Normies want and need the state. The state wants and needs normies. We're unlikely to break this relationship. In that case a Bitcoin friendly state is far superior to a hostile one. Obviously.
Soooo what happens when the government claims anyone who self custody their #Bitcoin is an economic terrorist and come after hodlers. The government now has an incentive to go after Bitcoiners… be careful what you wish for…
My husband has a scar from a machete strike that he got in the streets of Cairo as a teenager. And he won that fight.
His myriad intellectual and managerial achievements in the subsequent years aside, I only accept criticisms of how he leans or poses in photos from those who can present similar levels of badassary.
(I’m kind of joking, but also not really. My main point is that commenting on who leans toward who in a random photo is cringe, without knowing the context.)
I' preferred to read the yellow pages than "One Hundred Years of Solitude", for example. Our teacher didn't used the official materials, which in theory was good because "official" here equals "bad". His method made any assignment pure pain. You had to deduce what he wanted to hear (not learn) this year and if you weren't a seer/mind reader/etc., no good grades for you. Next!
None of us was, so, imagine our academic numbers.
On a test, I answered everything using "The Dark Knight Returns" instead of "Don Quixote", just to make him angry as angry as I was. It worked…>=)