nprofile1qqsdjyv3uv8qq3ztjskqaqk263ctx2h3w9mycgn4hmstmxfh0m75qagpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz8rhwden5te0wfjkccte9e5xjemgd35kw6r5v4ezucm0d5hszxmhwden5te0wfjkccte9ehx7um5wfhkx6m9wshx7un89u7vcg6t can make it for you
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Might go against Twitter's business model... Adopting a nostr type of infrastructure means that you're no longer in control of the narrative + the advertisement business model doesn't work
I don’t know, relay operations will become a business model soon, and clients like primal and damus also have to make profit somehow, maybe adding ads? There will be plenty business models here soon
I guess that the advertisement model doesn't work with a protocol like nostr (data isn't being sold) so Twitter would need to rely on keeping a % of zaps