David Llewellyn-Jones
David Llewellyn-Jones
Research Data Scientist, Hut 23 of The Alan Turing Institute. Software developer and Sailfish OS evangelist. Occasionally craves adventure and a good thunderstorm.
20 days ago•••
The video from my #FOSDEM talk "Mobile Browsers: the Best of Times, the Worst of Times" is now up online.
It was a real privilege to present in the FOSS on Mobile devroom 📱 Thanks to the organisers, everyone who attended and also to everyone who was so gracious about it afterwards.
I can get quite anxious in the weeks running up to a talk, but speaking at FOSDEM always feels worth it.
#FOSDEM #FOSDEM25 #LinuxOnMobile #Browser #Embedded
42 days ago•••
If you're heading to #FOSDEM with a #SailfishOS phone there's a new FOSDEM25 app for this year with:
1. Improved higher-res map of ULB.
2. Improved guestbook.
Grab it from OpenRepos or (hopefully, eventually) Chum:
42 days ago•••
Now also on Chum (thanks nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqm4am7vap0qr2rpfd0089kdvpkzdp2cjk4a4xfg7xad9pjj9nrgxs8vk58s!)
66 days ago•••
Merry Christmas! Hyvää Joulua! Prettige Kerstdagen!
🎄 🎁 ⭐ 🧦 🎅
If you're reading this, I hope you're enjoying the festive season in the way that works best for you.
351 days ago•••
#SailfishOS #Gecko dev diary Day 185. In which I make an embarrassing mistake while trying to reconcile texture flags 😊 🎏
572 days ago•••
I am at #froscon! If you can't catch my talk late in the day, ping me if you want to have a chat about #PublicCode https://programm.froscon.org/2023/events/2960.html #froscon23
572 days ago•••
@npub1uy5...5xcu I'm really interested to see your presentation, but am sadly not at #froscon in person. Will there be a recording available?
If there is, I'm guessing it will appear here?
573 days ago•••
I’m looking for PhD students / postdocs to join my group @CISPA working on usable privacy and security. I'll be at #soups23 and #usesec23 this week, happy to chat there. Read more here: https://maximiliangolla.com/hiring.html
573 days ago•••
I'm still most interested in using LLMs to help me inhabit and extend complex code bases that I don't understand well. But for now, their ability to accelerate routine scripting continues to be the major productivity win.
#llm #scripting
573 days ago•••
573 days ago•••
@npub122l...38gt Great talk; loved it! A pretty comprehensive tour and snapshot of Linux on Mobile. Despite the camera glitch, I particularly liked the demo. Wish I could have been there in person; thanks for sharing.
573 days ago•••
@npub1w5z...rl8t The camera app would've been recoverable in 10secs if I would immediately have thought of https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/millipixels/-/issues/36
The solution/workaround would have been to refocus #millipixels so that it starts streaming again.
I've been wanting to try out the latest #megapixels as well ... 🤔
#ShotOnLibrem5 #SlidesOnLibrem5
572 days ago•••
@npub122l...38gt I've been there myself: with any live demo you (rightly) ought to be focussed on the audience rather than any unexpected problem solving. But your demo was very effective: it showed it worked, but also that it's proper bleeding-edge stuff.
574 days ago•••
Is your phone also running #arch ? :)
573 days ago•••
Updated the #FrOSCon blog post with my impressions: https://linmob.net/hello-froscon/#looking-back-thank-you-all-this-was-great
573 days ago•••
So many #linuxmobile phones on #froscon