Decayed Xuya
25 days ago•••
I can't help but laugh hearing so many retards parrot their retarded boomer news script that shrinking government is fascism. "B-B-B-BUT THEY WEREN'T EVEN VOTED IN!", no shit and neither were the IRS/FBI/CIA (etc) faggots who had access to all of that private information before. We don't vote for every single government employee, we never have.
Niggers need a dictionary, maybe they can learn what "liberal" means while they're at it 🙄
25 days ago•••
Demon cat coming in hot. 🔥
I ever think it was manipulative that they change the word meaning but now I feel is more of they too stupid to even know what they saying.
25 days ago•••
The vast majority are too retarded while the few that know they're peddling bullshit are grifting/cowards. When's the last time you saw someone that called themself a liberal follow the definition of it btw? Must be at least a decade for me. None of them are open to new ideas, they're among the most intolerant bigoted faggots on the planet and they live in echo chambers. They don't give freely, they don't even believe in property rights, they just want to steal money to pay for things they want.
If you're unfortunate enough to speak to one, ALWAYS get what they mean by the shit they say before you answer their questions. It's pretty much always a trap, they'll say some dumb shit and bait you to disagree so they can goalpost shift to buzzwords. Alternatively you could just pull a gun on them and mag dump, either method should work.
25 days ago•••
nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxk7ypj67axkdjy53426zm7hn9clyuqch4ugm2auqnva3cu2j4rhsz95khk yes there someone at work with me who ever argue about transgender thing and say there no real truth so perceive truth what real. that whole thinking is way to justify any stupid thing you want and make thing you hate sound awful. is like rules for you but no rules for me.
25 days ago•••
And that's the part that pissed me off, the only standards they have are double. "hurrr that's a social construct so it doesn't matter durrr", bitch social constructs are social constructs gtfo.
28 days ago•••
American bouquet
29 days ago•••
29 days ago•••
This why I am still chain to the radiator? He is out getting into trouble. :sadkot:
29 days ago•••
At some point you're going to look at your wrist and think "that actually looks pretty tasty"
29 days ago•••
I'm American now so just hamburger for me 🍔
29 days ago•••
See the joke is that you're chained to a radiator and at some point you're going to get hungry enough to chew into your own flesh to get free. 😃