Kris Sargent, MD
183 days ago•••
I do think that Trump sincerely believes that Harris is the worst Vice President among the two he can name.
183 days ago•••
@npub1tel...4v4v Trump tried to have the other one assassinated, so yeah.
225 days ago
225 days ago•••
259 days ago•••
259 days ago•••
@npub1e7r...uf8g Interviewer: " or bear?" Ashley Olsen: shrug "pick one. all the same to me."
306 days ago•••
306 days ago•••
@npub1c57...awu5 Think it's gotta be Foob in spirit. Never really had the verve to go with Fooby.
306 days ago•••
I think Fooby and Foob must be fraternal twins. Foob is the popular one, of course. But Fooby has always got your back.
306 days ago•••
@npub1c57...awu5 This is surely correct. The spunky kid sibling you never want your friends to see but is always there for you in the John Hughes movie version of life.
306 days ago•••
OMG I just zoomed in on the eyes!
The horror! The horror!
334 days ago•••
There is almost infinite hypocrisy in this letter to investors by the CEO of one of the most rapacious corporate giants on the planet.
His fundamental point -- that an aging population has almost no way of paying for longevity -- is true.
But the pious lecture from a financial engineer whose operation's holdings have plundered so much from so many to enrich so few is sickening.
334 days ago•••
@npub1lrv...tth9 Some people really stick to that Anglo-Saxon concept of "surname reflects one's occupation".
338 days ago•••
Breaking: Donald Trump spotted at New York ATM frantically trying to make a $464 million withdrawal.
338 days ago•••
@npub1tel...4v4v The trick is to make 464,000 $1,000 withdrawals...
349 days ago•••
354 days ago•••
So, friends, I don't usually talk about my personal life here but the last three months have actually been really rough. I had to do something hard today but the hardest part is over and I know it's all going to get better from here.
354 days ago•••
@npub1ulm...hweg Glad to hear you're through to the other side.
362 days ago•••
I love to hear stories from back in the olden days. Tell me what it was like in the 1990s.
362 days ago•••
@npub1tel...4v4v Ideally described as "the late 1900s"
399 days ago•••
One thing I find fascinating about Republican voters and the mainstream media is that Trump routinely says things like this and -- well, you may not have heard, but the man is running for President of the United States -- and nobody just says outright, "WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS MAN? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT?"
399 days ago•••
@npub12ez...uyf6 One basic issue his campaign has is that he keeps going "off script"; this is a problem when the candidate is a moron. But you can't keep him on a script because he literally can't read it. TelePrompTers are useless because he doesn't read fast enough to use one. Then he gets flustered, starts to feel stupid, and tries to use all the catchphrases he was told to use. It's really pretty sad.
413 days ago•••
We need a winter version of Burning Man where things go terribly wrong for tech bros for our collective amusement.
413 days ago•••
@npub1tel...4v4v Isn't that just Cryptocurrency markets?
431 days ago•••
Imagine being so staggeringly obtuse, so pants-shittingly out of it, that you insist that a crime boss who organized the first attempt to overturn a national election in American history must be "beaten at the ballot box."
431 days ago•••
@npub12ez...uyf6 Indeed. My understanding is that failed insurrectionists in most countries generally don't need to worry about their electoral chances -- or anything else -- ever again.
531 days ago•••
531 days ago•••
@npub1gfd...7gg6 I think the Best Practice for such a device is a "DO NOT UNPLUG" sticky note on the case.
559 days ago•••
559 days ago•••
@npub15qw...3p2z Yes, I am. Thank you.
560 days ago•••
I just want to point out that my rule “It’s not RICO” refers to the federal RICO statute and is not intended to refer to any state statutes and offer may not be good in Georgia
560 days ago•••
@npub15qw...3p2z Post as many disclaimers and prebuttals as you like, we all know we're soon going to hear you say "well this time it actually is RICO" and we are SO here for that
598 days ago•••
The future of microblogging social media: everyone posting on their preferred platform to complain about some other new entrant into the microblogging social media market that people are buzzing about and which people who are comfortable with their existing choice don't want to bother with.
598 days ago•••
@npub1lsl...9c2x Sure, just connect them so we can all hear one another bitching. Call it something catchy, like "federating" them, or something...
601 days ago•••
Twitter launches new TweetDeck version
After 30 days, only Twitter Blue users will be able to access it.... yeah, good luck with that
601 days ago•••
@npub1zj4...fyjh I'm sure both of Twitter's Verified users will have a nice time chatting with one another.
608 days ago•••
Good news! I can throw out the meds and ditch the therapy; my problem is bad character and weak self-discipline.
You can always look to a Kennedy for character advice.
608 days ago•••
@npub15qw...3p2z Love the old "if you have depression, maybe you're just a horrible person" line of thinking. Well, Bobby Jr, I have certainly considered the "horrible person" hypothesis here, but it's not ME I'm worried about with that...
622 days ago•••
622 days ago•••
@npub15qw...3p2z Garth, I assume this time. But the recent run of this with Tom Morello was chef's kiss.
624 days ago•••
First they came for Michael Flynn and I said nothing, because I'm not a traitor and fascist.
Then they came for Roger Stone and I said nothing, for pretty much the exact same reasons.
Then they came for Alex Jones and I said nothing, except you know, this whole justice thing is pretty awesome.
Then they came for Donald Trump, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
624 days ago•••
@npub1u3t...c6ug Seeing as the first two guys are out there carrying on doing all the same things they were before they "got caught", and the third guy is free but has a huge tab to cover, yeah, I don't see much hope anything's going to be different for the fourth guy.