Comte de Sats Germain
Comte de Sats Germain
A traveller in a foreign land
A merchant between worlds. I sell temporary things and buy eternal things.
Wherever I go, I empty my bags ; and yet wherever I go, they are full again.
2 hours ago•••
"Don't try to shit higher than your ass."
- Wittgenstein
7 hours ago•••
To what extent do you think Bitcoin will demonetize real estate? Do you think that Bitcoin can capture 10% of the real estate market?
#bitcoin #realestate
5 hours ago•••
100% Free land.
7 hours ago•••
7 hours ago•••
You could load up a pickup truck with firewood for years
7 hours ago•••
Great idea. We are going to have a wood stove in the new house. And there isn't a lot of good wood out here in the desert for heat so that will probably happen for sure. This spot is only a few minutes from our property.
6 hours ago•••
Noice. Avoid paint. Shoot, this looks kinda fun, I need to find a ruin...
5 hours ago
6 hours ago•••
Its mostly all rotten pallets. I feel like someone had a tire shop here or something. it makes no sense because it is so far from everything. It is a lot of fun though.
7 hours ago•••
Came back with some slightly used tires, some shade tarps someone left after camping, and commercial grade heavy steel door frame, and more. Great finds. There are probably 100 more tires out here.
Oops. I got my #nostrphx shirt dirty. 😬
#asknostr How should I use all those tires.
8 hours ago
17 hours ago•••
I’m almost certain the hardest of maxis are actually the Feds…
10 hours ago
11 hours ago•••
12 hours ago•••
How does cream of mushroom soup, which has no hard parts and is just mush, manage to pop and splatter the microwave?
Its a simulation, I tell ya... And a bad simulation. Its not even trying to make sense.
11 hours ago•••
Should of had tomato soup instead 🤷‍♂️
10 hours ago•••
I wish I had some. That's my favorite.
12 hours ago
12 hours ago•••
every bitcoiner who thinks they want to build a #citadel should spend 4-5 days mixing concrete in a wheelbarrow for a foundation pour.
if you can't keep mixing, maybe rethink your plans.
12 hours ago•••
Isn't the citadel a metaphor?
12 hours ago•••
Maybe for some people, but I'm building a damned citadel.
14 hours ago•••
Everyday, one more step forward. One more brick. Small steps, but don't stop.
14 hours ago
14 hours ago•••
Scientist creates breathtaking visual art using chemistry. He combines various chemical elements and reactions to produce mesmerizing visuals that unfold within a single drop of water.
#art #science #chemistry #bullishbounty
15 hours ago
15 hours ago•••
Something that really sucks about trying to be a better person is when you fall off. Sometimes life gets too hard and you reach for that bottle, or that bong, or that coffee, or whatever insert your coping mechanism here.
And then what? If you're lucky, it's only the one day and it's easy to get back up again. But sometimes it's not! This past week or two have been chaos and I've been indulgent with myself. Yes, I got hopped up on caffeine and got a little drunk and smoked more than I would have liked.
But I also packed up my entire life, loaded it on a 20 foot truck with a trailer hitched to haul my motorcycle, and drove 8 hours crossing state lines and scary gorges etc.
Then this morning I fixed myself a decaf tea, sat down to write my morning pages, and recommitted myself to doing better for myself by abstaining from my little vices. Here's to starting over again (and again and again 😅).
I'm doing ok and I'm really proud of myself for not sliding all the way down to a rock bottom which I think I maybe would have had I just let things stagnate when it was clear I was unhappy. Here's to being brave, even when it sucks!
#soberliving #sober #sometimesthingssuck
15 hours ago•••
For me, its usually not a one day thing. Vice makes a full assault that dulls my sense of time and causes me to forget the things I was just interested in.
15 hours ago
15 hours ago•••
Yea and it's so frustrating because wasn't I just on a roll and feeling more creative and positive just a little while ago? And what do we crave when frustrated? Smh it's a vicious circle I just gotta deal with the bad feelings and push through knowing it does get better because I've done this before!
15 hours ago•••
For me, two things break the cycle. A deadline ; or a ritual that I've previously established. Reading in the sunlight in the morning is one ritual, and I've been doing better since starting that.
15 hours ago
15 hours ago•••
Thank you for the wonderful advice, that sounds absolutely lovely and it's a sunny morning right now and I'm sitting inside reading 😅. Changing positions now!
15 hours ago•••
This is a great scene... Maybe one the greatest in cinema... Despite being an enactment of the mental disease that animates the Left.
16 hours ago
17 hours ago•••
your "money in the bank" is:
- not yours
- not money
- not in the bank
18 hours ago•••
GM Bitcoiners ☕Have a good one!
#Bitcoin #Zap #Bitcoiners #BTC #Bitcoiner #Zaps #plebchain #coffeechain #nostr #motivation #video #entertainment #travel #memes #lol #gronostr #GM #PV #GoodMorning #news #quotes #stuff
Bitcoiner Entertainment 2025 bullrun summarized.😁
Media Credit: Please follow @TheFigen_(X)
17 hours ago•••
Why helmet?
16 hours ago•••
Part of the play time fun. Some of the real rodeo riders where helmets to avoid concussion (especially while training).
16 hours ago•••
It looks like fun. I'm just worried about training kids to be too risk averse, while having the best intentions.
16 hours ago•••
@npub1xrw...kxcd Thank you so very much for supporting. 👍🙏
16 hours ago•••
Dao de Jing / Tao te Ching 41/81 Laozi has shifted from merely describing The Way, to now asserting Virtue - "de." Any assertion of superiority must rest on the Virtue of the thing.
Still, I feel like I must push back against this assertion that following the Way is superior to not following it. For what purpose? Follow The Way, why?
He has described how traditions, cultures, or organizations can fall away from the Dao and be left with empty rituals. Fair enough... I see that. But what if the fall serves a greater purpose? What if there's a goal, a teleology, a future island of stability at a different set of circumstances?
The Dao can be summarized as entropy - I'm cheapening it, reducing and cutting away in the habit of linguistics, but for the materialistic mind, entropy is it. Now, how is the ancient Chinese mind ever going to "discover" entropy, in the sense of measuring and applying principles? The belief in Daoism sits as a barrier to scientific "progress."
We've seen this in the west. The Catholic Christian mind is surely more sublime and integrated than the Protestant mind - but look, over a thousand years of Catholic domination produced very little scientific or innovative progress. Science took off after the Protestant Reformation, and primarily in the Protestant countries. Christian Protestant theologians pursued math and scientific inquiry as a means to draw closer to God.
A good example is naval technology. What is a Spanish galleon really? Its a very large carrack. Its medieval technology, just bigger. What do you see developing in the Netherlands, simultaneously with its revolt against Spain and conversion to Protestantism? Shallow draft ships with rigging that made them vastly more maneuverable, which gave them the edge to compete with empires many times their size and build a global trading empire.
Was that empire closer to the Dao than their erstwhile Catholic oppressors? Nope. They went the other way.
I'm not saying the Catholics are following the Dao, BTW, just comparing based on my own explorations of different religions.
Our modern world is a result of separation from the Dao, the Spirit - but what culture is going to reject the techno-linguistic variegation that grew out of the fall from grace? The Amish are an anomaly. Technology advances apace with retreat from God, despite the noble intentions of Protestant philosophers who created modern science.
And that's stable. And it's preferable... In other words, superior. In other words, virtuous. And its unattainable to the mind that chooses unity with Dao. There is a "de" of going away from "dao."
And IF Laozi's observations of the Dao are correct, and they seem to be, then I feel like there's a very strong case to be made that we're being drawn forward into a future state by something in that future that "wants" to be manifested. But the future doesn't exist, and neither does the past - only the present exists eternally. So the future that draws us forward is actually something in our collective psyche or spirit right now. You could say that its the kingdom of heaven that exists all around us, unseen.
I usually try to explain these things. This time I argued against it. Well, maybe it was explanatory nevertheless.
#Philosophy #daoism #taoism
17 hours ago•••
GM☕ Suburbia is an abomination.
16 hours ago
17 hours ago•••
GM 🫂💜🤙
17 hours ago•••
17 hours ago•••
Drink twice if it lands on a car.
17 hours ago
17 hours ago•••
Oh I like this plan
31 hours ago•••
So maxis yelling about Keynes when discussing tail emission has been happening for a while. This is just an idea that has been repeated so much its SEEMS true. Its not really true.
Keynes argued against arbitrary supply inflation. Rothbard said theres no "proper" supply of money.
There is nothing inherently Keynesian about monetary supply inflation.
The Austrians would've thought an arbitrary cap on the number of monetary units was ridiculous.
Apologies to Saife, who has done more than anyone to perpetuate this dumb idea. But the arbitrary #bitcoin supply cap is a knee jerk reactionary policy. A wonderful meme.
It is NOT well thought-out monetary policy.
31 hours ago•••
Its genius. Its the best way to end criminality.
31 hours ago•••
predicable and known supply inflation doesnt cause criminality.
centralized control and Cantillionaires do.
31 hours ago•••
isn't monero's tail emission only even relevant when bitcoin is over?
31 hours ago•••
If I ever use monero, it’ll be for privacy. I won’t give a shit about tail emissions at that point. Gold has a form of tail emissions in that the supply never stops increasing. Arguing about that is kinda pointless. Gold has its own uses outside of its SoV properties. Use the tools you need 🤷‍♂️
31 hours ago•••
i mean Bitcoin also has supply inflation for the rest of our lives....???
but *that inflation isnt "theft" because reasons?
30 hours ago•••
I don’t consider the tail emissions to be theft because it’s a fee to secure the network, not a method to stuff a bureaucrat’s pockets. But it does impact its attractiveness as a store of value just like gold.
I also don’t consider bitcoin to have inflation. It has supply inflation sure but the supply is fixed. If anything, I’d argue it is more deflationary because the number of Bitcoin in circulation is slightly smaller than 21 million. But all that doesn’t really matter. Just use the tools you need.
32 hours ago•••
What if the #monero folks are onto something. What if we are missing out on the opportunity to mine with our CPUs. Help me understand the difference and why you only believe In #bitcoin?
32 hours ago•••
Tail emission Probably not auditable supply
32 hours ago•••
Bitcoin gives you NGU. No one disputes that. Monero is about privacy. Although the extent of privacy is unclear, it is certainly more private than base chain bitcoin. Some have argued that second layer bitcoin can be more private but I’m not knowledgeable enough to prove either way. So the question isn’t what is better but what do you need right now?
32 hours ago•••
decentralized mining ftw
32 hours ago•••
What if they aren’t onto anything?
32 hours ago•••
Could be. I just like asking questions. It doesn't hurt to ask and be open.
32 hours ago•••
If they are onto something, then augment bitcoin with it. Everything is a test net.
31 hours ago•••
I have 6 asics mining bitcoin already. And I have lots of solar power. So I am wondering I can put my computers to work
32 hours ago•••
youre not wrong
its just that Bitcoin is a testnet for Monero
32 hours ago•••
How much of your net worth is in Monero?
32 hours ago•••
last I checked I was 2:1 XMR:BTC or so
32 hours ago•••
Why have a third of your net worth in a test net?
32 hours ago•••
because i have fiat needs also and BTC number go up.
32 hours ago•••
Monero numbers don’t go up?
32 hours ago•••
Going by your thesis, it looks like the tail is wagging the dog right now.
32 hours ago•••
fiat maxi spotted in the wild 👀
32 hours ago•••
Where’s the fiat?
32 hours ago•••
sigh if you think about it for just ONE SECOND it should be obvious that
the price of XMR (XMR/USD) divided by the price of BTC (BTC/USD)
is fiat denominated
31 hours ago•••
So show me a true chart of Xmr/btc if this isn’t it?
31 hours ago•••
under a fiat Unit of Account they are ALL fiat charts.
the chart you shared measures relative speculative interest by Wall Street, VC money and other Cantillionaires.
like I said, I have fiat need too.
so I'm only 2/3 in freedom money.
31 hours ago•••
But you don’t have a chart that is better?
31 hours ago•••
they are all fiat charts
if you accept that fiat is a garbage measuring stick you have to accept all those charts are garbage measurements.
one of effects of a fiat UoA is that accurate pricing is impossible
31 hours ago•••
I accept the measuring stick is garbage, but the answer can’t be “don’t measure.”
31 hours ago•••
we can accept what the chart actually measures.
31 hours ago•••
No, I don’t accept that explanation. The chart isn’t measuring fiat. It’s measuring the market sentiment of Xmr against Btc.
It’s false to assume USD as the basis, we could substitute it for 🌽 as the medium of exchange for all I care.
thread continues
33 hours ago
34 hours ago•••
To engage in a battle that has no reward is dishonourable. Be called to Glory. Fight the important battles and ignore the rest 👀
33 hours ago•••
Its dishonorable to spell honor with a 'u'
33 hours ago•••
🤣🤣 Depends where you’re from
33 hours ago•••
tlhIngan Hol vIjatlh'a'! Heghlu'.
33 hours ago•••
Maybe not from there 🤣🤣