Lyn Alden
Lyn Alden
Founder of Lyn Alden Investment Strategy. Partner at Ego Death Capital. Finance/Engineering blended background.
22 hours ago
24 hours ago•••
Studio Ghibli image generation is a form of escapism in a world so absurd that people would rather imagine the comfort of a simulated cartoon world than the brutal photorealistic reality of suffering and chaos we live in, gm
22 hours ago•••
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
24 hours ago•••
Yup and a deep longing for softness away from the dystopian brutality of the real world
24 hours ago•••
I should rewatch Robin Wright The Congress, this movie about people escaping to a kind of VR cartoon world was sick.
24 hours ago•••
Blustery indeed. 😂
24 hours ago•••
Invest in Studio Ghibli VR filters when the hardware is ready
22 hours ago
24 hours ago•••
Studio Ghibli image generation is a form of escapism in a world so absurd that people would rather imagine the comfort of a simulated cartoon world than the brutal photorealistic reality of suffering and chaos we live in, gm
26 hours ago
26 hours ago
47 hours ago•••
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal. Step back. Zoom out. Appreciate what we have and where we are.
26 hours ago•••
Part of why I’m bullish is because I only know half of what ya’ll are doing, and it keeps getting better from that perspective.
I look for risks and dig into things, but overall like the technical trend vs what else I see out there.
26 hours ago
26 hours ago
47 hours ago•••
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal. Step back. Zoom out. Appreciate what we have and where we are.
4 hours ago•••
26 hours ago
26 hours ago
47 hours ago•••
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal. Step back. Zoom out. Appreciate what we have and where we are.
11 hours ago•••
What the fuck did nostr achieve you dumb fuck?
12 hours ago•••
26 hours ago
26 hours ago
47 hours ago•••
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal. Step back. Zoom out. Appreciate what we have and where we are.
14 hours ago•••
19 hours ago•••
26 hours ago
26 hours ago
47 hours ago•••
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal. Step back. Zoom out. Appreciate what we have and where we are.
37 hours ago•••
26 hours ago
26 hours ago
47 hours ago•••
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal. Step back. Zoom out. Appreciate what we have and where we are.
41 hours ago•••
Just the fact that people are actually using nostr is a big deal.
26 hours ago
26 hours ago
47 hours ago•••
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal. Step back. Zoom out. Appreciate what we have and where we are.
42 hours ago•••
Considering the limited time and funding, what Nostr developers have achieved is truly impressive. But that doesn’t mean the apps are flawless. They’re not. Keep pushing for excellence and creating real value. 🤙🏻💜🫂
26 hours ago
26 hours ago
47 hours ago•••
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal. Step back. Zoom out. Appreciate what we have and where we are.
42 hours ago•••
The Nostr apps available now are ALREADY beyond what I wanted from Twitter in terms of features, and it’s only just begun. It’s incredible.
34 hours ago•••
ChatGPT can’t be all that smart, since it keeps trying to show my left ear.
Also titled as, me trying and failing to be productive today.
28 hours ago
29 hours ago•••
Left ear is a Nostr exclusive
28 hours ago•••
30 hours ago
30 hours ago
33 hours ago•••
it was all worth it in the end:
3 hours ago•••
30 hours ago
30 hours ago
33 hours ago•••
it was all worth it in the end:
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
Finally have a day off from slavery and I had all these plans of things I was gonna do but here I am. nprofile1qqsw4v882mfjhq9u63j08kzyhqzqxqc8tgf740p4nxnk9jdv02u37ncpz3mhxue69uhkummnw3e8xct5wesjumn9wsq32amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwddsk6upwwd5hgegjyg485 😆
4 days ago•••
-What’s a movie from the past 25 years that hasn’t gotten enough attention in your view? Something that punches way above its weight. 😇
-The spicier question. What’s a movie from that same time period that is very popular, including kind of in your own social circle, that you think is kind of mid or overrated but it’s too awkward to say, but you’ll drop it in a Nostr comment? 😈
3 days ago•••
I appreciate all the comments on this thread. I’ll go back and reference it numerous times probably.
Hardly anyone wanted to highlight moves they think deserve a bit less hype. That’s always harder.
As a very unpopular set of views, I’ll give two of my answers that I didn’t see referenced. These aren’t my only answers, but I’m picking them for the spice.
-I think Cloud Atlas is underrated.
-I think Dark Knight is overrated.
Now, before you shoot me, I will provide an important caveat. I love Dark Knight more than Cloud Atlas. However, I think that Dark Knight is a bit overrated, and Cloud Atlas is a bit underrated.
Dark Knight is often considered close to a 10/10 whereas I’d say it’s a 9/10. I can list a ton of plot holes.
Cloud Atlas is often considered like a decent 6/10 or 7/10 where I’d say it’s an 8/10 or better. In addition to its quality as a movie, the complexity it took to change the script from a novel to a movie to make use of a movie’s advantages and disadvantages was an insanely hard challenge. They had to structurally change parts of the plot and have it still make sense.
4 days ago•••
-What’s a movie from the past 25 years that hasn’t gotten enough attention in your view? Something that punches way above its weight. 😇
-The spicier question. What’s a movie from that same time period that is very popular, including kind of in your own social circle, that you think is kind of mid or overrated but it’s too awkward to say, but you’ll drop it in a Nostr comment? 😈
3 days ago
4 days ago•••
I like sci-fi, so:
Fifth Element.
Star Wars 1-3. My generation loved the originals and wanted to love anything new so much...
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
Mad Max Fury Road is a masterpiece.
Anything Spielberg
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
I honestly believe Napoleon Dynamite is a work of genuis. Oh and from an orange pill perspective, the Big Short is great.
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
First appearance of , digitalization ever , a lot of messages in this movie
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
Underrated: The Method (2005) – It's so cool, I love it! The whole movie is just one big job interview. 🤩 😂 😎
Overrated: Avatar (2009) – It has zero story, no real characters, and it's just ideological brainwashing. It's only overhyped because of the 3D tech.
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
underrated: Breach (I'm a sucker for good drama based on real events)
overrated: Donnie Darko (I know I'm probably way in the minority here; but I think that's kind of the point)
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
V for Vendetta
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
Bicentennial Man. One of Robin Williams best starrings.
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
HIGHLY UNDERRATED Victoria (2015), two hours of 1 shot magic
Most ambitious and well executed movie of all time
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
Underrated: 28 Days later, Thirteen Lives, Locke, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri, In Bruge
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
Inside Man (2006). It’s a pretty smart and stylish heist film, but rarely gets mentioned alongside the greats — totally underrated.
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
3 days ago•••
Good heist, agreed. Very solid.
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
"Wristcutters: A Love Story" is a fantastic film that never got much love, but is absolutely worth the watch.
The film is about a character named Zia who kills himself because his girlfriend left him, only to find out people who commit suicide end up in an afterlife that's exactly like regular reality except just a little worse. He finds out from a mutual that his ex girlfriend killed herself shortly after his suicide and he sets out on a road trip to find her.
It's an awesome heart felt dark comedy. Definitely one of my favorites of all time
3 days ago•••
You know, I actually saw that.
It was more based than it sounds.
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
Sunshine movie☀️ the sun is dying and one mission to reignite it as a last ditch effort, cool sunshield ship to get there and detonate a nuke and epic scene and music score still makes the hairs on my neck stand
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
To watch: Unbreakable, Bruce Willis. Asks what is a hero, and who is a villain. I know M. Night has had some flops, but I love this movie.
The meh, Avatar. Stunning special effects, but just so preachy it makes me gag.
3 days ago•••
Unbeatable is solid.
3 days ago
3 days ago•••
3 days ago•••
3 days ago•••
I saw your post on Twitter, Lyn, where you wrote about the risks of Bitcoin. Since I don’t use Twitter myself, I’m writing here instead. I’m also curious—what do you personally see as the main risks? ———— When it comes to price, Bitcoin may be difficult for people to intuitively accept, since it represents a purely abstract form of monetary premium—something that only a small minority might truly grasp, while the majority may never fully understand it.
On a more fundamental and structural level, isn’t it possible that the network could have split into multiple chains, with no single chain receiving overwhelming support like the current one?
3 days ago•••
I started that thread after having a recent update on quantum threats, which put quantum near the top of my list.
3 days ago•••
Sorry, I meant to post this under a different thread—I’m still not very familiar with how things work here.
4 days ago•••
Edge of Tomorrow
4 days ago•••
Quite good.
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
Underrated: The Grindhouse double feature. It’s really gotta be watched as a package deal with the fake trailers to work.
4 days ago•••
Fun fact: I literally watched that in the theater. I didn’t like it too much (didn’t hate it either), but my college friends dragged me to it, and now I get to say I was there.
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
4 days ago•••
My husband loves that one.
4 days ago•••
A movie that lives up to its genre, a classic
4 days ago•••
Joint Security Area is good too.
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
Event Horizon comes to mind...
4 days ago•••
I like the wormhole explanation... Nolan liked it too 😅
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
Fight Club
3 days ago•••
I would agree except I feel Fight Club got a lot of notoriety and wouldn’t say it’s “underrated.” One of my favorite films though, I did 3 different film analysis projects on it from 3 completely different angles through film school 😂
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
Underrated: King Arthur - legend of the sword, kingsman #1, Tenet
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
i curate a movie, i watch it, i take lessons and move on
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
1st question: The Fountain 2nd question: Deja Vu
4 days ago•••
I’m one of the rare ones that really enjoyed Mother! (another Arronofsky that was almost universally panned).
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
12 Angry Men was a great movie, and the newer remake in the 90’s. Those need more attention to help draw attention to being proper jurors.. as in nullification as well!
Lots of movies are overblown.. seriously.. Fast & Furious and those like it.
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
The Fountain, an amazing SciFi Romance meditation on life and death. Highly underrated. Darren Aronofsky's greatest IMHO.
Overrated? Interstellar. I fell asleep.
4 days ago•••
Interstellar was terrible. My wife and I almost couldn't finish it. I'm willing to give it another tey though, sometimes things change
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
My wife and I particularly love 'meet joe black' and nobody ever talks about it
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
underrated: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
God Bless America, a sick (but entertaining) satire by Bobcat Goldthwait. Kingdom of Heaven, for schlocky Hollywood at its best. Springbreakers a lewd and trashy crime flick with James Franco in an excellent role.
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
Volcano high. The original or the insane dubbed one with us celebs
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
I didn’t think Mad Max was that great, Moon with Sam Rockwell is a pretty good under the radar thriller
2 days ago•••
Ouch. Good luck with the recovery!
Check this note for a ton of good movies.
4 days ago•••
-What’s a movie from the past 25 years that hasn’t gotten enough attention in your view? Something that punches way above its weight. 😇
-The spicier question. What’s a movie from that same time period that is very popular, including kind of in your own social circle, that you think is kind of mid or overrated but it’s too awkward to say, but you’ll drop it in a Nostr comment? 😈
3 days ago•••
All David Lynch movies are underrated:
3 days ago•••
3 days ago•••
Underrated: Sunshine
Seemed like some dumb “restart the sun” story like The Core (released same time too). Couldn’t be farther from the truth. It was the story of a team struggling with a one way mission and the weight of all life hanging in the balance.
Overrated: Mulholland Drive
Lynch is just a moron who makes stuff that’s purposefully incomprehensible and then says people are too stupid to understand him. 🤣
4 days ago•••
Overrated Movie - Twilight Saga... 🤣🤣🤣
4 days ago•••
Hunger games...
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
When I’m not fighting I love to be around animals
4 days ago•••
Horses are the best!
4 days ago
4 days ago•••
This is what it’s like to have followers online
4 days ago•••
People followed me for finance, and now I just like to post about fiction writing.
4 days ago•••
there’s times when i post no memes
i instead hit em with the most random new hobby i picked up over the weekend
4 days ago•••
4 days ago•••
I find the nation state and corporate treasury adoption story pretty boring.
It’s not because I disagree with it. Once a liquid asset reaches this scale, it’s natural for larger entities to want to own it.
A lot of people actively don’t want those big entities to buy it, which I think is kind of delusional since it’s a permissionless asset. Those anti-treasurers don’t find it boring; it’s their new thing to argue against.
And yet at the same time I have little interest in talking about them buying it. Yes, I think more of them will over time.
So I just find the topic boring. Neither for or against. Would rather focus on other uses of bitcoin.
4 days ago•••
I’m of the understanding that all the worlds currencies collapse into bitcoin therefore any nation state that wanted a good/service to be to be produced or performed for that state they will have to pay in bitcoin. So if you want your country to have things they gonna need Bitcoin, unless of course you also believe that the nation states all disappear with their currencies and we have one peaceful world without borders.
4 days ago•••