Reality-based feminist. I will generally accept "follow" requests from most Spinsters if they have a reasonable posting history. I am more lukewarm on other instances; no hard feelings intended. Gender Heretics, Glindr, and similar instances are welcome, however.
Here are some organizations I like:
Here are some videos I like:
"1 Reason Everyday Feminism Is Bad For Women"
"The Bigger Picture - Kathleen Lowrey, anthropologist, Canada"
"Transgender and the Bicycle Analogy"
"Woman Describe vs Prescribe"
Bev Jackson talks to Martha Shelley
"Foucault & Butler for grownups: Heather Brunskell-Evans gets real about Queer Theory"
356 days ago•••
He can express his own opinion in a tweet, but he appears to have led his class (through "hard and necessary conversation") to a political stance that he now presents as unanimous. Really, Professor Garrett, "we decided" that standing up for women's rights is shameful?
I had some misogynist professors, but at least none of them announced publicly we all shared his opinion, just because we were too nervous to push back during class.
356 days ago•••
Legitimate interpretation of religious freedom? I think it could be. I'm not a fan of court-made law, but the reality is that opposition to abortion comes almost entirely from a religious perspective.
The group, Hoosier Jews for Choice, maintains that "under Jewish law and religious doctrine, life does not begin at conception, and that a fetus is considered a physical part of the woman's body, not having a life of its own or independent rights."
369 days ago•••
There are little pockets of sane people everywhere. I applaud everyone who is trying promote sanity, even in areas where they are likely to be crushed.
You can hate Hayton. no-one can stop you. You can object, on reasonable grounds, to AGP in a specific job that includes a power imbalance. And you can be epically disappointed that others don't agree with you.
but this seems way out of hand.
It seems to me that people, the women in this, are just as guilty as those (often men) in other movements of factionalism, and wanting to join something just for a fight. I don't think any group on any issue is free of that. People are tired, there is a degree of brain inflammation (seriously) abroad in society, tempers are frayed. Self awareness is low. Valid points get lost. And arguments become diminished.
414 days ago•••
I hope he's being honest about the reference to Hayton as "she" being a mistake due to autocue. We'll easily see whether he is being honest based on how he refers to males from now on. (I am not very concerned about what he does in a small number of private situations, and even better, I'll never have to know about them.)
I don't object to the host of a popular, not-specifically-feminist show having on a variety of people whom the public find interesting. I do believe that accurate pronouns should be used.
The first couple of paragraphs of this piece are the most insightful. This is all about the Internet. We knew this decades ago. We knew about trolls "in their mothers' basements" and we knew about not reading comments' sections because people are so mean. I personally have lost or almost lost a couple of extremely close relationships because, sitting at a computer, the two people thought nothing of replying to me, publicly, on Facebook, in harsh and cruel ways. I am talking about a very close friend and a family member.
Nonetheless, decades later, it's like we forgot we knew this. "Oh, my goodness. People are becoming unreasonable online. What has happened?"
I do agree with what you're saying about factionalism.
I want to treat everyone (e.g. Doyle and his allies) respectfully. At the same time, something seems off about those who just happen to enjoy doing what is also the most profitable -- the least likely to lead to demonetization or to severed ties with powerful people. Therefore, I am suspicious of those with large platforms who use inaccurate pronouns. (I am much more sympathetic to those who are just coming out of the ideology and need more time to shake off all aspects.)
I also think it's important to note that gender identity ideology isn't a problem primarily because of TRA's online. It's a problem because institutions -- governments, corporations, universities, unions, and other large entities -- have adopted it. It is these institutions which are actually forcing their will on others. If all GC feminists have is the angry people online, we have almost nothing.
415 days ago•••
A Bethany Hamilton event -- the woman who lost her arm in a shark attack. These people are sick.
415 days ago•••
This is sick even for trans...
"One activist, draped in a transgender pride flag, was seen holding a shark cuddly toy in an apparent mockery of Hamilton, who lost her left arm in a shark attack when she was a teenager. "
441 days ago•••
Every time he comes up with an idea for something like this, it's only retroactive, making it too late for anyone to factor the availability of this "free money" into the decision of what type of degree to pursue, and where.
People who made the decision not to go to college, or to pursue an inexpensive college degree, because they thought going into debt was unwise, will receive nothing.
It's the exact wrong way to do it. If we want to help more people with college, make it fair by doing it for the generation ahead, who can still make the choice.
579 days ago•••
The principal highlighted to parents preparations for what he said may be an onslaught of media and potential controversary over trans teacher Kayla Lemieux’s return to the classroom, which included special entry and exit plans.
These will include “having students enter and exit the building using assigned doors at entry and dismissal” and “locking exterior doors during school hours, only using the front main doors during school hours” while “all students and visitors will be required to use an intercom system to enter and exit the building” and asking parents “to email or call before coming to the school if they wish to visit to speak to an employee.”
581 days ago•••
Is there a lesbian version of a Nigel?
581 days ago•••
581 days ago•••
Nigel is a specific defensive response to criticizing men, so I’d say not.
“Not My Thelma” (if it existed) would have to be a critique of relationships in general, not to how men behave in them.
582 days ago•••
I spend a lot of time wondering whether everything really has become worse over the past three or four years or if it’s just that, since the outlets I used to follow got “trans” fever and I started following new ones, I’m just hearing a more negative perspective all the time.
There’s no doubt that the whole “trans” thing is getting worse, but is everything else – the economy, our relationship with technology, crime, personal freedom in general, etc. – getting worse, too, or is it just that back when I was mostly listening to NPR, I was shielded from the negative news I now hear on Rumble, Odysee, etc.?
582 days ago•••
This isn’t enough. Teachers should not be using inaccurate pronouns for students at all.
589 days ago•••
There seems to be a conflict between arresting a girl for homophobia because she said an officer looks like a lesbian and allowing a venue owner to cancel a lesbian event for being a lesbian event, and yet these things happened in the same country, within a few days of each other.
Maybe what people are really not allowed to do is recognize that lesbians exist?
593 days ago•••
I’m trying to watch Cut the Bull without Shemeka, but my heart’s not in me.
597 days ago•••
Everyone can help keep cash alive! You might still occasionally buy something online, if you need something unique that you can’t get in your local area. Nonetheless, everyone can get in the habit of having cash on hand for use in grocery stores, restaurants, and other local businesses. It’s a very quick habit to form. Believe me, I’ve tried things like dieting, keeping my home clutter free, etc. Learning to keep cash on hand is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.