Dao de Jing / Tao te Ching

Laozi has shifted from merely describing The Way, to now asserting Virtue - "de." Any assertion of superiority must rest on the Virtue of the thing.
Still, I feel like I must push back against this assertion that following the Way is superior to not following it. For what purpose? Follow The Way, why?
He has described how traditions, cultures, or organizations can fall away from the Dao and be left with empty rituals. Fair enough... I see that. But what if the fall serves a greater purpose? What if there's a goal, a teleology, a future island of stability at a different set of circumstances?
The Dao can be summarized as entropy - I'm cheapening it, reducing and cutting away in the habit of linguistics, but for the materialistic mind, entropy is it. Now, how is the ancient Chinese mind ever going to "discover" entropy, in the sense of measuring and applying principles? The belief in Daoism sits as a barrier to scientific "progress."
We've seen this in the west. The Catholic Christian mind is surely more sublime and integrated than the Protestant mind - but look, over a thousand years of Catholic domination produced very little scientific or innovative progress. Science took off after the Protestant Reformation, and primarily in the Protestant countries. Christian Protestant theologians pursued math and scientific inquiry as a means to draw closer to God.
A good example is naval technology. What is a Spanish galleon really? Its a very large carrack. Its medieval technology, just bigger. What do you see developing in the Netherlands, simultaneously with its revolt against Spain and conversion to Protestantism? Shallow draft ships with rigging that made them vastly more maneuverable, which gave them the edge to compete with empires many times their size and build a global trading empire.
Was that empire closer to the Dao than their erstwhile Catholic oppressors? Nope. They went the other way.
I'm not saying the Catholics are following the Dao, BTW, just comparing based on my own explorations of different religions.
Our modern world is a result of separation from the Dao, the Spirit - but what culture is going to reject the techno-linguistic variegation that grew out of the fall from grace? The Amish are an anomaly. Technology advances apace with retreat from God, despite the noble intentions of Protestant philosophers who created modern science.
And that's stable.
And it's preferable... In other words, superior. In other words, virtuous. And its unattainable to the mind that chooses unity with Dao. There is a "de" of going away from "dao."
And IF Laozi's observations of the Dao are correct, and they seem to be, then I feel like there's a very strong case to be made that we're being drawn forward into a future state by something in that future that "wants" to be manifested. But the future doesn't exist, and neither does the past - only the present exists eternally. So the future that draws us forward is actually something in our collective psyche or spirit right now. You could say that its the kingdom of heaven that exists all around us, unseen.
I usually try to explain these things. This time I argued against it. Well, maybe it was explanatory nevertheless.
#Philosophy #daoism #taoism