8 minutes ago•••
#meme #memestr #bitcoin #nostr #banks #hodl #stacksats #zap
27 minutes ago•••
19 minutes ago•••
Christianity is the least flawed of the major world religions.
Mahayana Buddhism is the least flawed overall, but is a dialogue rather than a religion.
1 hour ago•••
I agree with this take.
I would add that connections matter. I see many people on Nostr say that blue-checks still use Twitter mainly for audience reach. They’re addicted to the reach, and so forth.
While I do love the dunking on blue-checks overall (as a blue-check myself, it amuses me and you should keep it coming), I’d point out that it’s more than that.
When I was temporarily locked out of my 700k+ follower permissioned account on Twitter, I didn’t lose sleep over not being able to broadcast to people. I have email lists and other mechanisms for that, where it economically matters.
What I lost sleep over is that I couldn’t see my friends’ posts or DMs. The receiver side of it all.
Similarly, when people ask me why I don’t just leave Twitter and be Nostr exclusive, that’s the reason. My friends aren’t just bitcoiners; they’re also tradfi people. Twitter is where they are. Leaving that network would mean leaving friends. Would mean not seeing their content.
-Twitter is the fastest news source. I literally monitor it as part of my research process.
-Twitter is where my friends are. The tradfi community isn’t on Instagram or TikTok or Facebook. It’s on Twitter. Bitcoiners too. I’ve been open here on Nostr about dealing with isolation when my husband has had to be in Egypt longer than normal due to a construction process, and my social media life, both here and on Twitter, has been helpful for me at dealing with that. The sheer amount of people I know on Twitter, and the rapidity of responses, is really powerful.
That network effect is so strong. It’s generally not optimal to try to attack it directly.
Instead, you need to build and popularize things that can’t be done by Twitter. Zaps are the go-to example. But also using the social graph for non-social media things (ie reviews). Be a compliment to Twitter that a user also needs, rather than trying to convince a user to leave Twitter and join Nostr.
That’s how you win. How we win.
ff2f4cd7...cd15 replied 25 minutes ago
28 minutes ago•••
Bu dünyada sizi kendi düşüncelerinizden daha fazla incitebilecek hiçbir şey yoktur. Aynı zamanda bu dünyada sizi kendi düşüncelerinizden daha fazla iyileştirebilecek hiçbir şey yoktur. Geçmişe odaklanırsanız, korku ve pişmanlık sizi kontrol eder. Geleceğe odaklanırsanız, endişe sizi tüketir. Başkalarına odaklanırsanız, hayatınızı onlar dikte eder. Acıya odaklanırsanız, acı çekmeye devam edersiniz. Ders almaya odaklanırsanız, büyümeye devam edersiniz. İnsanlar zamanın en değerli varlık olduğunu düşünür ama gerçekte en değerli şey sizin dikkatinizdir. Odağınızı nereye verdiğiniz gerçekliğinizi, bilginizi ve yolunuzu şekillendirir. Zaman ne olursa olsun ilerler; ona anlam katan ise odağınızdır, dikkatinizdir. Bu yüzden onu akıllıca büyümenize yönlendirin çünkü zihniyetiniz gerçekliğinizi yaratır.
31 minutes ago•••
Ooo may be able to start my weekend early today… 3:20 and I have 15 stops left. What’s everyone planning this weekend? I’m getting a newer car tomorrow morning, hopefully make it home in time to start building our chicken coupe before podcasting tomorrow night. Then it’s supposed to rain and flurry Sunday so probably just hang out indoors editing podcast and playing with our new bitaxe.
31 minutes ago•••
Then they did the tradition of throwing the bouquet, and I took a photo with the friend who caught it:
In the end, everyone was super happy with the photos taken on this day. I hope you like them as much as we do!
#photography #photostr #art #artstr #plebs #plebchain
32 minutes ago•••
had previously agreed with the bride and groom that they would dedicate at least 30 minutes of their time to me to do a post-wedding photo session so they would have a beautiful portrait of their special day.
I started by photographing them together, and we explored different areas of the restaurant to have variety in the photos:
#photography #photostr #art #artstr #plebs #plebchain
33 minutes ago•••
Few things as addictive as raw milk.
38 minutes ago•••
🔮Block 888888 estimated late tonight 3:24am -ish West Coast USA timezone, early tomorrow morning East Coast, tomorrow midday Eurozone…
ff2f4cd7...cd15 replied 34 minutes ago
38 minutes ago•••
#winning 🏆🏅🎖️🥇
42 minutes ago•••