Saga Verse
Saga Verse
Absolute Literary.
676 days ago•••
676 days ago•••
678 days ago•••
678 days ago•••
Eyes of infinity. 👁️
676 days ago
676 days ago•••
Thank you 🥹
676 days ago•••
I read his biography 👏🏼
678 days ago•••
Is that your voice in the music?? Like an ang3l 🥹 Saved to my favorites! 💜
678 days ago•••
In Nefertiti? Wow, you listened. Yes, it is me singing that song ☺️
678 days ago•••
Pretty 🌸👁️
676 days ago•••
Substack CEO Chris Best Doesn’t Realize He’s Just Become The Nazi Bar by Mike Masnick. It’s important to look at this when we think about nostr. Now before you jump to say Mike’s pro-censorship, remember he wrote the very influential piece on social media: Protocols, Not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Free Speech*
Take a read, I’m curious what folks think? How do we create spaces where we can both have free speech and be able to kick the nazis out of the bar?
676 days ago•••
the tone of this is way over the top. And it clearly stems from the source being comcast owned nbc universal owned vox media owned editor in chief of the verge who frequents cnbc. We aren’t even talking about legacy new media, this source is transparently an attack piece from traditional legacy media who has successfully gas lit the escalation of this piece to headline with “NAZI!” It’s seriously wacko, and to claim that people need a safe space whilst bullying people with extremely non-serious allegations that they are tied to a modern nazi party is Hegelian double speak nonsense.
I think you genuinely want the best for nostr, but the fear approach is uncalled for. Go build a place for people to avoid the number one complain, “it’s just all ‘stack sats” and that same mechanism can help individuals avoid other things that would make their personal utopia worth trading for caring about what some irrelevant faceless person said in the global feed that probably shouldn’t exist, and doesn’t on centralized substack.
676 days ago•••
I think the primary barriers to nostr’s adoption are around getting enough momentum and experience so that people will join because they friends are here and that’s where the action is. And one major issue is that nostr is considered a bitcoiner thing. Lots of people have negative opinions about bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies in general. So to get nostr to grow, there needs a way for people to join and create communities of people who aren’t interested in bitcoin and don’t want to talk to bitcoiners.
For example, in Nos, we populate our explore tab with a bunch of npubs of people we think represent a diversity of views and communities.
676 days ago
676 days ago•••
💯 agreed
676 days ago•••
from my experience, when I explain IRL the thing many have jumped too is “what about nazi’s” and I’m a Jew we in Los Angeles and that hasn’t been an issue except for how confusing and abrasive that response is too me, and how hollow that makes the call for safe spaces.
but from what I see people commentating on their experience of nostr on ssb, mastadon or bluesky is it’s all crypto, which is fair, and it’s not commentary about zaps, and it’s not about those on the cutting edge, it’s the culture of memes and terms like pleb, no-coiner, shitcoin being used very often with not much substance, is why people recoil.
I think universe / explore tabs are the entire issue. I like the concept of themed pubs, in reality I joined the poetry pub & floss pub but all my content would have to poetry or Libre for that to actually be useful (maybe this works if the thing is to have a different repo per device, and I only note about knitting from my brother digital embroider’s repo). I think some mechanism for people to declare their interest and then jump into a group where notes have been declared to be about that topic is necessary. Nazis and Jews can knit together, and if I’m lost in the woods you bet I’m drinking from the Jerrycan despite that knitting advice coming from Nazi military technoglogy.
676 days ago•••
Idk what you all were talking about above this note but I really agree with this one. Nostr will never get widespread adoption if we don’t stop treating this as just one big orange pilling opportunity. I think the conversation is starting to diversify more but every time a new user gets here they’re hit with “set up your lightning wallet” right away. And every “introduction” website tells you about zaps before you even need to scroll down. To no coiners that’s annoying and to them probably sounds scammy. Yeah, zaps are a massive feature, but they’re just an add on to what nostr really is, and making nostr all about bitcoin is just going to get the same reaction from people that bitcoin itself does.
676 days ago•••
I see it more as, people aren’t giving the room for zaps to speak for itself, jumping in the way with meme terms and substance-less chains of content before anyone could have the time to set up a ln wallet.
676 days ago•••
Yeah, if the first time somebody knows that nostr supports lightning or bitcoin or payments is: “hey I like your stuff, can you setup a lightning wallet so I can send you something to thank you for your contribution” then it’s about adopting the technology and not the ideology or culture.
Before nostrica my nostr experience had very little mentions of plebs, no-coiner, shitcoiner, and memes with glowing red eyes. Then I decided I needed to be part of a larger discussion of folks making parts of the Nostr ecosystem… Now I’ve got lots of maximalist content which I’d rather not wade through.
676 days ago•••
I think the best approach is to get some niche relays in place and simultaneously work on clients that allow browsing these relays specifically.
In the long run we will want relays that do some kind of manual or semi-manual curation of people they allow in, but for the short term since we are so few we could just make some crazy relays as experiments, like a relay that only accepts notes that have content containing sets of 3 specific words in them; or a relay that only accepts notes from people having a key with the first hex-character being the next after the last person who posted (I'm getting crazy); or a relay with an invite policy like -- I don't know.
Once we have this idea out there and apps capable of interacting with relays like that there will be possible for groups of every kind to create relays for them, ban bitcoiners and be happy.
676 days ago•••
Focus on your own bar, and never mind what other people are doing in other bars.
It really is that simple.
You may not like that answer and think there’s some nerd knobs we can build but there’s really not - let people fragment in to their own groups and then the Nazis aren’t your problem.
676 days ago•••
Thanks for reminding me why I don’t read nonsense.
The person interviewing the Substack guy was unbearable, just playing “gotcha” games for engagement. Didn’t even bother trying to understand what the guy was saying.
Agree with the other viewpoint here, 100% open protocol, moderation on relay or client level only.
676 days ago•••
676 days ago•••
I don't think any moderation should happen at a protocol level. If Nazis and communists can use http they should be able to use nostr.
Premium relays can do moderation and users can subscribe to clean relays by choice.
Clients can have features to only show follower notes, or people within 1 degree. Perhaps have inference models to scan notes of unknown users.
Moderation needs to be done at the individual level.
676 days ago•••
New radio Quebrada by my dear friends @dor
676 days ago
676 days ago•••
Love these! 🫂
676 days ago•••
Late dinner here tonight 🤤
676 days ago•••
It’s chicken nite 4 us 2 nite!
676 days ago•••
Nice what kind?
676 days ago•••
Chicken cutlets too! - Italian breading
676 days ago•••
Yum 🤤
676 days ago•••
676 days ago•••
I love how Bitcoiners are such foodies
676 days ago•••
We eat well 😂
Bitcoiner? Me? D’aaawww you’ve made my week! 😂🫂
676 days ago•••
A ₿itcoiner holds ₿itcoin.
When we see actual value we understand what goes into longevity. Great food is good for you and rarely made outside a home.
676 days ago•••
Do love a good home cooked meal
Can also guarantee you there are plenty of amazing restaurants out there
676 days ago•••
100%. I think we are rallying against convenience food, rather than food made to order. I also dont post my kids alphagetti, bearpaw snack, apple slices, lettuce lunches not due to embarrassment rather I still have to get myself dressed and caffeinated for the day lol
676 days ago
676 days ago•••
I was eating out when I broke my foot & my cholesterol went through the roof. I’m young too.
Returned back to eating at home: all organic, olive oil only, no processed foods… & I was back to good health in no time. We do have some cheat days (roommates, family, friends).
I totally respect that you pack your children’s lunch!!! That’s some real dedication right there! I’m actually soooo excited for that day… but I won’t speak too soon LOL. That is a daily grind that has no sick days ahaha!
676 days ago•••
I needed the reminder how cool it is that i get to do do their lunch. When we are on our game dinner gets turned into next days lunches.
Our kids are good eaters so they usually pick 1/2 veggies.
I am trying to dodge hereditary heart conditions & diabetes. I think its more diet and food habits.
676 days ago•••
Food is medicine
Some Thai soups literally have a million herbs in them surely that does some good
676 days ago•••
The question is are you a cilantro soap or slap it on everything type?
676 days ago•••
Slap coriander on everything you mean?
676 days ago•••
I can get ₿ehind coriander, if i had to though chives are my main. Love a good smoked spiced paprika too.
676 days ago•••
Coriander also in a few Thai soups.
I eat anything. Just not BS.
676 days ago
676 days ago•••
Everything I eat must be non-GMO & organic.
& yes, it’s so FUN that you get to make the children’s lunch meals!!!!!
My mom had my meal down-packed. Banana smoothie for breakfast, balanced lunch, dinners ready always (between her & her sister)… it was on rotation & it was on a schedule. It was so much easier remembering: “pancake Sunday,” “fish Friday,” “spinach Tuesday,” & such. I didn’t even notice I was on a schedule but I saw that it was easy for mom.
676 days ago•••
Coriander, cumin, garam masala, cinnamon are the bomb… especially on roasted squash!
676 days ago•••
Also smoked paprika lol
676 days ago•••
Man its 11 here and I want to raid the garden and toss something under the ₿roiler. Thank you all for this
thread continues
676 days ago•••
Yeah the spice deck is not full without smoked paprika
676 days ago•••
Food is medicine indeed.
676 days ago•••
Yes convenience food is rubbish dunked in seed oils.
It actually is unfortunately! Not even a joke.
676 days ago
676 days ago•••
I only eat home-cooked & super picky about outdoors foods.
A lot of my friends, especially musicians, work at restaurants - so they are SUPER picky. Lost of great restaurants in NYC… but the freshness is lacking.
676 days ago•••
676 days ago•••
Oh yum 😋 ship some down under 😂
676 days ago•••
It’s easy!
The batter is just flour, half & half, salt and pepper; bake it for 20 minutes then cover in Buffalo (sriracha + butter + honey) then bake another 20 and cover with Parmesan
One of our favorites
677 days ago•••
677 days ago•••
Here's the trick to not using social media. I just never signed up. Now if I click that link I will have to fill in a form, install an all etc. And I am like an aloof cat when it comes to such things. Also it would mean interrupting my Coltrane session
This works well with HODLing too. Make it as hard as possible for you to spend your core Bitcoin stash.
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
P.S. if you want to escape social media, you can just go to the jungle. Like I do.
677 days ago•••
Go and Get lost there
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
Brussels ready for the Dutch oven
677 days ago•••
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
There’s more coming! Weather is great in NY so all the neighbors & I are getting ready to throw down.
677 days ago•••
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
Currently being courted by ASU, UCLA, Stanford & Cambridge. Cambridge are playing hard-to-get.
677 days ago•••
Cambridge is overrated.
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
Why is Cambridge overrated?
677 days ago•••
Coz they act like they be giving u attitude. 😆 🤣 😂
677 days ago•••
Honestly, a lot of professors at Cambridge have super elated egos. At value. They’re among the world’s most influential people in time.
But, I believe, it’s time for a new star. Specialized programs from smaller schools are far more promising.
677 days ago•••
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
The course of your life is soooooo different, when you start 2nd grade at the age of 4.
677 days ago•••
Why did you do that?
I think kids should not go to school at all tbh.
677 days ago•••
Excuse me?
677 days ago•••
2nd grade at 4 is kinda young isn't it?
677 days ago•••
Yeah, duh 🙄
677 days ago•••
3 years of freedom lost 😢
I hated school. Loathed it.
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
If there was anyone who should hate school it’s me.
I was under an insane amount of pressure to perform.
Now, I’m just chillin’ n you know what? I’m even more closer to getting a Masters.
677 days ago•••
No pressure = genuine interest. School is just cramming.
Also many kids can do it and get good grades but it doesn't mean they should. Like all this focus on STEM BS. Some kids are talented others struggle, not everyone needs to be a scientist etc imagine if John Coltrane had been forced to become an Engineer, the world would have missed out on his wonderful melodies.
677 days ago•••
677 days ago•••
Coz kids are meant to run free. Be wild. Self directed learning, curious. And up until 7 they should just play and be close to their parents. School turns them into little bankers, sitting down staying quiet etc. Ugh 🤢
And I went to a pretty chilled out school but still hated it.
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
I agree. I want to homeschool my kids.
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
Waiting for his walk
677 days ago•••
Waiting for a Godot
677 days ago•••
Caminata lunar 😇
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
I have nothing against Social Media. It has no control or semblance over my life - to me, it’s fla fla.
I make my own decisions. I sometimes use it as a tool. It isn’t a necessity.
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
Current big argument of the week:
Raishma should be an Energy Astrophysicist.
Raishma should be a PhD in Physics.
This is the part of my life no one sees or experiences.
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
“Dreams come true,” can be terrifying, at times.
677 days ago•••
677 days ago
677 days ago•••
Dinner served at 7 🥹 We’re running on time.
677 days ago•••
those potatoes tho
676 days ago•••
My potato game is 🫡
677 days ago•••
My favorite❕
676 days ago•••
Yayyy!!! I LOVE brussel sprouts too
677 days ago•••
Yearn for presence, breathless plea
If only you were here with me
To wield your essence at my behest
I ache to command your breath
677 days ago•••
Simple. Subtle. Tranquil.
677 days ago•••
the matrix will fall. the subtle breath is so powerful that it can crack the wall, believe me
677 days ago•••
677 days ago•••