Moscow→Paris→Berlin→Tokyo→London. Early mornings #Clojure developer, #Lisp fan, photographer, husband, and dad.
Working on tools for #InternalFamilySystems therapists →
15 days ago•••
Via nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqgvpus4n2eyzhvu23dc99626dqmkj8vxhs457u0xzzj80espt60gqyud53h: know-how for building web apps in #CommonLisp
20 days ago•••
Learned about Ghostty ( from nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvr4dqq5vzpz0kaavv3lc3098jmfzrpdtj79dazpemytqw4ansf0qkv5f2h's blog post that popped up in my RSS reader. Two things:
1. That's a pretty nice terminal, I'll replace iTerm with it for a while and see how things go!
2. The indieweb web to find out about new things is working!
20 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4f6p6n8h76flfz2lslayyn6pm5zq996wr4ya40ywmjvexqju493s4mcecp awesome! Glad the post was useful
36 days ago•••
What do you represent?
42 days ago•••
Sometimes I draw! This is on the card I made for my wife for our anniversary 🥰
42 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4f6p6n8h76flfz2lslayyn6pm5zq996wr4ya40ywmjvexqju493s4mcecp aw, so good ^___^...
47 days ago•••
#Clojure folks, do you also know #CommonLisp, or other lisps? What’s your journey to Clojure been like?
48 days ago•••
If I am unhappy because I’ve struggled so much, and still can’t get a job that pays FAANG money, it’s a skill issue. But is it a skill issue in the sense that I need to grind leetcode? Or in the sense that I’m not very good at being content with what I have, and always want more for the sake of having more? Maybe that is a skill worth working on.
48 days ago•••
Whenever I look at pictures of flats for rent/sale, I can't help imagining what kind of people are living there now, what their life might be like. And one thing I notice very much is that hardly anyone has books anymore. I can understand if you're renting, you might not want to move tons of books around every year, but when you own a place?
Anyway I saw this picture of someone's living room today and it made me happy.
49 days ago•••
Friends who are into #sewing, could I please ask for a sewing machine recommendation for a beginner? Something that is simple enough not to be overwhelming, but also powerful/durable enough to last a few years.
I've seen two options that seem good so far:
- Singer 4423 (simple controls, powerful, seems well built, can sew denim etc, but fewer stitches (23))
- Brother FS40 (more stitches, a little more affordable, looks a bit more complex)
Any other ones I should be considering?
51 days ago•••
When tracking a shipment on the website of a courier service or shipping provider, sometimes you get lots of detail but location information is often missing from the logged entries such as the city or at least the country.
Why? Are they trying to protect corporate facilities or assets? Preventing competitors from measuring or gaining intelligence? Cluelessness?
This makes the tracking less useful as it's not possible to estimate how much of the route the shipment has travaled.
51 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqq37nkurqzm0uy6g9n7s9xkqmy5fqwne8l6k4la08pqvu5986q2uswr8f02 are you tracking your Cardputer? I would guess it’s to prevent competitors gathering metrics, yes. That, or maybe it’s just the way those locations are labelled in their internal systems and they just publish unprocessed data, without caring if it’s all that useful to the humans who consume it.
51 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4f6p6n8h76flfz2lslayyn6pm5zq996wr4ya40ywmjvexqju493s4mcecp Yes I'm tracking the Cardputer but I noticed this for many other shipments.
51 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4f6p6n8h76flfz2lslayyn6pm5zq996wr4ya40ywmjvexqju493s4mcecp "Arrive at overseas processing center": all I know is it's still on planet Earth.
51 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqq37nkurqzm0uy6g9n7s9xkqmy5fqwne8l6k4la08pqvu5986q2uswr8f02 Or... is it?
51 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4f6p6n8h76flfz2lslayyn6pm5zq996wr4ya40ywmjvexqju493s4mcecp If it were off planet I guess the shipping charge would be slightly higher.
53 days ago•••
I started reading "Taiwan Travelogue" (臺灣漫遊錄) by Yang Shuang-zi (楊双子) and so far the behaviour and attitude of the (female) Japanese protagonist visiting colonial Taiwan reminds me a lot of some western dudes I've seen in Japan when I lived there 🤷🏻‍♀️
56 days ago•••
I bought myself a Lisp toy as a Christmas present, a Cardputer uLisp Machine.
The M5Stack Cardputer I ordered is a card-sized portable computer based on the ESP32-S3 that runs uLisp on the bare metal. The device even has Wi-Fi, a keyboard, and a graphics display. Given the system constraints uLisp comes with a surprisingly capable and rich environment, as well as lots of libraries and applications.
A long wait begins.
#uLisp #lisp #esp32
56 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqq37nkurqzm0uy6g9n7s9xkqmy5fqwne8l6k4la08pqvu5986q2uswr8f02 Wow! I didn't know I needed this, but I need this!
56 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4f6p6n8h76flfz2lslayyn6pm5zq996wr4ya40ywmjvexqju493s4mcecp Me neither, it was basically an impulse but.
56 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqq37nkurqzm0uy6g9n7s9xkqmy5fqwne8l6k4la08pqvu5986q2uswr8f02 I just impulse bought one as well 🙈
56 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4f6p6n8h76flfz2lslayyn6pm5zq996wr4ya40ywmjvexqju493s4mcecp I sense lots of fun.
58 days ago•••
I came across this book about deploying #CommonLisp applications (via nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqq37nkurqzm0uy6g9n7s9xkqmy5fqwne8l6k4la08pqvu5986q2uswr8f02) and it really makes me want to go back to write some CL code ✨ Deployment was one of the scary things about building in CL for me, and it makes me happy that someone wrote a book on this topic:
58 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4f6p6n8h76flfz2lslayyn6pm5zq996wr4ya40ywmjvexqju493s4mcecp FYI you also have info in the Cookbook:
- deploying web apps: (Systemd and gotchas, connecting to a remote image)
58 days ago•••
I haven't read the book "Deploy Common Lisp Apps with Confidence" and don't know much about it other than what's on the landing page. But it's commendable as it's about a rarely covered practical topic.
#CommonLisp #lisp #books
58 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqq37nkurqzm0uy6g9n7s9xkqmy5fqwne8l6k4la08pqvu5986q2uswr8f02 Wow, thanks for sharing that! Seems super useful
58 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4f6p6n8h76flfz2lslayyn6pm5zq996wr4ya40ywmjvexqju493s4mcecp You're welcome, hope it helps.
60 days ago•••
I've been using my #babashka script that dumps banking CSVs into a sqlite database to manage finances for about 3 months now, and even though I have some ideas for improvements, I've been very happy with it! A huge improvement over banking apps if I say so myself 😇
82 days ago•••
This is a delightful exploration of why the #Lisp syntax works so well:
82 days ago•••
@npub14f6...f6uk A beautiful, precious and timeless post.
I should pin it on every Lisp resource I have a hand on!
120 days ago•••
Do I know anyone who's using #hledger ( or similar for their personal finances? I'd be curious to hear how your experience has been, has it stuck with you, do you have any special workflow with it?
120 days ago•••
@npub14f6...f6uk You don't know me I guess, but I have been using :hledger: #hledger for many years now. I love its flexibility, approachability, backupability, but depending on how fine-grained you want to sort your stuff, data entry and management can become quite tedious. But once you have it, it's magical to ask hledger to give you all kinds of numbers, averages or future predictions or plots [1].
120 days ago•••
@npub16mt...pnwy Thank you for replying! The reporting is what attracts me to it in the first place, yes... how fine-grained does it make sense to be? Does it not make sense to just import all transactions from one's banks?
120 days ago•••
@npub14f6...f6uk Oh definitely import everthing. With fine-grained I meant metadata, categories or cash transactions that need manual entry. You can get arbitrarily complex with this 😃