[garlic] mistress ashten
[garlic] mistress ashten
the cringe diary of a fedi celebrity who's been cancelled (twice!)
Do not follow or DM if you are under 18. See other boundaries at bottom of bio.
Allegedly @amie 's headmate
​:loading:​ Head Server Maid for woem.men ​:blobcatchewwire:​
​:queerpotion_polyamory_pride:​ Partners: ​:blank:​ Amie | Leah | Leebee
​:v_plural:​ Host of the Twilight Girl System: ​:blank:​ Ashten | Elizabeth | Emily ​:blank:​ Kathryn | Leebee
Verified Fedi Accounts
Disclaimer: Being mutuals with someone does not mean I share their opinions or beliefs.
Disclaimer: My views do not represent the views of my employer. Likewise, my employer's views do not represent my views.
Warning: Interacting with me may cause toxic people to shun you out of spite. /serious
Notice: Do not interact with me if you have me blocked on your end.
Notice: If you need to contact me for moderation reasons but I have you blocked, please relay your message via another woem.men moderator.
PFP Credit: Cosmix@mastodon.art