4 minutes ago•••
Larry Ellison’s most watched PornHub video?
Minority Report
bd8aed58...db53 replied just now
14 minutes ago•••
6.17 km (3 walks), stretching, aikido class with the little one
40 minutes ago•••
No, money is not a “collective illusion” or more often called a “collective delusion.” How many times does Saifedean have to address this one for people to learn…
Fairly certain that idea is not from Menger (maybe a misreading of Menger), but more likely Keynes and it’s a socialist idea, not an Austrian one.
You don’t just arbitrarily decide that one money is better than another and then the market uses it successfully based on delusion. Rather, the marketplace, over time, organically determines the best money based upon monetary properties (scarcity, durability, portability, etc.)
“History shows it is not possible to insulate yourself from the consequences of others holding money that is harder than yours.” - Saifedean https://v.nostr.build/N4lbhGgaLOmTxykq.mp4
50 minutes ago•••
Is this what Notedeck feels like?
bd8aed58...db53 replied 48 minutes ago
1 hour ago•••
🍌🍞 Hell Yeah Bro 👊 https://v.nostr.build/1q32YMIWm654Z8rL.mp4
1 hour ago•••
Keep it weird..
1 hour ago•••
A video talking Whitney Webb and nprofile1qqsr26r4lltjnvrwadxp67ns58m4qpzaqemhf5sup7hlujhjh7t296qprpmhxue69uhhqun9d45h2mfwwpexjmtpdshxuet5qy8hwumn8ghj7mn09eehgu3wvdeqzrnhwden5te0dehhxtnvdakz77f8s05 post about it
I'm fully checked out of the doom shit
We have the ability to make real change
And we're fuckin doing it.
2 hours ago•••
Just added a #bitcoin onchain address to my profile infos, so if your #zaponly doesn't work one day, you are covered. You are welcome.
3 hours ago•••
If you make sure you're connected The writing's on the wall But if your mind's neglected Stumble you might fall
3 hours ago•••
How would this one fare on platforms?
4 hours ago•••
5 hours ago•••
Ivy League economics classes
5 hours ago•••
"This time is different!" (Audio ON 🔊) https://v.nostr.build/7G1pBsm5HD26serW.mp4
5 hours ago•••
6 hours ago•••
Too much binary thinking..
Zoom out, notice the nuances, the shades...
6 hours ago•••
Second martial arts class with the little one went well. He’s learning. It’s fun
6 hours ago•••
7 hours ago•••
It's honestly crazy how big we are winning right now
And people are still bitching
Fiat mind rot