1 hour ago•••
#asknostr #criticalthinking #method #truthseeking Do you know the Supper Position Principle? It seems to me that understanding this principle is a key insight of critical thinking. If you learn to use it, you will be able to understand complex systems.
It's like René Descart's system, “Break every question down into sub-problems and simple questions that can be decided with certainty”, applied to mathematics. And thus to all logical thinking.
1 hour ago•••
#fragnostr Kennst du das Supperpositionsprinzip? Mir scheint das Verständnis dieses Prinzip ist eine Schlüsselerkenntnis des kritischen denkens. Wer lernt es zu verwenden, bekommt die Möglichkeit komplexe Systeme zu verstehen. Es ist quasi das System von René Descart, "Zerlege jede Frage in Teilprobleme und einfache Fragen, die mit Gewissheit entschieden werden können.", angewandt auf die Mathematik. Und dadurch auf alles logische denken.
2 hours ago•••
Wir sollten unbedingt beginnen unsere Ressourcen dort einzusetzen, wo sie uns persönlich nützen. Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass weiterhin superreiche uns sagen was wichtig ist. Denn superreiche haben genügend Vermögen auch in der Klimakriese im Saus und Braus zu leben.
Doch wir vom Mittelstand verlieren Wohlstand, Mitbestimmungsrechte und Handlungsfreiraum mit dem Klimawandel. Die Energiewende zu Erneuerbaren Energiequellen schafft die Basis für starke Gesellschaften. Ja sie schafft die Basis für das Leben von uns Menschen. Und wer nicht zu den reichsten 10% der Weltbevölkerung gehört wird die Folgen des Klimawandels in den kommenden Dekaden merkbar spüren.
2 hours ago•••
#memstr in protest. #nostrich will come in the next protests.
3 hours ago•••
Sharing my #zap GIFs collection. Add one of these bad boys to the zap-comment next time you are zapping someone. Enjoy!🤣⚡️🔥
4 hours ago•••
This time of the year, cherry blossom!
4 hours ago•••
Really great Video. It just made me realize, that I thought everyone is participating in trading money. But with this video I started to understand, that the richest people are actually always divesting from Money. They get rid of the money and buy real value. Houses, Companies, your Workforce and so on. Since this real value is limited, it holds its value under most circumstances. The loosers of an inflating money are first and formost those who hold on to money to store value.
The rich know, what will have more value in the future. And they hold these assets. And it defnitly is not inflationary money. Neighter do the national banks try to accumulate money. They accumulate scarce values.
Lets invest in scarce values as well. Be it #bitcoin, be it shares of companies that should still exist in the future we need the value or be it the education you and your children can get better in some skill. Knowledge and almost every physical thing is scarce on earth. Invest in scarce products and services, that will come in handy one day.
4 hours ago•••
Just posting notes like there is no tomorrow. What else can we do, post and hope for follow. The more the better, but that doesn’t matter. Who reads and comprehends, no idea, it guess it depends. Depends on what, you may ask me, not WoT for sure, I cannot flee. Oh well, who cares what you type, nothing goes further than a prototype. 😂
5 hours ago•••
This doesn’t sound like fun...
5 hours ago•••
phil replied 5 hours ago
11 hours ago•••
Watching zaps flowing in for the uncopyrightable content😂
22 hours ago•••
23 hours ago•••
#authoritarian #freedom #slavery #freedomofspeach #distraction #taxtherich #lies Let's use our freedom to choose our focus actively. Do not let external factors frame your focus, when you do want to be free. Slaves focus on what their masters tell them to focus on. Free people choose their focus.
Powerful and rich people, will always try to distract our focus, to see our difference to other people they extort. Everyone that is extorted needs to unite with others that are extorted, to form a superpower against the corporate theifs. Like this we can stop extortion and economic slavery. Victims need to unite to put the rich and powerful into jail!
24 hours ago•••
25 hours ago•••
BREAKING NEWS: Totoro and other Studio Ghibli movies are trending as best sellers on all streaming platforms 😂😂😂
The Fishcake🐶🐾 replied 25 hours ago
31 hours ago•••