Zoi und Einhorn
Austausch und Aufklärung zu ADHS und Mental Health mit Fokus auf Mädchen* und Frauen*. Psychologin und Psychotherapeutin (KiJu | VT)
Toots mostly in German, sometimes in English. DE: sie/ihr | EN: she/her
#ADHS #wissenschaft #neurodivers #psychologie
Backup-Account @zoiundeinhorn
239 days ago•••
Question for ADHD’ers:
Is anxiety a common thing to have alongside ADHD? And what do you think the reasons are behind that?
I’ve explored the link between my autistic challenges and anxiety before, but this is the first time exploring it related to ADHD. I feel like a total newbie on this!
238 days ago•••
Studies show there is a link between ADHD and anxiety, especially (but not exclusive to) in late diagnosed individuals. It seems to come from people having trouble to meet societal standards without knowing it is the ADHD that makes it so hard so they feel like something is wrong with them. Also experiencing more rejection because of ADHD paired with rejection sensitive dysphoria can lead to more social anxiety. The same goes for a higher rate of depression.
298 days ago
298 days ago•••
Facts. Why would I want to do things today, when they're already planned for tomorrow?
That's asking for 2 bad days instead of 1...😬
#ADHD #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergence #ADHDmemes #memes #meme