es dennoch besser ist als jede Alternative (bisher). Denn es ist verlgeichbar mit dem Gold-Standard insofern, dass die geldausgebenden Institutionen einen Rahmen haben, den sie nicht ausweiten können. Ich meine damit, dass selbst während eines "echten" Gold-Standards, die meisten Menschen nicht direkt mit Gold zu tun hatten. Die Besonderheit ist, dass sie jeder Zeit die Möglichkeit dazu gehabt hätten. Und das ist bei Bitcoin genau so.
I recently heard in a podcast that the speaker believes that at most 10-15 percent of humanity would hold bitcoin in self-custody in the future. That is a realistic possibility. As a Bitcoiner, I thought at first that this was not good. But now I have realized that even if only a small part holds their bitcoin themselves, it is still better than any alternative (so far). Because it is comparable to the gold standard in that the money-issuing institutions have a framework that they cannot expand. What I mean by that is that even during a "real" gold standard, most people did not have direct contact with gold. The special thing is that they would have had the opportunity to do so at any time. And that is exactly the case with Bitcoin.
Get #Bitcoin.
#custody #gold
4 days ago•••
Set up a Slackline, touched grass, got rid of a headache, life is good. PoV PoW
#panoramic #footstr
5 days ago•••
Woensdag 19 maart nemen we je mee op reis in de wereld van bitcoin opslag. We behandelen de volgende onderwerpen:
- geschiedenis
- huidige mogelijkheden
- toekomst
- risico’s en afwegingen Deze sessie zal vooral interessant zijn voor degene die geïnteresseerd is in het lange termijn veilig stellen van bitcoin.
6 days ago•••
Last year we developed special packaging for the @npub17ty...3mgl Now we are releasing a special @BitcoinBrabant edition of the seedsigner. You can buy the DIY kit or have us assemble it for you. We always make sure you receive an amazing sticker with it by @npub1h5c...0yp0 If you have any special requests, please let us know. We just assembled a batch for a workshop.
7 days ago•••
We import a lot of bitcoin stuff. So we receive a lot of customs and shipping related bills. The amount of bureaucracy and difficulty we encounter is getting crazier by the day. So just to summarize some things of today: Coldcard send us a shipment that was not filled in correctly, wrong zip code and wrong company name. Customs is holding the shipment and don’t reach out to us as there is no contact details inputted with this shipment. We found out by actively checking as most shipments coming from @npub19ca...qj29 go wrong. It’s impossible to get through the web of the phone calls but after almost an hour of trying we receive an email of a customs back office that should be able to input and update the shipment with the correct info… We received a customs bill by dhl that has a wrong company name and it’s a shipment coming from a US army base, for sure not for us, spend a long time on the phone getting that corrected… We received a customs bill for a shipment we shouldn’t get a customs bill for as we have all the customs permits, luckily the office closes at 16.00 so they just don’t pick up the phone from half an hour before that time…
7 days ago•••
Multiple people have been asking to accompany their @npub19ca...qj29 with high quality industrial SD cards. Also many bitcoiners are using SD cards to store descriptors and encrypted backups. The @npub17ty...3mgl also runs from an SD. You can find the SanDisk 8GB industrial SD card in our webshop. We pack them individually in a plastic tray. Hit us up if you need many. When you use Liana for long term storage and inheritance setups you should make sure you save the descriptor with every backup. We advise to use an industrial SD card for this. If you are using Liana wallet connect you can also save the e-mailadres and password you used for the setup next to the descriptor. Also SD cards tend to break over time, so make sure to check your encrypted backups of the @Foundation and the unencrypted backup of @npub1tg7...cxmt regularly and hit us up if you need a new one. We can send these in an envelope ✉️
9 days ago•••
“Open open, cadeautje” Sorry big guy this cadeautje is only for my bitcoiner friends. @npub1jg5...6n8n Jade Plus has finally arrived after a factory recall of our first batch. We only sell the highest quality grey metal ones. 50 in stock.
11 days ago•••
Trying to Nostr pill the broad crypto space on a spaces. Named @npub12vk...pugg at 28.00. Curious when innerdev comes online here. Inner development will become more and more important in our near future. https://x.com/innerdevcrypto/status/1895911528400138283
BitcoinBrabant replied 11 days ago
15 days ago•••
GM nprofile1qqs9xtvrphl7p8qnua0gk9zusft33lqjkqqr7cwkr6g8wusu0lle8jcq9vhrm are you having a stroke? https://m.primal.net/PLkj.mov
15 days ago•••
If you hear someone saying “there are no artists on Nostr” or “it’s only bitcoin talk on Nostr” you can be sure they didn’t put effort to find content they want to see
Enjoy the #hellthread
#art #artistr #artonnostr #grownostr
15 days ago•••
We are finally listing the bitchimney. After half a year of testing we're finally releasing the bit chimneys in the wild. There was a problem with the standing fan setting in idle where the PSU would run hot and broke. Luxor firmware has updated their release and now there is no problem anymore. Also last year a security vulnerability was found in the standard wifi model used Vonets. It doesn't have to be a problem, but we created new wiring and a transformer to be able to connect a GLI-Net wifi module. The bitchimney is a great single hashboard rig that is great to heat up your space or use some excess electricity. The aluminum build is thorough and the development by Altair and thesolominingcorp to make this happen is astonishing. This build marks the path towards more accessible affordable heaters. Looking forward to seeing them installed across EU too. We have imported the enclosures from the US in bulk and mount the boards and optional GLI nets ourselves. https://youtube.com/shorts/IhCLBkaipi4
17 days ago•••
GM Sunday! First day with no tasks to complete since I don’t know when 💃
23 days ago•••
Gm I want longer weekends
23 days ago•••
For the people who missed Japanese television featuring @npub1jqs...r247 and @npub17pl...ezx0 https://youtu.be/2Scq9F5qDPc
23 days ago•••
I asked the image generator of deepai.org to "Create a picture of a female "Draugr Deathlord" from the game "Skyrim", with the face of Ursula von der Leyen!" This was its result:
24 days ago•••
Artists I discovered on Nostr while making of the #artList. (Pt.2) Some of them are very new to Nostr and barely have a few followers, lets show them love and demand them posting more art ! nprofile1qyj8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnrdakh2mnfv3skgetrv9hxxct0dehhvcfwvdhk6qgewaehxw309ac82unpwe5kgcfwdehhxarj9ekxzmnyqqsztj4csdz5wwvtdtcw7zyht3d6pjav0mltw2k0rqcvu7csexm67kc486slx nprofile1qqsgl8h7ted4kyl6je6k3uphsy0pmragan33qx5vvkks5ht4ve07dks4naer4 nprofile1qythwumn8ghj7ct5d3shxtnwdaehgu3wd3skuep0qyt8wumn8ghj7etyv4hzumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgtcqyqslwhpqs7z5geffqkcdpn0a70ju7p2enk844s98nhfc8qzuv36esx86gsq nprofile1qy08wumn8ghj7er9wckhyetvv9uju6m4vfjjuc3ddch8xurpvdjszxrhwden5te0dp4juur4wfcxcetjv4kxz7fwvdhk6qpqen8uevpryvw6sdha87rxq5trl3qmu5vqplsnyjx6xyjmx4cc2gwqwuz7rl nprofile1q9phwue69uhhzutpw4hkwumswc6r2ensv46xzan6v3k8vetvw368q7ttve58qdr6d94kkct5x44xzunfwenh2am3wvekjmmyv9skgtn0de5k7mspzemhxue69uhky6t5vdhkjmn9wgh8xmmrd9skcqpq3mxs9tnzf385th7qwkkmxjp6v89puw9kse07tev8r2ympcdmax3skvn8aa @npub1v5h...n0xl nprofile1qqsw3c8vhq45n33kxl5ffe26tet6g5ehgvqcp87sgqhnkxphysjhp8saxafku nprofile1qyf8wumn8ghj7ur4wfcxcetsv9njuetnqy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hsqgyfpjkvm9kn0e6kx40tsnyrhlwstm0rxxvk76ze4l7qv7j0fa0ncvya85e0 nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7etyv4hzumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgqgdwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkcqpqxnm7sj22xapljxxp48kh2m2jcdndd4yy87k22yv709tnz3s9ycrqa3tkqm nprofile1qyxhwumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmvqyh8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68yttjwvkhyetvv9ujucmj09c8gmmpwdek2arnwd6kymr9v3nk2u3wvdhk6qpqj8az4ssprhdq2futkr5f9t32r2c53rg0hmu8rj9fgjk2m6dykqysqhf9jd nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7etyv4hzumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgqgdwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkcqpqsy7zvc3kdgf0vvmmj5wqfp2jl57y398yq09twqtrfhxcqduxmsysmncrxa
nprofile1qyxhwumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmvqyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxyh8jcttd95x7mnwv5hxxmmdqqszpxr0hql8whvk6xyv5hya7yxwd4snur4hu4mg5rctz2ehekkzrvcsuxfmc can I turn this into a curation ? nprofile1qyx8wumn8ghj7cnjvghxjmcpz4mhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejqqgzn9kpsmllqnsf7wh5tz3wgy4cclsftqqplv8tpayrhwgw8llunevgnmdf3 when can I turn it into a custom feed ? Yes, I will make it into a list on nprofile1qyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxyhxymmvwshx7cnnv4e8vetjqywhwumn8ghj7mn0wd68yttsw43zuam9d3kx7unyv4ezumn9wsqzplqkx4dk6h0vsnc98j0nt3x48w84t5v0yk4fqym9uh2u85dnkhecq63pdl next.
24 days ago•••
GM Zell am See ! The place where I first decided I have to move to the alps !
#mountains #alpstr #trainstr https://m.primal.net/Oyny.mov