Discovering Bitcoin 🔶👀/58 days ago/
33 minutes ago•••
⚡️🎙️NEW - Michael Saylor at the Presidio Bitcoin launch.
Michael talks about presenting to the Saudi Aramco chairman, who also manages the nation's $800b sovereign wealth fund, as well as to "150 other random billionaires". https://m.primal.net/PiPp.mov
guythatsits replied just now
22 minutes ago•••
Sunday Nostr got wild while I was gone 😂 Y'all crazy 🤣
Ryan replied just now
27 minutes ago•••
⚡️🗣️ Wolff: "Certainly 80, 90, probably 100 hours I have of Epstein on tape. We spent a lot of time talking about Donald Trump and Epstein’s relationship with him, which went on for a good 15 years and was incredibly close—they were each other’s closest friend for a very long time." https://m.primal.net/PiQC.mov
guythatsits replied just now
4 hours ago•••
I wasn't aware media analytics was a feature of nostr.build. Cool. Thanks nprofile1qqsgutaplle37z2p9qd60rcaz82pr2j9ew2e06dzezgdft4sj57p7qcpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwwpexjmtpdshxuet5qyv8wumn8ghj7un9d3shjvewvfkx7emnw3ezuctswqx62fa3 & nprofile1qqsglv2qkn5dmmuhee9cy8fywfu2rfp4xd3xy0myqg2gfvmjl9yqqrqpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejszrthwden5te0dehhxtnvdakqzxrhwden5te0wfjkccte9eekummjwsh8xmmrd9skc765vym
The Fishcake🐶🐾 replied 1 minute ago
2 minutes ago•••
23 sats received! Feed our hungry goats with 1135 sats! Goat milk is consumed more widely than cow's milk in many parts of the world, valued for its digestibility and nutritional profile.
1 hour ago•••
It had been a while since I engaged with this hater.
Last time I did he argued bitcoin can’t be used to buy a coffee. Now he says nostr is dead… 🤦🏻‍♀️
Carla 🧡⚡️ replied 3 minutes ago
3 minutes ago•••
I always get the hot hot sauce at chipotle
I always regret it, too
2 hours ago•••
#meme #memes #memestr #Bitcoin #BTC #Nostr #V4V #v4v #plebchain And stealing meme contests based on community likes/zaps/boosts
Hodl Harry replied 3 minutes ago
4 hours ago•••
costco selling tallow seems like a societal turning point
Dr. Jeff Ross replied 3 minutes ago
1 hour ago•••
Gm…from where I would rather be 😢💜🫂
The Marie 🦂⚡️ replied 4 minutes ago
17 minutes ago•••
FLASH⚡️ replied 4 minutes ago
1 hour ago•••
Day 16/31 Four hours building 4 garden beds. Walked about 6 miles in the process and the watch says I burned 800 calories but who knows. #31days
cuban replied 5 minutes ago
1 hour ago•••
So I’m going live in cnn in an hour, at 6:45pm ET. I’ve been prepping but we’ll see how it goes. Someone record it please:)
daniel replied 6 minutes ago
18 minutes ago•••
I’m down to have my mind changed but I want to say how I currently feel.
I like “likes.” I don’t like “likes” for me and I don’t hate “likes” on my posts but I like to “like” others posts on social media. I use it as my way of saying, “I see you” “I see your post.”
I like zaps. Zaps are beautiful but I still like liking posts. I don’t expect zaps on every one of my posts but it’s nice to know that I’m not saying something into the void. I try to extend that to others.
The Marie 🦂⚡️ replied 9 minutes ago
9 minutes ago•••
You look so good @rabble 🥹💚 Happy, healthy, colorful bookcase, Banksy, smiles - just 12/10!
rabble replied 9 minutes ago
37 minutes ago•••
I saw a few posts here dunking on Dan for his anti-Nostr posts on Twitter/X.
I'm grateful for them. Happy to treat it as a marketing/education opportunity. If life gives you lemons, see if there's a way to make lemonade.
QW #40GMW☕️ replied 10 minutes ago
17 minutes ago•••
There is so much going on at the homestead right now. I'm having trouble finding the time to put together thoughtful notes. Maybe I need to go more left bell curve and do more live-note style noting. It's like endless cool shit, I don't know how I managed to find my way into such a lifestyle.
I'll just take a quick picture and note it because I'm like weeks behind on what's been going on at this point and as the season heats up I imagine it's only going to get more interesting around here. I'm bullish!
QW #40GMW☕️ replied 10 minutes ago
10 minutes ago•••
Say what you will about nostr, but it’s always here when I need it.
I’d love to see more adopt it. And I think it will grow out of necessity. I also discuss criticisms openly.
But if 30,000 find it useful and can speak their minds freely and own their communications and ID, that’s something. It’s huge, actually.
37 minutes ago•••
I saw a few posts here dunking on Dan for his anti-Nostr posts on Twitter/X.
I'm grateful for them. Happy to treat it as a marketing/education opportunity. If life gives you lemons, see if there's a way to make lemonade.
30 minutes ago•••
The Marie 🦂⚡️ replied 12 minutes ago
58 days ago•••
Steve Irwin Rulz🤘